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Everything posted by maestermatt

  1. i agree i cried at that for real so this song means alot to me
  2. phastasy star 4 was the first game i got so attached to when alys died i cried so this song means something to me.
  3. when you hear this song it's code for PARTY OVER HERE!!!
  4. this is one of my fav songs in the game so i like this version better
  5. if you notice he acutlly got the theme from the a nightmare before christmas theme which is good to so i like it
  6. This is a good song for the late afternoon when it is like red out like in the japanese anime it is one of the songs on the site that relaxs me keep it up.
  7. it reminds me of my old friend boco me and him use to run and play all day with the young moogles and chocobos keep up these songs kupo
  8. it makes me all warm and tingly inside. i would play this song for xmas if i have company over. or for the heck of it i will listen to it even if it is not xmas.
  9. klutz should change his name to klutz the great at the begining there should someone singing the long and winding road but still it is an awsome song keep it up klutz the great
  10. shessh it is good. it is one of those kind of songs that is sad that someone died. but some how you know they are in a happy place now. keep these kind of songs coming.
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