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Everything posted by FlagshipAmadeus

  1. At least not that we know of....
  2. SOUL'd OUT. Is my favorite. I love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjLgB0lWO1o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2PC6u5XBBM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIGL9708eD8 they have some really great instrumental tracks too like "Master's Groove"
  3. the holiday event is extending until the 9th
  4. Goin to a big Halloween party at a club, probably dressed as a Japanese baseball player but really I have no finalized idea as to what I will be
  5. I had a dream I was trying to drink a glass of water but I couldn't because I had hooves and by the time they evolved into hands the glass had turned into mud and was too mushy to pick up
  6. Silver was by far my favorite of all the Pokemon games so I am definitely excited for this Even though I don't have a DS.......
  7. When I stay up all night, by morning I can taste the deprivation in my mouth... it tastes poisonous. Also I too have gotten sleep paralysis once in a while, but not in the last year or so for some reason. Usually it was that I would wake up but I couldn't move any muscles, not even open my eyes, and after what was probably only a few seconds but felt much much longer because it's kind of terrifying, I would be able to force my arm to move a tiny bit and then regain control of my body.
  8. my dreams are usually something like I am wandering around a rocky desert with a friend, and there are people sitting against the rocks but not doing anything except different tones are coming from their bodies and so we two are going from person to person with a tape recorder trying to find the one that makes the best sound
  9. I think all three Halo games are a lot of fun, but wear out pretty fast and have little replay value after I've played through the campaign and dabbled around online. I do think the campaign of the first and third were well made though.
  10. To me a hardcore gamer is someone who plays games on purpose (i.e. not just to pass the time while on the bus), spending a lot of time playing the games they play, as compared to a casual gamer who plays Rock Band with the guys, or plays Wii Bowling when the grandkids come over. I'd almost say hardcore gamers try while casual gamers don't, as I've seen people who literally don't even play the game, they just go through the motions to pass the time for an hour or so.
  11. Does this mean Timesplitters 4 will get finished That would be nice
  12. Now if they made another Majora's Mask sort of game with Twilight Princess sort of graphics, that would really be something....
  13. That looks terrible but I'm sure it will be a great game and prove me wrong
  14. Fair enough
  15. He's all like "the most popular song in 5/4 time is a well known song called Take Five" or whatever but unless I am mistaken, isn't the Mission Impossible theme song in 5/4 I am pretty sure that is a better known song
  16. This is something I attempted to articulate but completely failed at, thank you
  17. Well, I've been playing the piano for twelve years and started experimenting with recording my own compositions about four years ago, and I have yet to produce anything I consider officially totally finished, so either I am not so good which is bad, or have high standards which is good.... someday I will be done with a song. Someday....
  18. My favorite part of The Brave Little Toaster is the part in the junkyard when all the cars sing Also I think Pom Poko (by Studio Ghibli so you can't go wrong) might be the best animated film I've ever seen, not only is it an astoundingly good movie but it takes advantage of the animated medium in such a more extensive and integral way than any other cartoon I can think of
  19. I respect that many (most?) people have the integrity to pay for every single thing they ever use, I really do, but I don't think it's at all fair to decree that anyone who downloads something for free did so purely because they are lazy and immature. Not everyone who has pirated a program is a rampant downloader who wants teh warez. If I want to play around with a program and then forget about it, that usage isn't worth several hundred dollars, and yes in black and white terms it's wrong, but the infraction is so morally minor in my perception that I don't think it's something worth getting your panties in a twist over. I wouldn't be surprised if Leonardo DaVinci stole his first paints
  20. Why are you so grumpy zircon we are just explaining our actions
  21. But I don't want to just get by, I want to make my pictures the best they can be, I want to make them bewtifullll OK actually I have no idea how to use photoshop but my point still stands I think
  22. I find that usually (but not always!) free alternatives are not even close to as powerful of programs, or don't use the format that the class program uses. Also, if you already have a student right or whatever to be using the program, what difference does it really make between in the lab or at home?? Anyways, I just now ordered a CD that I would never have even known existed had I not downloaded three of the songs from it first... whoa I guess that piracy did some good after all
  23. This is exactly my reasoning as well
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