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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I'll be missing it after all. Stupid pay periods.
  2. That Black Eyed Peas song was brainwashing. Today's music is all about swagger, which can only be good to a degree. Guess it's time for me to step into the scene with true music, rhythm and lyricism. Auto-tune is starting to get on my nerves because it's a machine, not a voice. Nothing can properly emulate the voice.
  3. "Why, why? Tell 'em that it's Human Nature".
  4. When I have time I'll participate; I need to improve.
  5. Well, I've got the hee-hee down, but it breaks in the high falsetto range. I can't stand on my toes very long, maybe a second or two. Edit: OMG X-Men! Michael Jackson had X-Men games! OMG! N64! Tekken! Pac-Man! Mortal Kombat!
  6. I think MVC2 was a bit more stable than thge first, but it was still a bitch. However, I became good at it after the first few plays. Dreamcast, such an underrated-yet-badass system. I shall be deveoping ideas today.
  7. I was also a moonwalk kid, though my brothers were so much better. I was always a minimal dancer; pulling it off but not being great. Hm, I can do some dancing but I am not much on the street styles. I'm certain that I'd never be on Mike's level. The writing? I may be able to level with that, but despite my high falsetto, I can't hee-hee for shit and I know that I'll never be the dancer he is. One thing about him that I share in common very strongly: diversity. I loved how he didn't give a fuck about haters because he was Bad; a Smooth Criminal, but on the other hand, he was the same man who told you to "Beat It"; the same one who asked "Why" in Human Nature; the same one who acknowledged hidden love in "Just Good Friends"; the amazing star who sang on the Soundtrack of Free Willy... He was the Man. He hee-hee'd, ow'd, permed his hair, thrusted his crotch, was shy and spoke with a soft voice, but he was still manlier than you!
  8. It's a maybe for me. I might be getting paid and stuff.
  9. Did it seem sad or dreadful, or was everything lax?
  10. I was playing his songs @ work when he died. I take that as a sign, but not in a selfish way. I take it as if he passed the baton down to me. That's on a personal level. It keeps occurring to me that I won't meet Michael Jackson. I'll get over it but it's really sad. I won't be doing anything except making music and drawing pictures tomorrow (plus work).
  11. Quincy Jones was that snap; he was the discoverer of Fresh Prince and one of MJ's main producers.
  12. I knew it, I knew it!!!!! Moonwalker COMPLETE VERSION. No one can fool me. Don't even say that in a thread about a natural singer. Well, he was a part of his own production, but of course he didn't do it all by himself. People said that he was a genius.
  13. Someone sent me this when I asked about MJ: http://ismichaeljacksonalive.com/ Heh, lemme learn the vocals.
  15. I'm not believing it so far. A lot of sites are getting the rumor from an original: TMZ It's starting to sound true.
  16. Ah, thread moved to my surprise. Good thinking, Darkesword.
  17. I thought it was tight myself. Takes skills to switch arrangements like that.
  18. A girl playing Zelda songs on an Ocarina. She wins. Edit: you can even send her requests for any game!
  19. Spiderman 90s version Dragon Ball Z- Rock the Dragon
  20. I don't think it's dead (I don't think) but I had some horrible interferences. Also, the site got closed temporarily. It was such a good idea.
  21. I'm all for vocals, man. I can show what I can do as well if anyone requests a low baritone.
  22. Yah, I felt so stupid when I looke dit up because my hypothesis was unlikely.
  23. I have a hypothesis for how Cthulu (or whomever) came to existence: it probably took each letter of that word, found a monster that has the first name of that particular letter, combined those monsters and VOILA! But... I don't see monsters being fused in this monster that fit the letters of that acronym that I can think of, nor do I care that much b/c I'm lazy. But, if that were so, it would have to be programmed in such a way that would respond to that situation with that much accuracy, randomness, and yet enough logical predictability. This makes no sense. This game is really the Devil disguised in the form of a written code. Hey man, let's go save the world, dude, fo rizzal!
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