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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. Ah, thanks, man. Yeah, I made a mistake, this should be in Remixing or something.
  2. Yeah, IRC's being blocked.

  3. Still here @ campus. Sorry, multitasking.

  4. Naw, how do I do that (I'm smart, I can find out, but why waste energy when I can ask?)

  5. Crap, firewall is blocking me. I need to get a new PC soon.

  6. Oh, ok, I'm on IRC now.

  7. Aw great, am I unable to start a username on mIRC? I have to buy it, which I don't mind but I can't right now.

  8. I shall contribute. I did last year and missed out this year since my life has FALLEN APAAAAART!
  9. Yes, I did (I hardly ever miss church). The sermon was about favor. This has been preached for the last three weeks, which is a good thing b/c people will remember.

    I just installed mIRC on my external HD so I should be making an account.

  10. BTW, no problem, I don't mind doing favors.

  11. Ah, I see, it's your turn to clean.

    Just @ school chillin' semester's almost over, no work.

  12. Not on here, but I don't think my school restricts it since I can use MSN, AOL or WLive freely.

  13. No vids or LJ for now. I'm not highly skilled @ playing it but I can tell that I have the nature of a guitar player after a few tries. I have a guitar book from school for learning chords and whatnot. Squier Affinity Black, supposedly a "beginner's guitar", but heh, it's not like I never, ever played a guitar before. I bought it because that's what I can afford for now. I would have preferred an American-made brand, but I don't have hundreds of dollars nor a bigtime band or anything. I need to get a Guitar Pedal for that lustful distortion + all of the other lovely effects (wah, reverb, chorus, everything else including non-guitar FX). I didn't buy an amp (but I probably still will) because I have an interface that has an AC port for a 9V 500 mA positive center plug. Don't think that I'll need a tuner b/c I can use my keyboard for the sequence E A D G B E. Digital meets analog baby. Good thing I got it, now I can record riffs and more to the PC. Not just for the guitar, but in general, I am considering compression and EQ tools, like... a compressor or a mixer. I am doing my research, but I do trust the word of mouth since the user is 9-times-of-10 no bull.
  14. What's going on?

  15. I prefer VGM more than 95% of mainstream garbage. VGM is more liberal than the mainstream, giving more room to various styles and freedom of expression. It's different with contemporary; money has to be made.
  16. IMHO, I believe that social networks are a problem when they are used as a PRIMARY source of communication; a means based on either irresponsibility (too superficial to truly connect with others) or escapism (can't connect with others properly IRL because of technical dependence). Myspace is annoying in my opinion. I have a music page and I do my music thing. BAM, that's it, no other strings attached. I spend my time networking with those who also want to take the time to listen to music because it's good, not because it's popular. I think that's the issue concerning music and myspace: a person can't do too much if they sit on myspace and expect automatic results; it doesn't work. Even over the protocol, true communication fueled by passion is the way to go. With that, it then becomes a priority to connect with people and network in real life, then leaving them with a source for checking out your works.
  17. Very interested, although I may not make it. Maybe I would, who knows. I could think of something.
  18. Wow, that was cool (below).

  19. If anyone wants to play me, I might be on @ 10 PM Eastern time today and tomorrow. The code's in my sig (duh).
  20. Yup, that's bad N64 graphics for ya. I thought the same thing. AHAHAHA! I noticed that too. You people keep READING MY MIND! Btw, that song is tight. AHAHAHAHAHA! 1. Sounds weird, but the prostitutes in SOR3 look good when they're dead. I can't find any immediate footage but the dance level is a good example. 2. Bumper Balls? 3. Crane game (no decent pics): they appear to be humping. 4.BTDD:
  21. Mr. riviera, everything you do is hot thus I'm willing to listen to it. JPOP? i do like some, + I'm closeted about it.
  22. I can't beat Arek in a fair match. I got a bullshit win on lag but anyone can do that. Still haven't played any of you guys. I'm not on as much anymore, but try me tomorrow or Friday @ 10pm eastern time.
  23. I didn't show? Huh? Oh, I was late, I'm guessing. Heh, forgot to turn on my router before starting the system.

    Well, Idk why my Wifi was beginning to suck. It's gotta' be the Wii, like everyone says. Also, my speed may be 3Mbps, but that shouldn't be a problem since yours is the same, as aforementioned.

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