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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. OMG, Deja Vu, unless someone else asked that question or I was thinking it.
  2. Same here. I might try to find one tomorrow, if possible. LOL! Idk, ask the dude who owns the group, or maybe I shall.
  3. Click here to learn about an upcoming tournament. Not spam, I swear unto you.
  4. I think certain types of hiphop, such as East Coast (which was, btw, the first area to have hiphop) were influenced by jazz, but it wasn't exactly a derivative of jazz. I hate how people believe that when they have good melodies, they're sacrificing the groove. The melody is part of the groove!
  5. All I would have to do is throw some well-arranged gangsta beat on this and all of the hood children would love me. I would dethrone Soulja Boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLwZ9sDbDyk Oh God, that intro, the strings, the timing of when the beat jumps in and those lyrics. Play this in a rave and everyone will dance, I guarantee it.
  6. LOL, I really was playing Rocket Knights a few hours ago!
  7. ^I checked the link and the music/rap was so funny. I added it ASAP.
  8. Someone may have named a few, but anyway: if they can redo Mario 3 without ruining it, cool. Same with a lot of the Sonic classics, Castlevania, and Chrono Trigger. I could think of more, but I need to get back to my music. Edit: a Mario 64 revamp would be fantastic, or perhaps one of the Sonics, even if it's adventure. 2-player co-op on Adventure mode!? Almost as good as the female orgasm.
  9. There Will Be Brawl was pretty funny. It might be a while before they develop anything else.
  10. I thought that my extras were better than the actual levels, but hey, no problem.
  11. SMW is epic, Zeal, don't give me that crap, lol. Yeah, you've got us beat. Really, I used to think that my first system was a Nintendo 64 or an original Gameboy, but really, I know that my first was something like Calecovision. You know, one of those rare things. I was pretty young back then, I don't remember.
  12. After reading The Damned's graph, the graph shows us that the makers of the Zelda games are true creators, unlike Sega; they aren't pressured by the fan hype. They make enough money to last them for the next few years as they make their predestined releases.
  13. Chrono Trigger, Zelda, Castlevania, and both Mario/Sonic before 2002. Edit: Marvel vs Capcom, Spiderman, some other stuff.
  14. This is exactly what I've been looking for in hiphop, man. When I listened to it the first time, I didn't appreciate it because I was dying of tiredness, but even then I knew that the music was good. The second time it stole me. I notice that it's best enjoyed when you do two things: 1. Don't focus too hard on the music, just let it be subtle; 2. Play this on a beach with your friends and a bunch of hot women. I can't do number two right now because I'm stuck in Michigan with a bunch of college students.
  15. Wow, bad controls as usual. Can't they see? Conclusion: Sega's targeting kids because they don't care.
  16. Virtual Metroid... boxing... NBA games will actually be fun! But the Wiimote? I have mixed feelings about it. Depends on the game, I'd say.
  17. I can do it, I don't have too much to do before the semester. PM me whatever lines you need me to do.
  18. Question: Has anyone here ever played "Secret of the Rings"? I've seen youtube vids, never played it. From what I see, it doesn't suck, but the only reason why I wouldn't get too into it is because it isn't as interactive, though I think it's a good idea that it's a straightforward speed game. It's definitely more geared to kids. @ Sengin: Probably because of Mario 64's graphic simplicity. The mechanics of the other two probably needed a little more response/accuracy/whatever. Sunshine and Galaxy may have things that Mario 64 don't, but altogether, Mario 64 continues to be one of my favorite Mario games. @ Xenon Odyssey: Naw, I wouldn't say that. I never played it enough; just the demo. The controls were iffy then, and I never got a chance to play it since, so I can't judge. @ The Pezman: Sonic was one of the best pastimes of my childhood as well. Some people thought that I was a dork, but I just held on, playing those stages, whooping those enemies. I played the first Sonic game years after it came out (I was born around the time it was released). The comics were fantastic back in the later 90s; the first time I owned a Sonic comic was on Christmas '99: issue #79. I still have comic #s 39 and 87 plus a Super Special of Mecha Sonic vs Mecha Knuckles. If you never read it, get it. Then there's one comic from last year, decent, but not beating the pre-100 series. I never owned a Knuckles comic, but I have read them. They were more serious than Sonic's, which drew me in, but I never got a chance to purchase one. I was a kid, I had my limits. Heh, I drew scenes from the Sonic comics and showed them to my 6th grade classmates. Some people thought it was cool, others didn't. I must have been 11 at the time. The first Sonic games that I actually owned, excluding emulators, were both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Certain things are better about 1 while others are better about 2. I would say that it's really about opinion between the two. They both make Sonic Heroes look half-assed. Almost everyone I knew was happy with Sonic's new style. Even for non-gamers, Sonic Adventure was a REVOLUTION; a new standard for gaming. The comics were kickass during the pre/early bimilliennial years and no one would argue because (at the time) they were the artistic truth. The first issue I received on Christmas was the beginning of the Sonic Adventure adaptation. I knew about the SA2 adaptation, but I never got a chance to read it. Issue 100? Ah, I guess it wasn't so bad to me, but not that good. Arachnis perished, Tails and Sonic fought Kodos (the culprit), who was finally killed by Sally when she went psycho with her sword. After 100, most of it went to hell for the next few years. I felt the exact same way. It was so cheap, just... cheap. One moment, you hear that you can use Sonic, Tails and Knuckles at once, specifically in terms of alternation. TIGHT! Next moment, you play it and get a headache from the bad music. Oh, and the group specials, the group specials... only Team Dark's was cool IMO. The ideas were amazing but the way the stages were put together was so annoying! Especially the second world, ugh... how long did it take Sega to do this? One moment of fail cost the whole reputation of Sonic. Didn't I already mentioned how Sega lame-ified Metal Sonic? I didn't think that they could. Then, when they gave Shadow guns and motorcycles, it was obvious that they were trying to save their reputation. Okay, go gangster, but what good does going gangster do if the controls suck and you go mach speed in half a second? Maybe they should take a break.Edit: this has got to be the funniest mockery of anything Sonic-related I've ever seen.
  19. I have a couple beats that I'm not using, but I'd like to drop a verse too. Thing is, I need to make my vocals sound better. My equipment: Fast Track Pro from M-Audio and AKG 220 Perception Cardioid Mic. It may just be my shitty, Vista-plagued Realtek default sound card. Need a new one anyway!
  20. Preach it now, brotha' (even though I like S3&K more than StH2). I have yet to play it. Personally, I liked Knuckles/Rouge's stages (the SA2 Knuckles/Rouge stages put the SA1 Knuckles stages in the dust), but I know that it's NOT something that everyone will like. As for Mad Space, I did beat it in an instant, but it was still quite... maddening. Stages like that give people headaches, regardless of the player's skill level.Sonic and Shadow had great stages, that I would agree with. Some of them may have been crappy. Tails and Eggman? Hm... some of the stages were cool (Cosmic Wall was the ultimate stage between the two, and that goes for 2P mode as well; Weapons Bed was also made of win because of the sitting ducks! Perfects every ten seconds!). I'm not sure about Tails stages, I'll have to play the game again. I would say Hidden Base (the music), but that stage can be annoying too.
  21. A goal for everyone to set: GIT NOO CAMERAZZZ!
  22. Sonic Adventure was revolutionary, but you know, the story wouldn't have suffered a bit if they took out Big. He is just slow and pathetic; a huge disgrace to anything Sonic-related. I'm understanding Nekofrog's opinion, but regardless, I loved S3&K. I'll never forget the similarities between Michael Jackson and Sonic 3 music. WHAT!? Heh, well, Knuckles did have those hilarious wannabe raps, but the music was slamming! It actually beats what's left of hiphop. Oh, and Rouge's music was outstanding (though annoying at times). Jazz vibes with improvisation! Well, heh, guess it's not your type. Right on, but they messed up with their shitty 2P mode. Especially Chaos, he was chaos. The only things that impressed me about Sonic Heroes was: The sequence of the levels (even when the levels sucked). I hated the gameplay, but I liked the vibe of Hang Castle. Team Dark, Espio and Knuckles. Everyone else was lame. Egg Emperor To add, three reasons why Sonic Heroes failed to save Sonic's reputation: Any team or team attack apart from Team Dark, especially Team Rose. Cream: why don't we go up? Um, no fucking shit. I would give the Chaotix team some credit, but... Charmy's high voice? Vector's stupidity? Dangerous bubblegum? Chaotic singing? Go to hell. Wack ass battles. You know, the pathetic enemies and the pointless team-on-team super-ghetto hood-reppin' gang fights. Big the Cat. Yes, I said it. Bonus answers: WTF? Abysmal stages? What a way to make a challenge! <(Cheap) They fucked Metal Sonic over. He was badass until this Metal Overlord shit. Oh, and why couldn't Tails and Knuckles be super? The ending was worse than the beginning. [/anti-fan-ism] Still, Sonic's latter games weren't Sega's worst mistakes... Epic Fail. This was Sega's worse mistake ever. I never even played Sonic R and that's irrefutable.
  23. Fine with me. Check me out @ my myspace music page.
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