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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. On a plate, I suppose.

  2. Super-late reply but yes, I see. Same here, I get it as close as possible before quantization. I don't even like quantization; hurts my rhythmical ego, but I need it and would be crying if I didn't have it.

    As for singing, recently I haven't recorded, but when I did I didn't find myself re-recording much.

    BTW, I never knew that you replied, so the way to reply is by clicking "View Conversation" and THEN replying in the box. That way I'll get a notice. HAHAHA!


  3. Best tracks: 4, 5, 15 (need to hear it again), 19
  4. I am seriously considering going. I have Melee, four controllers (you guys bring some in case something goes wrong, which I doubt) and perhaps some more GCN games. I shall bring food too, not exactly sure what to bring. Whatever comes to mind. My only issue is finding out the best way to travel from Kalamazoo, MI to Raleigh, NC. Airplane I guess, better check the costs.
  5. I didn't see Dragonball, but I have a feeling that because of the previews that it didn't suck as bad as Some Dumb Cunt Playing Chun-Li in a Bad POS Portrayal of a Game Called Street Fighter. Let me see how they are going to shoot down KOF.
  6. Considering that I no longer have Brawl, I am sure that I suck at Brawl+, although I play Melee every other blue moon.
  7. Hahaha! Better than crabs!

  8. OMG REELISTIK! Pfft. I guess they didn't want players to rely on running as a crutch but no one trips that often. It didn't make the game any more interesting or enjoyable; it made it suck. Banana peelings blow enough ass whether you're walking or running so WTF? I'm a calm person but that shit gives me gamer's rage. Causeless negative instances without any source = fail.
  9. Foremost, music. Fighting games of all sorts got me into martial arts; Sonic got me into running; Jet Grind Radio/JSRF got me into graffiti art and rollerblading; Tony Hawk makes me want to skateboard but I haven't learned yet; more I can't recall.
  10. Hey, Doulifee, I am more familiar with PSP than Photoshop, so what's the method used to select and copy the area and pasting it into another picture? I've got the selection but this damn program, the methods/terminology are a bit different.

    I could figure it out but I might as well ask.

  11. Sonic (Green Hill Zone, rails). Tony Hawk too sometimes.
  12. Green Hills + Rails = hey man, let's go save the world, dude, fa rizzle!
  13. No prob, although I did that like, days ago or more. You're welcome any time.

  14. As I walk through the forest while the wind sings to me throughout time...
  15. I know that it's a tangent, but my Seagate of 250GB died on me if I am not mistaken.
  16. Stereotyping is still predominant but equality/neutrality has arisen. However, we must remember not to mistake difference or role-play for inequality. Truth you speak, however, those Gerudo women... OWAIT they're all badasses who protect themselves! Never mind, although they are all bodaciously curvaceous with weird features.
  17. I have GCN controllers, can't find Melee but I really want to play it. I would LOVE to bring a girl, not sure if I can. I'll see about it, in all honesty. So far, if I get my Financial Aid, I'd LOOOVE to come! Edit: yeah, go on, laugh, but there are no jobs in MI just like there are no girls on the internet.
  18. Man, you took too long in the Caption Contest thread. Since you won you were supposed to post a pic but you didn't.

  19. Stop the evil! The devil's coming a loose!
  20. I forgot to mention the obvious. I forgot the date.
  21. Another issue would be recording vocals. Usually 256 samples would do, but for me, because I do many things that sometimes requires speed that exceeds regular speeds (1/16 - 1/64), I would have to turn the buffer rate down for less latency. So, the math depends on how many instruments you're using * the energy they take individually and... oh great, I'll edit later. Time is a whore.
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