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Rainman DX

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Everything posted by Rainman DX

  1. It's Kholdstare! It's been... months man! Welcome back.
  2. I like how Bahamut has very nearly exactly 20 posts for every 1 of mine.
  3. ... and finished up my batch this week with GrayFox, played two very pleasant games with him, learned a little, talked about SSBM... Rainman DX vs. Grayfox9996, 2-0.
  4. Game 1 caught Kamoh a little off guard. He played well in the second game, though, and had me in quite a bind for some time. Rainman DX vs. Kamoh, 2-0. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: rainmanr2d2 ;Black: metzgerism ;Date: Tue Jan 16 00:50:38 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. c1-f4 e7-e6 3. e2-e3 c7-c5 4. c2-c3 c5xd4 5. c3xd4 d8-a5+ 6. b1-c3 b8-c6 7. g1-e2 e6-e5 8. f4xe5 c6xe5 9. d4xe5 c8-f5 10. e2-d4 g8-h6 11. f1-b5+ e8-e7 12. d1-h5 g7-g6 13. h5-g5+ f7-f6 14. g5xf6++ ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: metzgerism ;Black: rainmanr2d2 ;Date: Tue Jan 16 01:25:33 GMT 2007 1. e2-e4 c7-c5 2. f1-c4 b8-c6 3. d1-f3 e7-e6 4. d2-d4 c6xd4 5. f3-d3 d7-d5 6. c4-b5+ d4xb5 7. d3xb5+ c8-d7 8. b5-e2 g8-f6 9. e4xd5 f6xd5 10. g1-f3 g7-g6 11. f3-e5 f8-g7 12. e5xd7 d8xd7 13. a2-a4 o-o 14. c2-c4 d5-b4 15. b1-a3 b4-d3+ 16. e1-d1 d3xf2+ 17. d1-e1 f2xh1 18. a3-b5 a8-d8 19. b5xa7 g7-e5 20. c1-h6 f8-e8 21. e2xe5 f7-f6 22. e5-e2 g6-g5 23. a1-d1 d7xa4 24. d1xd8 a4-a1+ 25. d8-d1 a1xa7 26. d1-d7 a7-a1+ 27. d7-d1 a1-a5+ 28. e2-d2 a5xd2+ 29. e1xd2 e8-d8+ 30. d2-c1 d8xd1+ 31. c1xd1 h1-f2+ 32. d1-e2 f2-g4 33. h2-h4 g4xh6 34. h4xg5 f6xg5 35. e2-e3 h6-f5+ 36. e3-f3 f5-h4+ 37. f3-g3 g8-g7 38. g3-g4 h4xg2 39. g4xg5 g2-e3 40. b2-b3 h7-h6+ 41. g5-f4 e3xc4 42. b3xc4 g7-f6 43. f4-e4 h6-h5 44. e4-f4 e6-e5+ 45. f4-e4 h5-h4 46. e4-d5 b7-b6 47. d5-c6 h4-h3 48. c6xb6 h3-h2 49. b6xc5 h2-h1 50. c5-b4 f6-e6 51. c4-c5 h1-b1+ 52. b4-a5 e6-d5 53. c5-c6 d5-c5 54. a5-a6 b1-b6++
  5. da da da dPaladin a.k.a. Fire had me on the ropes for our first game, and I caught a lucky break just before the end had come - the second went mostly my way. Maybe I'm improving as White? Rainman DX vs. dPaladin, 2-0.
  6. Yarr. Booty. Frankly, I didn't know there even was a "competitions" section.
  7. Clef dealt with me for 1 session, maybe I will find time to finish up real late tonight? Rainman DX vs. Clef, 0-1. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: longebane ;Black: rainmanr2d2 ;Date: Thu Jan 11 23:05:47 GMT 2007 1. c2-c4 e7-e5 2. g2-g3 g8-f6 3. f1-g2 f8-c5 4. b1-c3 b8-c6 5. d2-d3 o-o 6. g1-f3 d7-d6 7. o-o c8-g4 8. h2-h3 g4xf3 9. g2xf3 d8-d7 10. f3-g2 f8-e8 11. d1-a4 a8-b8 12. c1-d2 c6-d4 13. a4xd7 f6xd7 14. e2-e3 d4-e6 15. c3-e2 b7-b5 16. g2-c6 e8-d8 17. c4xb5 d7-f6 18. b2-b4 c5-b6 19. a2-a4 a7-a5 20. b4xa5 b6-c5 21. d2-c3 d6-d5 22. c3xe5 d5-d4 23. e3xd4 c5xd4 24. e2xd4 d8xd4 25. b5-b6 c7xb6 26. e5xb8 b6xa5 27. a1-a3 d4-d8 28. f1-b1 e6-d4 29. b8-c7 d8-c8 30. c6-g2 h7-h6 31. c7xa5 d4-e2+ 32. g1-f1 c8-c2 33. a3-b3 g7-g5 34. b3-b2 c2-c5 35. a5-b4 e2xg3+ 36. f2xg3 c5-f5+ 37. b2-f2 f5xf2+ 38. f1xf2 f6-d5 39. g2xd5
  8. Well, don't. This thread already has, in its 3 month history, 1/10 the number of views as The Coop's 4+ year old thread, "All time hardest boss..." We're just taking some downtime. I'll have my games finished up at the end of the week... /looks at scheduled opponents Er... never mind. Maybe not. In the meantime, thirdgame anyone?
  9. Same story. For me, that was really the only place in EB that the level of enemy strength was outrageously disproportionate to your strength. It was simple enough to nuke the boss at the top with a couple of rockets - but those darn cups of coffee!:mad:
  10. Thanks again, kamoh, for letting me squeeze those games in.
  11. yarr... okay, Keegan battens down the hatches and nails me in my coffin with two devastating wins, followed by a win over Setz and a perfunctory resignation of game 2. In summary, Rainman DX vs. Keegan the Fox, 0-2. Rainman DX vs. Setz, 2-0. And, uh, anybody know how to get colors on vBulletin?
  12. Alright, folks, I am back. All willing to join me on our magical chess voyage IM me. I will be going to bed early this semester, what with 8AM classes every day of the week.
  13. [/obvious Harry Potter jokes] You, my friend, are a freak.
  14. *cough, cough* me
  15. We appreciate your patience, Kamoh, with our molasses-slow pace with these games. Oh, and Merry Christmas everybody.
  16. A fifty move debacle leads to a draw for game 1 with Bahamut. We'll play game #2 this evening.
  17. Indeed he did.
  18. Yes, and well played, Bahamut. I managed to get a slippery lead on him our second game, enough to cause him to make a mistake and give up a queen - but he absolutely dominated the first. Both won as black. Rainman DX vs. Bahamut, 1-1. Hmm... 2-2 so far - can't get much more mediocre than that.
  19. You mean Pint-Size from QC?
  20. Keep a move list. I want to . __________________________________________________ Also, sorry guys in my group - finals all week and stuff. I won't be available to play chess 'til this weekend; I hope that's satisfactory with everybody. If not, feel free to PM me or IM me with a preferable solution, and I'll see if I can make time. Otherwise... Everyone have a wonderful Christmas holiday, and I'll see you for 134340. EDIT: played Keegan twice, only won the second time because HEDOESNOTKEEPTRACKOFHISOWNTIMEFIXIT! And here's the best part - my browser never broke down on me! Java/Firefox isn't sucking anymore! In summary, Rainman DX vs. Keegan The Fox, 1-1. Here's the first game that he won: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: rainmanr2d2 ;Black: keegan_the_fox ;Date: Fri Dec 15 21:50:53 GMT 2006 1. d2-d4 g8-f6 2. c2-c4 g7-g6 3. b1-c3 d7-d5 4. c1-g5 f6-e4 5. c3xe4 d5xe4 6. g2-g3 f8-g7 7. g5-e3 o-o 8. f1-g2 c7-c5 9. g2xe4 c5xd4 10. e3-f4 e7-e5 11. f4-c1 d8-c7 12. e4-d5 b8-d7 13. g1-f3 d7-b6 14. e2-e4 b6xd5 15. c4xd5 f7-f5 16. f3-g5 h7-h6 17. g5-e6 c8xe6 18. d5xe6 c7-c6 19. o-o f5xe4 20. d1-b3 f8-f3 21. e6-e7+ f3xb3 22. a2xb3 g8-f7 23. c1-d2 c6-b5 24. a1-a5 b5xb3 25. d2xh6 g7xh6 26. a5xe5 d4-d3 27. f2-f3 e4-e3 28. f1-e1 b3xb2 29. f3-f4 b2-f2+ 30. g1-h1 f2xe1+ 31. h1-g2 e1-e2+ 32. g2-h3 h6-g7 33. e5-b5 a8-h8+ 34. b5-h5 h8xh5++
  21. oooooh. Is that... is that a slight? Did Bahamut just get dissed? I think Bahamut just got dissed. Whatcha gonna do about it, B?
  22. In before the lock.
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