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Rainman DX

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Everything posted by Rainman DX

  1. Okay! First games done. I didn't do super poorly, but a bad choice in the first game and a missed fork in the second lost it for me both times. Sorry guys. Rainman DX vs. Johnderrilll, 0-2.
  2. I have to say, I think Kamoh did a remarkable job of splitting up the talent so that, while one player might have a small edge over his/her two opponents, across teams, the advantages are negligible.
  3. Wow, fascinating! No games have been played, and we gNomes are already losing!
  4. A fine comparison. Also a fair point. While it doesn't seem to detract from the franchise to presume that the pieces don't absolutely have to be conjoined in some way, I would argue that one long, (forked/not forked) timeline in which the story of just one Hyrule is being told makes the franchise somehow intrinsically more valuable. So until Nintendo gives me an indisputable reason to throw out all timelining theories, I will still look for a semi-cogent story for why they could all be connected, even if one doesn't intuitively present itself.
  5. Ohz rightz. Whatz aboutz Keegzors?
  6. Frankly, I want to be on one of these guys' teams. Can we have just 3 captains this go around? I mean, I'll pick up the slack if someone has to, but I think I'd enjoy it more if it was just the three behemoths and some of us patzers making up the teams.
  7. Another ringer? Time will tell, I suppose.
  8. My mom's favorite old NES game. Appropriate it gets posted to OCR on her birthday! Not duly impressed - I like the synth and the interpretation on the melody is fresh - but its lacking a certain depth. Maybe I was expecting too much from music from a puzzle game? Also, the abrupt pause at the end of the first repeat of the melody is noticeably missing - a integral element of the tone of the piece, in my opinion. Again, though, I find the remixing to be very imaginative and appropriate while maintaining the integrity of the original.
  9. Yarr. Quadruple poster. SHAME!
  10. Gaa!! Ack!! He said it, he said it!! I was perfectly comfortable in my non-Nintendo Zelda-less world before you had to go and bring those abominations to my attention again. Curse you!
  11. Miles "Tails" Prower.
  12. Aww, boo... I just realized I got the color of her lightsaber wrong.
  13. Y'know, he's got a point.
  14. Here's my best go - From one GA Jedi Knight to another. By the way, you have to like it - it took me about 3 hours to draw, 90% of it freehand in MSPaint. Antialiasing courtesy of The Gimp.
  15. I admit, I used to not give a second thought to the idea that each game (excepting obvious same-system follow-ups) were, in any way, Linked to each other. But after watching GameTrailers' split timeline theory, I might as well be sold out on it. Not that I'm the kind that believes the first thing he hears - but GT's arguments were so cogent and provided so much evidence for each, that I, in my limited (beat every known Zelda game at least once) experience, could not conceive of an argument to top it. That said, I find the split timeline theory captivating, and look forward to seeing if future Zelda innovations (which ever way Nintendo decides to take the franchise) will make or break that theory.
  16. 's true - I was there. A strong showing by Kamoh all around today. Even the second game was no pushover, in fact he had a really good couple of chances that time too. Rainman DX vs. Kamoh, 1-1[34340]. EDIT: Played Bahamut a very short series, in which he beat me in less than 30 moves initially, and then proceeded to resign (perhaps prematurely?) after 11 moves in the second. So I came out of this week poor, bruised and battered, but breathing. Sorry, Margoute, we'll have to play next week. Alright? Rainman DX vs. Bahamut, 1-1. Decide for yourself if Bahamut should've kept on playing: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: rainmanr2d2 ;Black: ilovepsi84 ;Date: Tue Jan 23 03:32:38 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. c1-f4 e7-e6 3. e2-e3 c7-c5 4. c2-c3 d8-b6 5. b2-b3 b8-c6 6. g1-f3 g8-f6 7. b1-a3 f6-e4 8. a3-b5 a7-a6 9. b5-c7+ e8-d8 10. c7xa8 b6-a7 11. f4-c7+ Resign
  17. Hey guys, I should be online almost all day today. If I don't respond to an IM right away... it probably means I'm catching a nap. I'll be sure to respond shortly. Also, Margoute, you up for a thirdmatch this week? EDIT: Keegs and I trade ma... ha ha, just kidding. I think I played more maturely today than usual, but I haven't improved that much. I've still got a ways to go before I can play on his level. Rainman DX vs. Keegan the Fox, 0-2.
  18. Keegan so lives his life one OCRCL week at a time.
  19. Bow chicka bow wow!
  20. Engaging piano. Is that a little dissonance I sense after the first phrase of the piano solo? Very smooth mood music. The vocals coming in was a surprise. Impressive all around. Unfortunately, it's kind of an abrupt ending. I like it, a nice interpretation of music from a game deserving of the attention it gets at this site.
  21. Happy Birthday, Darth Keegan.
  22. So, basically, nothing new. :-/
  23. :mad: Arrghh. The gap widens...
  24. It's God's judgment of the masses. Still wondering.
  25. I'm the only one I know that has bought a Wiimote retail and brought it home, only to find that the accelerometer didn't register - everything else worked just fine, and I even transferred some Miis on it, but the accelerometer just doesn't work. I was just curious if this was a common occurrence.
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