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Rainman DX

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Everything posted by Rainman DX

  1. Ha ha! Miguel - definitely beat him first try. The trick is laying a Holy Light trap for that battle - he'll only use it at the end, when he's critically low on HP. So you get to rail on him for a turn, beat him, and receive Holy Light in the process! I'll tell you who was harder than Miguel - Garai. His special tech, whatever it was, that guaranteed a one-hit kill, 700+ damage, was outlandish. Not cool. I think it took me four or five attempts to get Garai.
  2. Yes, you need three wins out of three games, but all I need is two wins out of four games to significantly better my chances of earning a second-seed.
  3. Yes. And yes.
  4. Damnit, Arek and JD, play me! Kamoh, I swear, I oughtta put those two on report.
  5. So guys, if we continue at this rate, the Dead Horses will win every match they play!!
  6. pg. 69 bow chicka bow wow. ^ Dude, Kamoh, stop making me tilt my head 45 degrees!
  7. JD has your IM been down lately? You won't respond to any of my IMs, though I know that they're going through. Anyway, give me a heads up when you're available, would you?
  8. Yarr. Kamoh get your paper done.
  9. I'z gotz madd Java skillz - it'za hafta do.
  10. I was wondering if my initial assessment of that was correct - what with the random numbers on pawns from the outset, it would appear that neither Light nor Dark would hold a significant advantage by moving first. Not like chess, where I think White hold, like, a 50.5% winning percentage or something like that.
  11. As Kamoh mentioned, he did beat me in two hairline close games. I'd like to think that Kamoh and I are pretty evenly balanced, because I think his experience won out this time. And of course a number of good moves helped too. In an astounding exhibition of luck, good luck, and more luck, I nabbed two wins off of DarkeSword, to bring me back up to even W/L. I think I pulled the right draw, like, three times in a row at one point. It was just obnoxious. I entirely anticipate the uberpwnage coming my way in the playoffs, after this. Also got my games in with Hemophiliac. I was pleased with an initial win, where basically everything was going my way. Once my luck ran out though, Hemo had ample opportunity to display his prowess, and did so with a solid win. So, Rainman DX vs. Kamoh, 0-2. Rainman DX vs. DarkeSword, 2-0. Rainman DX vs. Hemophiliac, 1-1. Whew! Came out even on my first go around - decent, I'd like to think. That said, I'm finding that with this game, I could've played just as well and lost 6 in a row. Not like chess, in that way... EDIT: Dude, Kamoh, where'd the table go? I guess I only have JD and Arek left to play, right?
  12. thorough, yes. thankful, yes.
  13. ^ so drunk. Hey, while y'all got your chess boards out, wouldja mind analyzin' this here game fer me? ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: bernardcrep ;Black: rainmanr2d2 ;Date: Wed Jan 24 21:45:03 GMT 2007 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. O-O h5 6. Nc3 h4 7. h3 g5 8. e5 g4 9. hxg4 h3 10. g3 h2+ 11. Nxh2 Nxe5 12. Qe2 Bg7 13. Ne4 b6 14. Nd6+ Ke7 15. Ne4 Bb7 16. f4 Nxd3 17. Qxd3 Bd4+ 18. Kg2 f5 19. gxf5 exf5 20. Qe2 Bxe4+ 21. Nf3 Nf6 22. d3 d5 23. dxe4 dxe4 24. Nxd4 Qxd4 25. c3 Ng4 26. cxd4 Rh2+ 27. Kg1 Rxe2 28. dxc5 bxc5 29. b3 Rh8 30. Ba3 Rhh2 31. Bxc5+ Ke6 32. Rae1 Reg2# The whole emphasis is on Move 5's decision to run the Kingside pawns up after my opponent's Kingside castle. I guess what I want to know is - is this always a good idea, or did I get lucky?
  14. Oh yeah, also finished up with Amazgr8. It wasn't a complete blowout, but he successfully outmaneuvered me to a piece advantage, and I had no real mating chance left. I resigned. Rainman DX vs. Amazgr8, 0-1. Well, I didn't fare all too well this go around, did I?
  15. Christian doctrine, Shinto fealty... The usual fare, really.
  16. ??? I guess I'm curious to see how that pans out.
  17. yarr. What the hell? I'll give it a shot. ... better go practice up... I figure I'll shoot for second/third place as usual. EDIT: Hey, Kamoh, I got my Moves client working. Oh, and my AIM is RainmanDX2
  18. You may know her as the artist of two tracks on the Initial D movie soundtrack, "Don't You (Forget About My Love)" and "Lonely Love." Anyway, I've tried googling her, last.fm searching her, to no avail. Also, you'll notice the Wikipedia entry does not contain hyperlinks to "Sophie." Anyway, I was wondering if there was a virtual location I could find out more about the artist Sophie and her discography. Thanks.
  19. Does this thread need a bump? What's in store for the near future, Kamoh, or am I being redundant in asking? Also,
  20. Gee, seeing as how I'm already a big fan of Select Start (I have two of their albums), I'm disappointed to say that I actually prefer their previous rendition of Frog's Theme with just the two flutes. (It may be the same one, but it's two flutes.) This one, while initially capturing the mystique of the greatest theme in one of the greatest RPGs ever made, somehow loses it with the bouncing bass line halfway through. The dichotomy of majestic against lighthearted/bouncy is too strong for my taste. So, in essence, not taking away from the talent of the band, but I think this interpretation of Frog's theme could have been better thought out before submission to OCR.
  21. I'm afraid I may have inadvertently taken advantage of Amazgr8's incapacitated state for our first game. He was pretty tired, and I didn't take him seriously just how tired he was - but he slipped a little, and I ran away with our first. We'll finish up later when he's feeling up to it. Rainman DX vs. Amazgr8, 1-0.
  22. I'm sorry; I don't exactly understand your question. In the above drawing, Kirby seems to have ingested one Giygas, the final boss in EarthBound. Does that help?
  23. Yeah. Hands down.
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