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Everything posted by anosou

  1. L-O-L I wuuuv you
  2. Great You're welcome. It was a pleasure doing it So I might keep on writing like once every two weeks or once a week if it's not too much Edit: wrong link to the OST, I'm fixing that if I can
  3. Happy friggin' birthday man!
  4. Do it the more the merrier. I want to see what everyone does that I don't
  5. Well I vote NO OVERRIDE for the competition forum. Maybe do some advertising to remixers we know using reason? mentioning it to as many as possible on irc and stuff Although the EQ freq moving thing made it LOUD it was pretty cool
  6. *places an order when the Reason 4 version is out* Too bad I have to wait for so long
  7. I will thanks again EDIT: I wrote something man! .. maybe too long but I had to introduce myself
  8. Oh man, thanks But keep in mind, I'm not the best writer around, I am from Sweden after all. English is not my main language but thanks
  9. You can always change 'em to Reason Factory sounds, may sound odd but you'll have the arrangement.
  10. I've been thinking about Peff's book too.. please tell me if it's worth it
  11. We can spread the word some more
  12. Man, that's a lot of useful information. I want a producers conference in sthlm too If you have some time, can you maybe upload some example combis/rns of things you learned? I'm way to busy to explore all Reasons possibilties atm but looking at something doesn't take that much time Thanks for the update man
  13. Haven't tried this version. Found two in the last. I'm trying not to use Reason 4 atm since I'm in the middle of a song in Reason 3 and since they use the same preferences some things can be ugly
  14. Oh and avaris. AWESOME STUFF PLEASE REMIX MY SONGS IN THE FUTURE TOO okay I admit it, I'm a sucker for overprocessed and automated drums
  15. Not that strange, it was a fairly hard track to do something with
  16. The ones who can save/render is the oldies, they've been betatesting since Reason 2.5 If you find a lot of bugs and prove useful to props they can give you the full version as a thanks. As it is now, only eXode, neoverse and a couple of other regulars has it
  17. It's ANDREW Skrypnyk XD Gotcha you lil bugger! Anyway, just dropped in to say I love y.. eh.. the album.. Release MOAR later on, and don't forget to work on our wicked collab
  18. Luvley, I really admire that you remixed such a hard piece Thanks for sharing
  19. You said you were going to post a thread You make me sad in the eye Share any tips you have with us that goes for all of you
  20. Okay, I remuxed Malcos or at least tried to, didn't have much time 2 hours and 15 minutes actually ;P Here it is: http://soundscape.escariot.net/AnotherDeefGroove.rns
  21. I recently installed Reason 3 again (had to remove for reason 4) and I may be able to whip something up tonight
  22. They did? I HATE SWEDEN AND PLAY! ((((
  24. Hey glad to see you're feelin better already
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