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Everything posted by anosou

  1. This might not be what I was talking about.. but.. ok
  2. I dissagree. Since OCR is expanding all the time and becoming avaliable to more and more people (with for example VGL and Otakon as new medias to spread our joy) a website and lots of promotion is very important. If we wanted to make an arrangement album just for the forums we probably would, but this is the modern OCR. We're trying to attract a larger audience nowadays, and VotL (being the biggest OCR release in history) is certainly something we want perfect and known worldwide. (Disclaimer: We = me really. This is my opinion, not the site staff or the VotL remixers. But I think many will agree) I bet you will, I will too. But I find it hard to believe that people who aren't that involved with OCR will check the forums or the frontpage and just hit up a torrent just like that without kmnowing more
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha XD
  4. one core at 2.33Ghz works pretty well for me. some of my songs are a bit too big for the cpu but I can always export and listen.. .. OK I WANT MULTI-CORE SUPPORT TOO but I still like Reason too much to abandon it for such a small issue
  5. Honestly. no, not at all. I find myself being more creative in Reason. BUT, I do like plugins, so if I need a badass mastering plug or a certain effect I just can't recreate, I rewire into ProTools or Ableton Live. That's the solution if you've got money or the system to support it. But as I said, I like Reason as it is
  6. Get drummerboy refill (seems to have dissapeared of the internet so I'll upload it for you... waaait for it... waaait for it... http://soundscape.escariot.net/Drummer-Boy-ReFill.rfl ) for 909 goodness and other cool machines. otherwise Flatpack 2 is supercool for samples and everything else. SEND ME YOUR CDSSZZZ!! ALL YOUR CD ARE BELONG TO ME!!
  7. Comin' here and bashing Reason eh? promoting FL and VSTs eh? GET LOST LOOSER! PS: I love you and I love plugins too
  8. There was a lot of commotion about cores during beta. I can't for the life of me remember if they actually implemented it in the end. but my (very qualified) guess would be no. It's not adapted for multi-core processors. However if you actually own a registered copy of reason (if you don't, feel ashamed) you can easily log on to the forums at propellerheads.se and ask for yourself
  9. Every remix I've done so far is exclusively reason. keep a look on the FF7 project that will be released shortly and also keep your eyes peeled on the front page, I have an accepted remix that is going to be posted soon enough. otherwise, what avaris said
  10. V's on the forums, V's on the forums ! WEEE!!! too bad I can't help you
  11. if needed I can play AND RECORD Melodica, Electric Bass, Bongo Drum, Rhythm Guitar and padKontrol performances of, for example, dulcimer (see: http://youtube.com/watch?v=gXSmYwzqUFs for example on what I'm talking about). if you don't need me, then good luck with this EDIT: I can play drums and piano too but I can't record drums and I know others play piano way better.
  12. Bummerdude! who did your sig? Did you? It reminds me of pixelperfect cute 2D shmups. I love it. ..just thought I'd pop by and mention it
  13. Way to be popular and understanding
  14. Thanks for the beautiful feedback. I really appreciate it and I hope you will be this nice to my WiPs even in the future. I will think about what you said for the next (minor) update. I'll let you know when I post it. Again, thanks OA
  15. Woooooooooooord!
  16. *suffers a nervous breakdown*
  17. [sTUPENDOUSLY BIG] HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENIOUS! [/sTUPENDOUSLY BIG] Hope you're well , keeping jazzing out!
  18. Pandora.com hates non-usa ;( still great work man, I like the tags they gave you I want tags too!
  19. yay! me want wiki
  20. They have online gaming on ps2 now? Wow. Time really moves fast.
  21. oh c'mon, both IRC AND forums?
  22. I'm late. but soon I'll have a new version. sorry to keep you waiting and yeah.. *bump* for moar listens
  23. I simply call it "baby"
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