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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Sure thing, it'll probably be a while. I'm planning to do it with my ProTools system and it'll be two-three months until I get that. But heck, a 003 is worth the wait (yeah.. changed my mind about the mbox ;P)
  2. I think it's a GREAT idea I probably use Reason in some preeetty stupid ways sometimes and maybe we can learn from eachothers mistakes and .. what's the opposite of mistake? .. that! Do it
  3. Thanks for the feedback LT, already updated this a bit. I took to an orchestral level but I don't know if I'm all that happy with it. I will send you the WiP when I have some time on my hands and you can tell me what you think. Otherwise I'll try to fine tune what I have and implement (is that even a word?) something from the next part i a GRAND FINALE sort of way One of my thoughts with the orchestral part was making it a loop, exporting it and importing it in Dr.REX so I can do some awesome loop breaks and cuts. I hope you enjoy this idea.
  4. I'm so gonna steal one from school >: )
  5. Actually laughing my ass off XD
  6. I'm just laughing
  7. btw.. why aren't you on irc? BASTARD! okay sorry for the offtopic
  8. Sorry fish, I belive JJT. He gets double, you get nothing. Mostly because you're a GUITAR NOOB
  9. "Jeremy Robson, JigginJonT, Jovette Rivera (DJ Crono), JigginJonT" Hehehehehehe
  10. Yeah Darkness was a real surprise, Gustaf Grefberg really did well. Sounded kinda Elfman. Yeah.. Next year it's OCR shirts ftw! We should really have a sweden meet-up anyway? Grab some beers and see who actually lives here!
  11. Sure, but don't you think we'll get arrested for exposing ourselves? I mean ONLY a PLAY shirt, THINK OF THE CHILDREN
  12. Hmm.. can't really recall. I had a PLAY last year shirt and went with my little sister. I went to the first concert. Messy brown hair, beard and tall like hell
  13. Indeed that was nice of Arnie I chatted som with Gustaf Grefberg, he was interested in my music That felt great! I loved the C64 medley, Last Ninja (or whatever, I don't remember the name of the game) was pure enjoyment
  14. Ooh Bonus Checking it out now
  15. Just came back from the first PLAY! in sthlm. It was good but the sound engineer deserves a shot to the head.. He messed up Dancing Mad! 12 minutes with organ, choir, rock band and orchestra and he messed it up Otherwise, it was great. Enjoyed the c64 medley and the Metal Gear Solid parts, and I was pleasantly surprised by swedish Gustaf Grefberg's soundtrack to Darkness. Amazing. got Akira Yamaoka, Grefberg, Arnie Roth and Machinae Supremacy to sign my shirt btw, all in all HAPPY TIMES
  16. Give you ProTools, great quality and the ability to move my projects to the studio in my school.
  17. thanks thanks thanks I'm waiting for my Mbox 2 Pro to get some decent sampling quality..
  18. yeah it's a firefoxissue and I hate it Have to switch to Safari just to get there
  19. just tell me if you like it ;P
  20. Good, thought you died or sumthin would've been sad since you just got a job XD
  21. Congratulations on the job
  22. I have to agree. To challenge the starcraft world with a new race? I doubt it. But if they do I hope for another less alien alien breed Like not SUPERCRYSTALPEEPS and not SUPERSLIMYPEEPS .. more like.. animal-ish . we need more hair in SC2
  23. Word. Blizzard are like the only developer that cares. and maybe those guys that keeps porting Civilization
  24. Gawd I'm gonna play this until my eyes and fingers bleed. DLing the gameplay video now but from what I've seen I kinda enjoy the new graphical style even though I doubt it is as functional as the old.
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