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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Blogs are not cool anymore and thus they're retro which makes them cool. I'm always interested in reading subjective views on whatever by community members so I thought I'd make this post for people to share blogs. I've been using Netvibes.com more and more and would love some more RSS feeds to watch during times I should work/study/sleep. Game related blogs are a dime a dussin but I've found that most are very influenced by gaming media or such.. The more individual and independent gamers writing about games the better. Hopefully it will lead to news and reviews from people with other standards/preferences/background than professional gaming media. Short Version: So, main point, if you've got a blog you should post it here and I'll keep a list! Exchanging information, no matter how subjective, is always good. The OCRemix Forum Users Alphabetical Order Blog Archive (OCR artists in bold, comments greatly appreciated and encouraged) Ajax - http://joesblog.isgreat.org/ Another Soundscape - http://anosou.com/ (personal, work, gaming and music related) Archaon - http://noreload.blogspot.com/ Black Mage - http://tomhamilton.blogspot.com DarkLink42 - http://darklink42.blogspot.com/ (ongoing collection of short stories) Doulifee - http://doulifee.blogspot.com/ Kanthos - http://mjchase.wordpress.com/ Kir - http://blowingoffthedust.blogspot.com (retro-gaming) KyleJCrb - http://kylejcrb.livejournal.com/ LC - http://earjack.blogspot.com (mostly about gaming, but I also post papers I write annonymously for college classes i'm not enrolled in here..) Mustin/OneUp Studios - http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/blog.php?5-Mustin (It's pretty neat) Mythril Nazguhl - http://swamisound.blogspot.com/ (talk about my musics and releases, plus occasionally I spill the beans about working in the concert music industry) nonsensicalexis - http://yodaisbetter.livejournal.com/ Platonist - http://platonist.wordpress.com/ Random Hajile - http://couppoetry.blogspot.com/ Rozovian - http://rozovian.wordpress.com/ (also known as "Short, dull, uninformative and rarely updated") Sir_NutS - http://sirnuts.blogspot.com/ Skummel Maske - http://velakhar.blogspot.com/ SwordBreaker - http://excalibur-swordbreaker.spaces.live.com/ (pesronal, gaming and medical school) The Author - http://shortstoriesjournal.blogspot.com/ (short stories and writing experiments, updated wednesdays and saturdays) The Vagrance - http://reccej.net The Otaku - http://misscatlady.livejournal.com/ (personal), http://misscatlady.wordpress.com/ (art) zircon - http://www.soundtempest.net/ (news, tutorials and music industry related)
  2. Beyond awesome? Get a 360 and play SFIV with the rest of OCR! My n00b blanka is so unpredictable he seems to beat people
  3. Get off protricity please, bashing and talking behind his back will probably NOT make him join the project. Just saying.
  4. If you don't have gold you don't deserve a 360
  5. That made me scared and confused. And happy. At least I knew of most things he mentioned. When I get my FightPad it's game-mastering-time.
  6. I did something funny, guess what?

  7. Thanks man :3 Just wait until my FightPad arrives! 360 gamepads are... so-so. Friended. But now I seriously gotta sleep, it's 2:15AM here Some other day!
  8. Rolls are always good. I love mindtricking with the shortest rolls only to stop right in front of someone and electrocute their asses. Also, since I have no clue about anything pre-SFIV I can't say much ;P Lag might have been a small issue.. Dunno. I didn't feel much but I'm not a blocker Also, I tried to mic you? wtf? Didn't hear you and you didn't hear me either? LAME! Gotta investigate this further sometime :/ Anyways, good fights. Good night.
  9. Added! In other news, zircons 360 died or something O.o Where you at man?
  10. It's 1.20 AM... but ok a quick one EDIT. accept the friend request
  11. is it you? And yeah, that's the one. Gotta love you english speaking bastards out there <3
  12. Right back at you! We were pretty even today although the matches were very tense and defensive I'm still getting buttraped by fireballs for some reason. Damn Blanka without projectiles :'( I'm currently trying to learn to dash cancelling focus attacks properly but Chun-Li's different projectile speeds are just a pain in the ass! I met a pretty hating Akuma-player that played a seriously messed up fireball-mixing-game that made it near impossible for me to close in... ah well, I'm still learning
  13. Hello, I use Blanka, I want to make love to him Seriously, I've never played SF before (two matches in SF2THDR!) and this is like a punch in the face, only it's made of cake and money that I get to keep afterwards. My point is, I love this game but I suck and want to be better. Add me on X360 and let's battle it out! And fear the slide punch under hadouken, random balls and the worlds most annoying ultra now that I finally understood how the hitbox for it works Gamertag: Anosou Also, am I the only one getting a FightPad? It looks like sex, especially with Genesis Collection in mind. All reviews I've read are very favorable and when I'm in my bed playing beat 'em ups I just don't want to handle a stick.
  14. I doubt I'm helping here but this might be of use since it's a similar idea to use an external sequencer and it's PC specific which might be good since I'm on OS X: http://www.renoise.com/board/index.php?showtopic=15683 If anyone wants to try a similar thing on Mac OS X but are afraid to ask, it's very easy. OS X has a built-in midi routing system in Audio/MIDI settings in the applications/tools (these might have different names, I'm on a Swedish system). Here you can drag and drop virtual MIDI-cables in a visual interface, making it easy to connect various software and devices.
  15. I feel violated, but at the same time I'm glad it was you!

  16. I'm still sad I neglected this for so long when I had the audio tracks and then come to the point where I just didn't have the time to finish it. Sorry Wire :/ I can't believe I'm gonna complain about the mixing since I did part of it AND failed to finish anything. I think the vocals are sometimes a bit too hot and that the guitars could have a less digital-sounding distortion. Also the drums (toms especially) are too loud at times. This was pretty minor though, it doesn't keep the track from being awesome. And the arrangement is, in fact, nothing short of awesome. Lyrics and vocals in general are well performed and written. The performance from the band is overall good but feels a bit loose, 2:29 during the solo especially. Solos were great though. Overall, great variation and personalization. I know I come off like an ass now but I will always vote honestly and I still think the mixing could've been a bit better. However the arrangement really outweighs this in my opinion. I hope that you get the opportunity to do some album recordings in a studio in the future because a high-quality Game Over album would be fucking GOLD! Nice work. YES
  17. Source is fantastic. Can't believe I never heard it, damn me and my late-to-the-video-game-party ways. Synthesis is the word. However some sounds sound like they could've been synthesized a bit better, no offense intended. Overall everything is on the thin side, the mix is lacking bass frequencies and some of the synths sound very basic. The drums are also very repetitive and is way louder than the other elements. The arrangement feels, like Vinnie said, directionless. Your original parts are good tries but, also like Vinnie said, doesn't mesh well with the rest of the arrangement. Some decent effort at presonalization. Sometimes I can't hear the source, sometimes it's right there. However, as I said, it feels aimless. In the end this needs more work. The production has issues and the arrangement doesn't feel cohesive. NO
  18. I like how you spelled your own name in two different ways Ok, seriously now. Thie arrangement concept is great! Simple but effective. Though there are some issues. I, like my fellow judges, wish 1:08 had some more impact after that build-up. Overall it seems like it lacks good transitions and doesn't feel very dynamic. Also it could afford to play with the source melody some more, perhaps in a new part or sprinkled across the other parts. The production is more of a problem area though. The guitar, while played pretty well, sounds a bit lo-fi. The distortion is crunchy and good but the guitars sound a bit distant and strange, can't really put my finger on it but they seem to be lacking frequencies. The solo sounds flat and muffled too, raise the volume and add some reverb or something! The vocals really needs to be brought forward more, especially the AWESOME falsetto. The drums sound very stiff and the samples are just above decent. You could definitely vary the velocity and the patterns some more. In short; the concept is great but the production and arrangement needs to be brought to the next level. Try to pinpoint the issues we've brought up, compare to other songs in a similar style and get some feedback on how you can improve. Would love to see a resub of this eventually! NO(resubmit)
  19. The distortion sounds like some kind of clipping or something caused by high levels + compression. Easing up a bit on both the volume and the distortion of parts would probably help this sound less harsh to the ears. The leads are scorching man It also feels like there's a lot of empty space in the mix. No real bass is present (enough with the distortion! Use low-pass filters!) and the distortion makes all sounds fight over the same high frequencies. The strings and piano were unrealistically sequenced and the samples themselves were quite bad. If you perhaps used instruments less sensetive to sample-quality (harp, mallets, pizzicato) and improved the sequencing it would be a good build-up. The electronica parts was a bit straightforward but had some subtle variations to the source that I enjoyed. Could afford to be more interpretive with the source though and adding something that makes the whole thing feel more cohesive. Lastly, the ending is a bit abrupt and clumsily sequenced and it could feel more rounded off. This shows some promise but is lacking in execution. Work on the mixing and making the piece feel more cohesive and this might have a shot! NO(resubmit)
  20. The mixing was a weak spot here. The guitar+bass combo sounded a bit too muddy. I think the bass might take up too much space while the chugging backing guitar is a bit too muffled. The synth is a bit flat and.. well quite ugly to be perfectly honest. The lead guitar work was well handled though and the drums were better than most subs we get. The arrangement was quite good. The guitar lead melody sometimes feels articulated a bit stiff. Too bad 2:57 was cut-and-paste, you could've gone the extra mile to get some more interpretive source usage here. Another thing that could help vary this up is changing the chord sequence once in a while. 2:05 was really nice though. Overall this has the foundation needed but could be developed some more. If you touch up the production and add some variations to the second part this would probably pass. NO(resubmit)
  21. Larry was thorough with his vote so there might be some repeating, prepare yourself! 0:38 was definitely a weak link production wise. Everything suddenly got squished together and sounded distant but cluttered. The melody was constantly buried and the loud (but simple) saw waves left a lot to the imagination. Overall the production was extremely cluttered, loud and lacked focus. The solo at 2:10 was barely audible. The arrangement was pretty cool though. Some of the stuff was handled ok (0:58's guitar chugging, 2:10's solo, some synth noodling) but overall this could've used a more interpretive approach to the source. The instrumentation, drum sequencing and simple synths brought the piece down too. Overall, this has quite some way to go. The main issues are definitely production-related but it also has enough issues with the arrangement to call that a problem area. I urge you to get some feedback and brush up on your mixing skills before you attempt to rework this. #ocrwip on irc.enterthegame.net and the WIP forum is a good place to start! NO
  22. Sounds good. No rush really, I just noticed many enjoyed this function before. It's definitely not a big issue though, we DO have the sidebar (lolsidebar:nicework:) EDIT: just thought I'd mention that the wiki still has the old remixer links. I trust this is not top priority but it's worth having in this thread as a reminder.
  23. I call bullshit, it came out the same day as the US release. We're not THAT much of a backwater continent, stop thinking we suck
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