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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Gunstar Heroes was ressurected for GBA if you're interested. But yes, more Treasure to the people!
  2. And they'd hook up OCR to do the soundtrack. Awesome. However since Rare is part of M$ and Nintendo owns the Donkey Kong Coutry franchise it would never be as good :'( ..except ofc if M$ somehow acquires the DKC license >
  3. All true. Devil Dice did get a small ressurection by capcom on PS2 with Bombastic (that rocks btw) but it's not enough! In the age of DLC this game is perfect for XBLA/PSN release or a handheld game. And yes that is ONE of the sequels to Vib Ribbon. Mojib Ribbon and Vib Ripple is the name of those two. PS2 games both of them and we badly need these. For serious!
  4. A while back I would've said Bangai-O but THAT ALREADY HAPPENED! However I'd love to see: Mischief Makers - Because I recently watched the Tool-Assisted Speedrun of it.. Love you for being awesome about this btw Bleck. Baten Kaitos - not old per say but damn good and deserves more! R-Type - Ohwait, THAT ALSO ALREADY HAPPENED! If you didn't know about it you don't deserve to :3 Bishi Bashi - Wario Ware can suck it, this is where it's at. Youtube it. Jade Cocoon (!) - Obviously the best game ever made. Vib Ribbon - We never got the sequels (and you US guys didn't get any game) but this is pure awesome and would work well with the harddrive generation. Kula World - The PSN release was a start but the concept has more potential than that. Um Jammer Lammy - to finally show that Guitar Hero sucks and that Masaya Matsuura is the man Devil Dice - Because it is the best 3D puzzler concept ever made. If you argue you're stupid and you smell bad. Also, you obviously haven't played the game
  5. I think overall the strings sounded fake and a bit exposed. Worse past the 3-minute mark. It's not taking away that much from the piece as a whole but it's a shame since they do somehow carry the track at more than one place. I did enjoy the mood of this the last time and I still do. The slightly improved piano around 2:30-> is pretty although a bit too loose for my taste, however it works well. I'm with larry re: the drums, they sound a bit thin and lack the low end to really give the oompfh you're (probably?) aiming for. Cool harmonies in the strings at 3:38, unexpected but damn cool. It gets a bit crowded harmony-wise at around 3:46 though, too much dissonance makes it sound more out of place than challenging and interesting. The production, especially during the first half, was good. When the drums entered it seemed less focused but overall this sounds pretty good. The main issue is sample usage (i.e. strings) but I mentioned that before. My main issue last time was the arrangement. Here it's less liberal with enough arranged material to push it over the bar. I still think this can be tweaked (dissonances and drum sound mainly) so I'm going to hold off my vote for a while and get back after I've given this some thought... EDIT 2/4: After coming back to this I'm going to settle for a resubmit. This would really shine if you fixed the problem areas, go for it! NO(resubmit)
  6. You know I love this track, you AND Trentemøller so this is basically a very good day to be me. Again, great work. I especially admire the textures and drum machine-beats. Very, very groovy track. Now, submit some more!
  7. In case you missed it, Wes has my finished track on his harddrive and thus I should be in the cool club of finished arrangements
  8. That made me laugh Treewave ( www.treewave.com ) does some amazing things with a printer if you wanna listen btw.
  9. Interesting concept for sure. It does however lack in execution. There are just a few ideas for each instrument and they're all repeated, a lot. While it is a very minimal source like you said that doesn't mean you can get away with a minimal arrangement The instrument choices were interesting but weren't handled very well. They give an interesting vibe but when left alone (like during the intro) they just sound flimsy. Production isn't stellar either. Most textures sound thin and samples, as I noted, weren't handled very well. Levels where however balanced so you're going in the right direction here! In the end, this piece just isn't developed enough and suffers from a few problems. It would probably take a lot of rewriting to get this past the bar but if you're up for it, go wild! NO
  10. My main issues with the production is how muffled and "weak" some parts were, namely the lead and some of the backing arps. The kick and bass are very loud compared to the rest of the track but still feels a bit thin. Scaling back on some reverb, checking the levels and some slight compression might help you here. Otherwise most sounds had a good quality to them and there's no need to switch. The arrangement could've varied the theme a bit more. The break with piano and synth lead was pretty and is a good start for personalization. Much because of the rather flimsy sound of some of the synths a lot of dynamics are lost in the arrangement, be sure to automate volume if nessecary to create good builds. Also, it's kinda boring that you use the same snare fill every time you need a build-up ;P Overall this shows a lot of promise but needs some fleshing out. Variation in the arrangement is key and production needs to be brought up another step. Keep at it though because this is quite an enjoyable track! NO
  11. Now I feel the pressure We'll see how it turns out
  12. While I most certainly does not think BT is experimental, zircon has a valid point. It's possible to work in motifs from sources and like Vagrance said, you could probably do well in look around for sources suitable to your intended "style". I bet it's harder than making you know trance or metal but it's absolutely possible and I, for one, is trying to create a remix in a very experimental style.. We'll see when time allows! Noise or really twisted breakcore would probably work well if you borrow distinct rhythmic patterns from a source and maybe simple bassline chord structure in a song without melody. More algorithmic compositions a la Stockhausen and Cage are probably not possible because the whole point of these is to free them from human thinking. Thus using such a style for an arrangement is not only hard but quite stupid Circuitbending, microtonal and in some cases algorithmic (depending on what algorithms you are actually using and for what) is still possible. The limit is ofc that it's hard to make an all out circuit bent track with JUST noise. The key issue is finding the balance. Ah well, hope we've sparked some interest for these kinda things anyway.
  13. I think it's rather the other way around! Experimental isn't always noise btw, and even if you want noise there are some cool drum only tracks you can arrange rhythmic patterns from. DrumUltimA made an all-percussion mix that passed so there's a lot of possibility AS LONG AS THE SOURCE IS IDENTIFIABLE AND DOMINANT MIND YOU
  14. Max for Live pretty much made my pants explode. Even though I don't use Live much at the moment (mainly because I'm not comfortable with it yet) this is reason enough to never leave my room. Also, more experimental electronic music on OCR! Using a simple melody / chord structure you can vastly alter the timbre and soundscape to make an arrangement that is varied without having to be a showcase in western music theory tradition.
  15. Seconded. I have my Motif ES 8 purely for piano-practice-with-headphones and live performance reasons. However it is phat and the sounds will eventually find it's way into my remixes (especially some of the synth sounds and ethno sounds)
  16. True but if you're REALLY interested I still think learning some basic programming or adopting an engine like Cube ( http://cubeengine.com/ ) if you're interested in real developement. However, RPGMaker IS a good start. I know practically nothing about developing but you gotta start somewhere.
  17. since 2009 cribs thread is going dead and this, hopefully, getting split I'm joining the fun: Seriously, that's pretty much my set-up right there (if Reason and sometimes Live is on-screen). I will however take some real pictures when my sister gets home with her awesome camera (then it includes a pair of headphones, a bed and a keyboard too!) and maybe some screencaps for the tech-geeky. It's always fun to see these things.
  18. With a good graphic artist and decent "programmer" you can make some good stuff with it. However most people capable of making these games prefer their own engines (if any, indie RPGs are rare). I'm also quite certaing there aren't many people who knowhow much you can customize the system. Personally, I don't have a PC but my experience with RPGMaker includes a game about a condom machine and a donkey. It was awesome.
  19. I am Swedish, many here are from USA. What's your point? also, fine tossing skills DOES sound interesting.. be sure to PM me at release.
  20. Dissidia is looking cool! FFXIII will most definitely be a 2010 release since they need to make the X360 version before release and they won't start that before the Japanese PS3 version is done.
  21. The difference is that the games I mentioned are 1. real games, 2. planned for 2009, 3. not lame RPG's featuring various stereotypes by race (seriously, low blow )
  22. They added it so they wouldn't look like asses seriously though, I'm joking. Glad you guys liked it! Thanks!
  23. btw if treasure releases Sin & Punishment 2 and their unnamed X360 gsme 2009 will officially kick all other year's asses. Other games I look forward to include: Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 Battle Fantasia (PAL release) Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad Muramasa: The Demon Blade Away: Shuffle Dungeon
  24. Nobody likes this remix, they just use the review thread for begging and fanboying :'( also: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15004
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