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Everything posted by anosou

  1. HI! NEO GEO ROMS? !LIST In other news, I've gotten a few composer gigs lately for XNA games, the indie lite version of Xbox Live. It was all about running around forums that has a "looking for work" forum (for example indiegamer) and showcase a lot of stuff you've made. You can NEVER get by without some good examples of various stuff you can do. I must admit though I'm not an advanced composer by any means. For example I tend to stick to very simple harmonies and melodies. The important thing forme is to make music that really fits the game and the occassional unique touch. I always put a lot of emphasis on the sounds themselves since it's such a big part of music in this day of age. I also stay far away from anything orchestral and instead of suffering from it I make it my niche to compose electronic music, often coupled with some less-than-ordinary real instruments. My best advice is simple though: practice. God knows I need it too. You can't get better without it sadly Good luck!
  2. You made me laugh so hard I got water up my nose. Nice work
  3. Love you, but you know what uni + judging + part time work + soundtrack work does to you!
  4. Psst, I'm not on this one anymore I don't have the time. Sorry man, update first post
  5. Get VF4: Evo already! VF5 is a bit better but then you need an Xbox 360 / PS3. Great games for sure, music is okay too.. a bit to RAWK THE FUCK OUT for my taste.
  6. So very true, those soundtracks were fantastic. Someone, somewhere, should remix 'em
  7. I wholeheartedly agree, I'm also afraid there will be issues with winamp plug-ins running on Mac OS X and various Linux systems.. As I said, mail those developers and link them to songbird!
  8. Good idea! Never thought about that. Though wrappers aren't the most stable if I understand it correctly.. Though imo, any way will do as long as I can play VGM formats in songbird.
  9. As long as we get an optional plug-in or at least some serious attention, we're on our way! By the way, funny thing, I just read that the Songbird-devs are talking with Mozilla to make Songbird a sister-app to Firefox and Thunderbird. We're talking Mozilla Songbird here! Let's hope that goes through :3 Also, worth noting, these are stuff the developers are working at: http://wiki.songbirdnest.com/Roadmap
  10. Dave brought this to my attention earlier too so I've e-mailed some of the winamp plug-in developers asking them to port or develop new plugins for songbird. If anyone of you guys want to do the same I would appreciate that A LOT! The biggest chance we have in making this real is getting the support from some seasoned developers AND showing that there is enough interest to make it worthwile. Also, it's not entirely true what you said. There are tons of programs to make chiptunes and the mod/tracker scene is bursting at the seams with them. The ammount of original, legal and free C64-tunes for example is just just huge. So, DO support the cause in both the feedback thread and via word of mouth. Tell your friends, hunt down developers and spread the word. I think it'll happen, when is a question of how many that are willing to commit
  11. The performance can only improve from here on out so at least keep it and update it once in a while and please guys: http://getsatisfaction.com/songbird/topics/support_for_chiptunes_and_video_game_music_formats Take a minute to support this, even if you don't like Songbird, because it would certainly make Songbird more attractive to a lot of people and the VGM community will grow! Thanks.
  12. Oh! Omega Five on Xbox 360 Live Arcade! SHMUP PRIME BITCHES! Best soundtrack in a LONG time and a great game too.
  13. As I probably mentioned, Songbird isn't "done" per say. They're still adding features and sorting out bugs but since this is the first non-beta version I thought it was worth pimping. I believe this WILL eventually become one of the best mediaplayers out there. Especially with VGM-format support (FOLLOW THE LINK IN MY SIG ALREADY!)
  14. Yes, I'm bumping my own thread, but damn I've been playing a LOT of R-Type Final lately. That game is GOLD! If you haven't picked it up for your PS2 yer, do it or die a horrible horrible death knowing you missed one of the best gaming experienced of the last generation.
  15. Yup, that's true. And convenient. I actually wrote all that Hey, thanks for the support in the chiptunes question! the more interested the higher the chance they implement it.
  16. One of the best sources in the history of Final Fantasy and video gaming in general. You certainly brought it justice (I tried too but ended up raping the source totally instead...) and for that I thank you, OCR and the world needed this. Great stuff!
  17. Mazedude is, hands down, one of the best remixers around. Still working in trackers (if I'm not missing something) and still putting out all of these fantastic arrangements. While "real" instruments like these sound very fake it doesn't take away much from the piece as a whole. Mainly because the arrangement kicks ass and most other instruments work very well. Props on bringing some Jazz Jackrabbit-action our way.
  18. This has "soundtrack" writtenn all over it. Would've worked perfect in a remake of the game. The only thing I don't really like is the guitar-lead, the vibratos are just.. no fun Otherwise, beautiful arrangement, great mood, good use of percussion and different instruments.
  19. Way dark, way awesome. Very atmospheric track with all the strange noises and creative use of effects. Perhaps not the most expansive arrangement out there but the atmosphere and constant minor changes in the soundscape is more than enough to carry this. Loving the heavily reverbed kickdrum for example. Nice work
  20. I think it's pretty damn cool Blazing Lazers got a remix! While it might not be amongst the better on the site it has a certain charm. I bet this was pretty challenging way back then
  21. Rather oddly this is labeled only as "Funk" on my computer, but whatcha gonna do. Pretzel-ish groove, some cool FX and good sound quality. Gold way back, decent now. Flanged drums are flaaaanged
  22. You're a good person OA, I might even have some time to review this year! Keep it up people.
  23. I think it's better to laugh than to be mad kinda bummed you hated it THAT much because I personally thought it was quite close to the original in terms of style.. but hey, can't win 'em all
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