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Everything posted by anosou

  1. It will have 40 games, I'm pretty sure at least 10 are Sonic Since I have Mega Collection for GC I'm more excited about Space Harrier and Phantasy Star. I'm lame like that.
  2. In related news, I pre-booked that yesterday :3 I never had a Sega-console and I haven't emulated shit so this is kinda the best thing that's ever happened to me lately.
  3. Commander Shepard didn't have hair in his/her face and therefore Mass Effect is sub-par to Lost Odyssey. Also, my opinion > your opinion. That's just how it works! Sucessful Retaliation!!
  4. D, no doubt. C weighs in but even if most of the reviews says it sucks I can still give it a buy if I find the concept interesting (see: WarTech: Senko no Ronde)
  5. B# vs. C made me laugh. Think about it and get back to me.
  6. Word up, C-minor is my key of choice when I'm playing keyboard (so all of my remixes..)
  7. Then again, I'm pretty damn handsome AND some kind of judge YOU IS SUCK!
  8. It's true.. I secretly adore atmuh. I want his babies. You're nothing compared to the great one!
  9. Don't feel bad, I still like you. Just don't come to conclusions that include you being an ass at a forum, it never turns out well.. for anyone. atmuh is probably the most efficient troll on OCR ever, he's also quite funny at times. Now, spread the love
  10. This made me laugh pretty hard. You don't know about atmuh I take it? Still, he helped the guy and you double posted without needing to.. get off your high horse, it's christmas.
  11. You're a bad person and took your time to both hate on a good game because you hate RPGs (there's no other reason to dislike Lost Odyssey!!!) and to shamelessly link yourself. Boooo Seriously though, you're wrong.
  12. The rediscovery of PlayStation2 is definitely a good moment for me, there's an almost unlimited ammount of good games for that machine and they're all cheap nowadays! I gotta say though, the biggest moment for me is discovering that budget, niche and smaller titles kick a serious ammount of ass for the most part. I started playing Dynasty Warriors, found out about Senko no Ronde, obught Oneechanbara and fell in love with various Live Arcade titles like Omega Five. For some releases that rocked my world I must say Lost Odyssey rocked it the most. Fallout 3, Fable 2, Rez HD and Civilization Revolution were also solid and soaked up a lot of 2008. Good year this year
  13. True, that's why music copyright is especially tricky, but my point is valid and you are wrong about OCR not breaking copyright law which brings me to what I replied for: lol I was right! I linked something like that but as I said, as a Swedish citizen I can't really cite US law but I do trust the public domain project. Feel free to get a copy of the latest revision of US copyright law regarding music and e-mail me though! EDIT: shit it's 3.37 in the morning, gotta sleep. later thread!
  14. I might be used to Swedish law then, good to know. It's really hard to say if we hurt the sales or not though. Gotta research this, interesting EDIT: you've been research'd: http://www.pdinfo.com/copyrt.php • you CANNOT make a derivative work or arrangement for public use in any form
  15. Don't make a fool out of yourself, we do break copyright law but we do our best to make it so it doesn't hurt developers, composers or intellectual property holders.
  16. It does however apply to what ]EE[ did which is what you're defending and what this thread is about. Remember? I agree with you, I think you should be able to do what you want to something you own as long as you don't distribute. Too bad ]EE[ was distributing this then.
  17. soo... "the worst thing ]EE[ did was break copyrights" "this site is doing the same thing". How is that not to compare? Then you gave us the example that a C&D could happen to OCR too and that both examples rendered the C&D not "necessary". While you may not have mentioned the manner in detail it's pretty clear from that post what you were hinting at. Stop being smug :/ in other news you've STILL ignored my point about how ]EE[ REQUIRES a modification of the console in order to use the patch and that THIS might in fact be why Nintendo shut them down. It's a bit more to it than that Nintendo (and I quote) "chose to shut down a fanart project".
  18. Your second post in this thread: Oh my, you just compared ]EE[ to OCR in the THIRD POST EVER IN THIS THREAD. Damn, we misinterpreted you, sorry. Also, you ignored pretty much everything I said in regards to you comparing the two AND defending ]EE[ from the IP holders, i.e. Nintendo. I can sum up my point so you won't have to read: Using the patch with Brawl requires you to modify your Wii which is 1. Illegal and 2. encouraging piracy although not directly. This is both against the law (many times around) and does hurt Nintendo enough to see it as an issue. In regards to your comparison with OCR: OCR does none of the above, charges no money in any part of the chain and PROMOTES the IP holder, artist and anything around it. You're out of line and you were so from the beginning, call it quit?
  19. So you basically think copyright is something the world should abandon because it keeps hack-related projects from getting released when they're obviously 1. breaking the law and (and this is important because you haven't gotten this during the last pages) 2. does something that HURTS THE COMPANY WITH THE COPYRIGHT? I think the point of all this is the following, something you miss time and time again: • ]EE[ did something that hurt Nintendo in several ways, Nintendo chose the C&D to protect their copyright. Entirely legal and for a good reason. • OCR does NOT use copyrighted material in the same way, it's about music which is in a legal gray area (covers, arrangement and not-for-profit is something you should look up) and we do not hurt the game company in any way. Rather the oppossite really, we bring attention to their soundtrack releases, games and employees. No debate really.. It's obvious that ]EE[ is in the wrong. Before I do though, do not answer with something like "That's not the point, any company can shut down sites/projects/poo-sculptures with copyrighted material" because no one is saying they can't. You're trying to throw shit on Nintendo because of what they've done and we're trying to tell you that's dumb because Nintendo is right. Now, explanation time.. To use the "patch" you need to apply it to an .iso. To play this iso you need a modified Wii. To modify a Wii is illegal. Why? INTERNET, I CALL UPON THEE! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modchip#Legality - Under the DMCA (US Law) it's illegal to circumvent any kind of "technological measure" to protect copyright. The technological measure is what makes it impossible to play .isos. So, in essence, the patch does (no matter what they OR you say) encourage something that serously hurts Nintendo. So they went the C&D route, for great justice. The copyright law might have flaws but this is not, in any way, a good example of that. You're not educating us by the way.. IF you wanted to talk about why copyright is flawed you should've talked about the new generation of file-sharers when it comes to music because this is where the gray area is and where most of the questionable uses of copyright can be found. You could start with the 19th century ideas about the composer as an enlightened being as a result of Beethovens genious and new way of employement, when music stopped being a craft like plumbing and was elevated to art like.. apparently painting. You could also mention the industrialization and french revolutions changes in how "copyright" was handled because music was "sold" in sheet music form. You could then explain that this system is getting obsolete in the age of digital audio and recording in a climate were composers aren't measured by skill like they were during the 19th century and were the "use" of music has broadened considerably... but then again, you're not educating us about copyright and it's issues. You always no just the right things to say ;*
  20. Check the "how to play" section in the menu, it's mandatory for all XBLA games. it takes a while to learn the control scheme and get what everything does but when you do it's utterly fantabulous!
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