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Everything posted by anosou

  1. My 360 is in the shop so I can't really keep playing BUT I can brag about how awesome my lvl20 character is! Max speech, small guns, lockpick and repair. I've also got a pretty huge barter and science for great justice. More than that I only carry around unique weapons including "The Terrible Shotgun" and "Sydney's 10mm "ULTRA" Sub-machinegun" :3 I also have the sexiest outfit ever with my ghoul mask (ghouls doesn't attack me with this) and a wicked wig to go with that (think judge). Deathclaws are still a pain if there are more than one and I don't have many stimpacks but most other stuff I take down in a jiffy. What's more important is that I can get a LOT of cool stuff from my high speech and various speech perks. Gotta love additional dialogue! I'm thinking of going all-out melee and evil as a femal character next time.. That deathclaw-gauntlet just looks too hot not too take advantage of! Guns, sadly, kill melee because of all the ranged attackers. But with high-health it's good fun!
  2. n00bflood is like the best thing ever, make it a yearly thing! I remember voting NO on this one first. I'm glad we got a new mixdown and a YES in the end though because this is really good, keep up the good work!
  3. After some information digging I found that 505 Games released a bunch of Psikyo shooters in Europe for the PS2 along withs ome other obscure titles. Here's the list of what I WANT :::PS2::: Gigawing Generations (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Dragon Blaze (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Magna Carta (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Raiden III (PAL) [Another Soundscape] XII Stag (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Wild Arms 5 (PAL) [Another Soundscape] In other news you can scratch Atelier Iris 3 (PS2) from the WANT list, found it online today. thanks
  4. Okay you win. But keep in mind they don't even have the same connections to your TV (except if you're going PS3+scart, then there's the scart hub) so you just have to change the channel. I guess my main point is that software emulation will never be as good as the real deal so if you're planning on playing a lot of PS2 you should just get a PS2.
  5. True, except that PS2 is still the best console ever, anyone that disagrees is a [insert radical political association and/or fundamentalist believer in religion of your choice here]. Honestly though, if you don't have a PS2, get one. If you have a PS2, why care about backwards compatibility?
  6. I read something else: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=131198 Ah well, maybe it's time to get an HDTV finally.. In other news, this game made my 360 RRoD before I got past the title screen :'(
  7. Your google-fu is weak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3#Retail_configurations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PS3_backwards_incompatible_PS2_and_Playstation_games - this one seems incomplete but still.
  8. I love you! I've been going on and on about getting this game but nobody's said anything good so now you gave me a legitimate reason to spend money! Now if my X360 would be back from repair.. It got RRoD suddenly when I started Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts for the first time. Sure it's a 2005 X360 Core but still :/ Ah well, at least the warranty covered it (since I bought it new in february this year where I work for like $100).
  9. Drums are a bit overpowered compared to the rest of the instruments. Strings especially were quiet and quite fake-sounding. Overall the instrumentation was pretty close to the original too. The issue here is that you've basically done nothing to alter the source here. This is more like a sound-upgrade for a fan-remake and nothing more. Sorry, but this just doesn't qualify as an arrangement with our standards. Get interpretive with the source, alter the melodies and harmonies, change some instruments and so on. Use the WIP-forums and #ocrwip to get some precious feedback. NO
  10. Agree'd with pretty much everything there. too bad Vesperia and SO4 ain't out in PAL-country yet. "We can't stop here, this is PAL-country!" Little Big Planet still looks freaking awesome but one game isn't enough.
  11. Selling a few PC games because I don't have a PC. Price is up to the buyer but no bids like "a buck and you pay the shipping" or I'll slap you :'( Extra cheap if you buy a few. All in perfect condition. Shipping's on you except if you buy a lot of games. OFFER: :::PC::: Diablo (Medallion release) $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Fallout $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Neverwinter Nights $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Neverwinter Nights: The Shadow of Undrentide $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Warcraft 2: Battle.net Edition (Medallion release) $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Worms United (Sold-Out release) $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape] Myst V: End of Ages (PC & MAC, Power PC OS X) $YOUNAMEIT [Another Soundscape]
  12. In other words, I'll stick to 360 for a while. Damn, FFXIII on 360 really killed PS3 for me
  13. It's still in beta so I doubt it but try and if not, just write to the creators I want support for emulators! To bad it's highly illegal .. Edit: Damn games.slashdot.org's rss doesn't work anyone know a good gaming news site with rss?
  14. Never been a fan of MGS, more into JRPGs (yeah.. i know..) what's this Valkyria Chronicles I've been hearing about btw?
  15. DAMNIT! I thought I was the only one who wanted to arrange Lost Odyssey. Now I have to hurry to get the first X360/Lost Odyssey ReMix :'( Anyway, I have to agree with Larry here. The intro sunds aimless. When the theme enters it feels like an entirely different song. You handled the theme quite well though, some more interpretation wouldn't hurt but what you have in place is good. This is only about 2 minutes and it needs to substantially arrange the source more in this short time. Most instruments sounds ok. The brass were really fake-sounding though and the really high flutes during the intro sounds more like synths. Some additional bass frequencies would help the mix sound full and maybe tone down the reverb you have to make the soundscape cleaner. This is a great start but you need to take it up another notch for it to pass. Develop this some more and get back to us! NO(resubmit)
  16. What the hell is that Netvibe thingy? I've been browsing the site but I don't get it O.o Also, I'm totally getting Raptr. EDIT: totally got raptr. http://raptr.com/AnotherSoundscape
  17. Once more for emphasis, the hand drum loops are awesome. I'm with my fellow judges here for the most part. This mix seems empty most of the time. A pad or maybe the strings doubled one or two octaves down would definitely help. The leads were a bit weak too, especially the strange flutey thing and the brass. They were both quiet and seemingly drowned in reverb. Crash cymbal is very sizzly, tone down the high-freqs or switch sample because it sounds quite unfocused and bad. I thought your approach to the sourcetune was good. You have some good ideas and while the source material (and arrangement of the same) could be more prominent compared to the beats the arrangement in itself works well. Some additional variation to the basic beat+bass combo would also help but it's minor. This needs to be taken up another notch in terms of production. Many elements just aren't clicking together (or on their own). Work on making everything sound cohesive and full and you'll have a winner! Good luck! NO(resubmit)
  18. iTunes sadly does both, at least it does alter the mp3 and it keeps your torrent client from seeding it. But hey, we want the songs to be pretty too right?
  19. Looks pretty decent! I don't play nearly enough online games though, console gamer that I am, but I might give this a try.
  20. WANT: :::GameCube::: Baten Kaitos Origins (US-NTSC) [Another Soundscape] :::ps1::: Koudelka (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Star Ocean: The Second Story (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Wild Arms (PAL) [Another Soundscape] :::ps2::: Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Wild Arms 5 (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Dark Cloud (PAL) [Another Soundscape] Damn we need to get the europeans over here! Make the title "sale/want thread EUROPE FRIENDLY"
  21. Amazing! Best thing that has happened to me for some time! No lies!
  22. Blasted timezones, I can't even talk to my fellow staffers.. Anyway, source tracks in some remixes (I noticed it in my own Legend of Arcana remix) is missing. This was quite a while ago. Just a miss or something else? ;*
  23. First and foremost I didn't think direct sampling was an issue here since it was both altered at times and such a small part of the track. Production is obviously excellent! Everything sounds even in levels and creative effects have been put to good use. The bitcrushing on the drums from time to time is great for example. Regarding the arrangement, I think Jimmy has a good point here. There is a sufficient ammount of expansion from the original, especially considering how the original is very groove-based. There is clever drum sequencing all over the track and not just a rip from the originals DnB drums. The original synth part at 0:56-> is great and reminds me of Andy's Mindbender. More counter-melodies at 1:52 and onwards. At around 2:36 the three-note chime pattern is arranged together with some additional counter-melodies from a square synth at 2:50. The main riff is arranged heavily with the new chords at 4:18. I mean, all that doesn't qualify as enough arrangement? Even if it's not the boldest arrangment because of the track's length and similarity in style to the original it's outweighed, in my opinion, by the stellar production, dynamic and never repetitive arrangement (break at 3:18 sent chills down my spine) and overall clever treatment of the source. A tough call for sure though.. In my opinion, this might be borderline but it's a borderline yes. Great work Nafeu, I'm looking forward to hearing more (perhaps a little more interpretive) remixes from you! YES(borderline)
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