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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Expect hate from me forever. Thank you, good night. Can't do much but agree with Larry on this though. Cool genre adaption but not enough interpretation, especially at this length. Some of the notes seem a bit off too (major instead of minor, in a bad way). If you evolved your ideas and arranged some more this could be quite killer, because it's a cool concept, but alas this is not the case. NO
  2. Tough one. Love the piano at with the lo-fi backwards fx in the intro. The lo-fi drums way back did sound a bit out of place at first but when the main beat entered I saw what you were going for. The timing on the triplet piano sounds a bit odd since it completely lacks groove because of quantizing or such while the rest of the track is very shuffled. To me it's really annoying since it goes on the entire track but that's very subjective, it kinda grows on you. The song feels a bit drawn out at times but I have to agree with Vinnie, most of the times I thought the piece was dragging out you introduced something new. The chord sequence at 2:14-2:26 will turn many heads but I think it was a nice touch that was well handled. The rapping drags the piece down. Sorry, but it does. It's strangely mixed and could use some high frequencies to make it clearer. I did love the pitch-fx though, keep 'em. Strings added to the soundscape, thanks for that. 4:18-> is pure genious and very original. No frequencies made my ears scream and that's always a good thing. All in all this is pretty damn good even though the arrangement can feel drawn out. If you fix up the vocals a bit it will outweigh that and push this over the bar. It's a very cool track and it will fit like a glove between Skrypnyk and Radiowar's stuff. YES(conditional on vocals)
  3. Some audible pops in the beginning as Larry said, I mainly heard the one at :01. Also the strange glitch at 3:06 has got to go, what's up with that? Might be a miss in the bassdrum (a 32nd note the wrong way) but it sounds very off. Didn't think 1:31 was an issue though. Production is good enough even though I think the guitars could've been given a volume push/EQ fix and the hi-hats some additional high frequencies. Especially the guitars since they're such a vital part of the mix. Ending cut-off ain't that bad but it could fade better. Arrangement is a tricky one. It IS close to the original. I think I have to agree with Vinnie though, the arrangement is borderline cover but I think it's safe enough to pass. The drums and sections after 1:30 is enough to keep it from being a straight cover. Didn't have a big problem with 2:55. However 3:10-3:14 had some awkward stuttering in the solo that could've been handled better, especially since it's sequenced. Legato man, legato. That's minor though However, I would like you to fix the pops, 3:06, ending and perhaps fiddle a BIT with the guitars to make the soundscape a bit fuller. I'd feel that would give it the push the mix needs to really outweigh the slightly coverish arrangement and it's easier than changing the arrangement. So. YES(conditional)
  4. Sounds like I should pick up Lizardman yet again
  5. I think it's because no one is used to Lizardman. But then again I might be wrong, I'll have to meet one before I form an opinion :/ I think voldo's facing away stance is the strongest btw :3
  6. Dave, long time no remix. I'm glad it was worth the wait Now, moar plz.
  7. Creat-a-Character is gold. My main Astaroth CAS is a white/pink minotaur-headed hunk in voldo's spike-suit from one of the previous SC's. You will never forget when this freak beats you up
  8. This is wicked and a fantastic gift to bLiNd and the community. Yeah, nice work right here.
  9. <3 <3 <3 Glad you're feeling better man, welcome back
  10. Check with Escariot, he's usually up for mirrors
  11. Lizzie is sick, he was sick in SCIII too. He used to be my main and I should probably pick him up again.. but then again I don't think his new stance is all that good, he's very vulnerable in it and the moves you can do from it isn't all that worth it. The mix-ups however makes him ace.
  12. You need to be connected to XBL for your high-scores to be posted on the leaderboards. And it sucks amazing ammounts of ass. I'm 99% at least. Good news is the wi-fi adapter works very well. Can play matches in SoulCalibur IV with 4 bars, no issues at all.
  13. Finally reached lvl 20 in ranked online. Kilik is an ass but I seem to have more problem with anyone with 3-bars or below, they can just spam and I can't react with impacts or defend against mixups :'( Still I have like 72 wins 52 losses atm so I'm happy I didn't know you had to guard crush to make a critical finish, I usually just hit 'em I've made like 10 in single player and none in multi player.. I discovered how wicked Bull Rush is, that between 6K and 4B makes sure I'm never outmashed by fast chars anymore. Just have to practice my impacts and pressure.. I'll see you online, PM for XBL-name if you're up for some casual matches.
  14. So.. let's see.. Snare is fixed. Better in my opinion but still a tad hard for it to cut through the wall of sound. Fishy's guitar has been toned down, still a bit wide and fx'd but it doesn't bother me as much when it's quieter. The bridge sounds about the same but since this was a minor crit even before I'll let it go. The soundscape sounds a bit cleaner too. Honsetly, now there's nothing that really drags this piece down. While the instruments could've been even better separated we can't demand a filmscore-$$$$$-sound. This is great stuff and this is a YES. YES
  15. I did NOT see this one coming after listening to the source :3 Very interesting concept. Great sounds all around too. I love how dynamic this piece is, it starts out tiny and grows into this huge hectic orchestra. I think you could've used some EQ to really make some of the instruments stick out more. I don't think it's too dry, it could have some reverb but I don't think it hurts it not to. You should put a limiter on the master though. Just to keep it from clipping, don't squash it While the arrangement is about 1:54 long I don't see a problem with it. You really came through here, especially with such a short source. Fix the clipping and maybe fiddle around with the instruments a bit to make them fuller (like Larry also suggested) this'll be a no-brainer. Good jorb there Pascal! YES(conditional, mainly on clipping)
  16. Freakishly cool soundtrack, will have to check it out. Starts off with the first source-tune "Emiya". The strings playing the chords has a bit of an awkward attack. The brass was OK, actually better than most subs we get. I agree with larry's concern about the melodic content getting buried in the orchestra-wall. Try to get the melody in front, don't pan it to the left either. Otherwise the arrangement here is decent and quite dramatic. I think the snare drum could use some work, it sounds very awkward playing that rhythm over and over again. The pause and piano doesn't work at all. The piano is very mechanical and low-quality and this is enhanced further by leaving it all alone without reverb in the soundscape. You should look into how you process your samples or better yet get some new ones. Orchestral is a very demanding style to write in since you are trying to get the exact sound of real instruments. The writing was okay though, interesting enough take on the second source. I echo larry's concern about the buried melody in the next part, bring out the melodies more man! These are the core of the sources. The track awkwardly cut off in the end.. don't do that You're going in the right direction but you really need to polish this before we can pass it. Work on balance, processing of your samples and maybe add some unexpected writing or instruments to make it seem less droning. Take your time with this one, it'll defenitely pass if you fix the issues nicely. NO(resubmit)
  17. nono, when it's flashing you have to hit the opponent like you would anytime and eventually he'll be staggered and you can hitt ABKG once
  18. Hi I live in Sweden. Anyone else from Sweden? Anyone? Sweden? No. Anyone? Sweden? No. Anyone? Sweden? No. (+10 points for anyone who catches the comedy I'm referring to)
  19. Online play works great with 4 or 5 bars opponent. Not-so-great with three and unbearable otherwise. Luckily most people have realized this and stopped playing if they have below 3 bars. Your critical finishes ain't working because you ain't doing them right :3 You have to soul crush your opponent when he's gauge is blinking red, that is doing a PHAT attack so he "staggers".. you'll notice I promise. Not distance, just quality of connection. I can play someone in the states with 5-bar connection and GI like crazy and I live in Sweden She did not and most people thinks she sucks because of it but I'm glad someone appreciates it.
  20. Didn't see this one coming, very atmospheric. You could probably master this a bit better to make it sound bigger and "closer". Try a bit of compressor (a tiny bit) and some EQ to get the frequencies just right. The arrangement is very interpretive indeed. Very cool ideas and tight playing all around. I would've appreciated a bit more expression in the playing to make the piece sound less repetitive. Because now, like Larry said, it's just not varied enough. Put in some variations of the melodies here and there, take some unexpected chord turns, maybe letting a chord or two ring out as a break between verses? Try to get a little more creative with the arrangement. What's here is good but you need to go the extra mile to realy make it shine. I'd love to see more acoustic guitar on OCR (I'm a huge Andy McKee and Erik Mongraine fan) so keep working and this and please, resubmit. NO(resubmit)
  21. Finally got my connection up and running today. Been playing for a few hours with my sick Astaroth-clone Minoroth (think pink and animal-head) and I'm currently at level 15. Too bad you don't really get to do much teching and mindgames at low levels because most people spam regardless of chars ;P oh well 1[A]~B/A mixup gets 'em every time. And air-grapples. Oh god, the air-grapples. You can basically narrow the meta down to about 4 types: Kilik/Mina, Amy/Raph, Nightmare/Sieg and Cervy/Shura. I met 3 Rocks today though, that was pretty neat. Anyway, Anosou on XBL. Add me and play some playermatches if you're bored, european time mostly. Also, props to you I-n-j-i-n for palying Yoshi, a char I always wanted to play but sucked too much to control :3
  22. X360 will support playing from harddrive shortly so I don't think loadings is an issue on any console when that comes. I prefer 360 for the ammount of people. Now if they'd just make XBL free :3 Add Anosou at XBL for some matches, just got my wireless network up running. Can't guarantee four-bar connection though :/
  23. Sweetums, because I like that pic. We'll see what he says then :3
  24. I've yet to go online because of a crappy connection I can't seem to set up but when I do I bet I'll have trouble blocking low. Not because I'm a bad SC-player but because I'll be so used blocking high because of beginners ._. Anyway, cleared Tower of Souls yesterday. Floor 57-59 is a bitch and I hate it. Have around 28 Honors. 2 More and it's party time! FEAR THE MIGHTY ASTAROTH!
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