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Everything posted by Brithor

  1. Ohh, I see. Doesn't look like it's hanging though lol.
  2. If we got a giant Nintendog to be an assist trophie why would Kraid be too big?
  3. It has already been said but the Chozo Temple from Metroid Prime would make a perfect stage.
  4. I just saw it today. Overall it was a good movie but am I the only one really annoyed by that Sector 7 dude?
  5. Looks good. Only thing that bothers me is the ammount of cash required to get all the instruments together.
  6. Heh, I wish I was a poor bastard living in Japan
  7. I too thought mine was original when I came up with it. But one day reading some book I found out that some J.R.R. Tolkien dude had already used it to name a river (WTF?) And when I googled it it turned out to be some kind of dog breed aswell.
  8. This is a cool update, at first I thought we'd be having Goro as a playable character (It needs more F-Zero guys in it ) but after reading the whole thing I must say these souped up pokeballs are a great idea. I just hope assisting characters do more than pokemons did in Melee.
  9. Neither SF or MK are beat 'em ups... they are fighting games.
  10. I use NOD32 aswell, it's great.
  11. I too found the Space cannon thingy kinda retarded, and the plot was rather corny (lol sex slave) but the animation and fight choreography was superb. I just wish Proxicide made MK characters win at least once.
  12. Can't wait for the next update just to see this boring Wavedash discussion end. And for the new content, of course.
  13. Forsaken sounds like SNES music, first thing that came to my mind when I listened to it.
  14. Yeah, I agree. But you've got to remember that untill now, every Smash Bros. character has been a hmm, how do I say it... 'real' characters. If they include Black Mages for example, they should include Paratroopas aswell. So I think it's more likely, if they do add FF characters (Don't think that's gonna happen though) they'll add some of those 'faggots' you're talking about
  15. Lol, seeing as I bought my GC on launch day, and the ammount of use it has had I think it lasted a pretty good time. But ohh well, I don't really give a damn about what you say or think hurhurhur. Practically everywhere I've read reviews about TP it has said that the Wii version was better, so why wouldn't I want to wait and buy the better version? BTW, I still think we're way off topic
  16. Hahaha, wanting to get the best for my money is a faliure? That's a new one. Anyway, we're way off-topic.
  17. Yeah, I know. But my GC is broken, won't read any game discs. And I wouldn't buy the GC version anyway.
  18. Well, as a matter of fact, yes there is. I don't have 310€ to buy a Wii+Zelda.
  19. There's still people who haven't played TP so... don't spoil it fo m... I mean them.
  20. I love you.
  21. lol @ moon.
  22. Good god, please don't put any Final Fantasy characters in it.
  23. This game rocked
  24. Brithor


    Right, so I FINALLY saw this yesterday. It was well worth the wait. Awesome movie.
  25. Hehehe, funny funny. Shame he 'can't say my name'
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