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Everything posted by Brithor

  1. Robot? What's that? Didn't see that one comming...
  2. There seems to be some kind of bug with the threaded mode in some topics. I accidentaly switched to Threaded mode while reading the Nintendo Wii topic and got a blank screen with the following message: I have absolutely no idea what that means, maybe you wiser ones can fix this.
  3. Well mine is a little weird. I made Brithor up (or at least I thought I did) 6 years ago but in 2001, when I read Tolkien's Silmarillion, I found out that he copied me (lol) to name a river, so apparently I'm one of the seven rivers of Ossiriand... still unknown enough to not have a billion people with the same name, though. I have yet to find someone with the same user name.
  4. Congrats man, have a good one!
  5. Or genre either.
  6. You are so predictable, lol. I think Assists Trophies will be a grea addition, souped up pokebolas, awesome.
  7. So you won't even give them a little chance? Test them for a match or two? Maybe you like them more than you think.
  8. Turn them off?
  9. Ahahah, that's great.
  10. Shnabubula strikes again! That was amazing, I wish I could improv. like that.
  11. Geno would be an awesome adition, this game needs more SMRPG love.
  12. This was posted quite a while ago. Looks good though, at last we may get a RE movie that doesn't suck.
  13. You are mean
  14. I chose Falco even before I knew tiers EXISTED.
  15. I can't access the site, all I get is a white screen
  16. Good god, this is going to be a long week.
  17. I figured those out on my own... the shell thing was kinda obvious, the melon was just by accident.
  18. Hahaha, quite good, his accent was amusing. But damn, he cheated for the last part. Try figuring out the way to get to the watermelon without looking at any guides... damn, took me like 100 more lives.
  19. Are you kidding me? Clouds, AGAIN?
  20. 1-. The first point in the Spanish 'Submission Standards: 2. Ownership' section is missing a verb: "1. Su material presentado debe ser un arreglo original de su autoría."
  21. I finished yesterday in like half an hour with -313 lives. All that for a goddamn melon? I have to say it was a fun little game though.
  22. Ahahaha, that was hilarious!
  23. Canary Islands... Spain...
  24. I got 50€...
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