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Everything posted by Brithor

  1. I saw this movie yesterday and I must say that I'm on Bleck's side on this. I thought the movie was terrible. Too long, too boring. Only highlight was Soundwave being a satellite, other than that, blegh. I don't know what is so great about going to a movie only to watch Megan Fox every two seconds. If I want to see hot chicks I google them, I don't want stupid hotties that can't act to save their life ruining movies. I want my 6€ back.
  2. Downloaded it and liking it so far. Didn't know about it 'till I read this post, thanks AnSo!
  3. I think Spotify would be a great option.
  4. Never actually cried to a song, but 'Let it Be' from Across the Universe came pretty close. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQNpEET9WqQ
  5. European Spanish here. Let me know if I can do anything.
  6. That was great, can't wait for the next episode to come out.
  7. Sega does what Nintendon't!
  8. Holy shit, I just saw the trailer for that ahaha, it was awesome!
  9. I want Megaman's one hit kill hadoken.
  10. Creative Zen is your best choice. I bought a 8gb Zen V Plus last year, still works like a charm. Gonna get a 32gb (expandable via SD card) Zen on thursday anyway.
  11. I saw it on Wednesday. I thought it was good. Could be a lot better, but it was a lot better than the average Superhero movie.
  12. Alex Lifeson, this thread needs more Rush love.
  13. Watched all 7 episodes yesterday. It was pretty good! Anyone know if there's a second season coming?
  14. This is truth. Also, I'm gonna have to check this Breaking Bad one out, never heard of it.
  15. That was quite good! I liked it Seemed a bit choppy at some parts, but pretty good overall!
  16. ^ This is truth.
  17. Wait, free? I like.
  19. Holy shit Now THAT is awesome.
  20. I'm not saying it's not good, or fun to play, I'd play it and surely have a fun time. I'm just saying that it's not 'drool-bucket' worthy by far. IMHO there's a lot of better Mario hacks out there. But maybe I only say that because I haven't played it.
  21. Uhm... don't see why you're creaming your pants, don't see anything THAT special about this.
  22. I'm a 2 but I recently downloaded the torrents trying to expand into 1 territory.
  23. Does not support Opera browser? Fail.
  24. Ohh, right, that thingie. I always thought R.O.B. was the Star Fox one.
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