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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Oh yeah, OCR is supposed to be all techno songs, right? Yeah, that's what I thought, mmhmm. For the time it was definitely above standards, but this doesn't hold up well after 10ish years. It's not BAD but definitely cookie-cutter and I got bored very fast. Although, I couldn't help but smile at the usage of Scorpion's spear move SFX each time it played. Good to zone out to, not my cup of tea otherwise.
  2. Some of the samples are a bit iffy, like the accordion or harmonica sample (can't really put my finger on what it is), but besides that, this works. Nice funky bass with cool effects sprinkled throughout. This is like a mixture of bad drug trip and reggae, and it chills me in my loins. It does drag on a tiiiiiiny bit longer than I thought. Very enjoyable though, I'm finding it hard to pick a lot of stuff out that I dislike (a good thing). Oh yeah, the name rocks too.
  3. Gorgeous epiano sample opens up this shifting and moody remix. Reminds me of some of Akira Yamaoka's work with Silent Hill 3 and 4, except much more outwardly relaxed. Production is very clean for the majority of the song. I'm loving the drums, and the layers of instruments work well. One thing I really dig is the deliberate degradation of some of the samples, reminiscent of Boards of Canada's work. There are a few spots where it feels like the samples border on fighting for frequencies but it doesn't get messy. Great job, Radiowar.
  4. This song definitely shows Darkesword's versatility with his sounds and still have it sound like "a Darkesword song". The song has sublime melting pads and the majority of samples chosen sound great, though I will admit that when that high metallic 16th note percussion sample is used and not muffled it does grate on my ears a bit. It also gets a tad repetitive near the end, but this song by design isn't about brazen dynamic changes. The percussion switches, in particular, are great and precisely executed. It fit very well into the flow of the project, and is quite a standout mix itself. Nice one, Shar.
  5. Yes, he was, Brushfire was the one just yelling penis with no descriptive properties.
  6. Happy birthday to the man who's fanfic reading style had me distinctly in tears of joy this Summer. Hope all is well!
  7. Better late than never, but Audio Fidelity pulled out all the stops and got THREE additional artists to help him finish his arrangement of ~In Silent Memory~. Nice work, Jay and co.
  8. This is what happens when you don't outsource your gruntwork to third-world countries. "Yes, hello, thank you for calling OCR ReMix! How may I help you?...your submission hasn't been judged yet? Well, first, please make sure that your monitor is on. Okay, it is, now please make sure your computer is plugged in...it is, alright, sir...oh, sorry, alright ma'am. Please make sure that you have adequate source usage and that you are not using your cd tray as a cup holder...well, when did you submit?...please hold while I transfer your call" doot-do-do-do dooot doot do-doooo-do doot-do-do-do dooot doot do-doooo-do Well at least they're burning up the amount of DR/DP going on. That's...some kind of victory, I think.
  10. We start in 10 MINUTES FOLKS! Hurry up! irc.esper.net, #OCRListeningParty
  11. Episode 46 - Chocolate-Covered Locusts We had Mr. MAGFest on to talk about MAGFest, the MSX2, and random nerddom. It ruled. CHECK IT OUT!
  12. One word for this: SLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK. Rhymes are smooth as silk, or rather as smooth as ice cream since this is mostly about food. Great old-school record sound usage and the hook is good. If I had to give a negative criticism is that this feels just a little slow. Like, it feels like the track could just be a tad faster, but that's a personal preference. Loving how much rap is getting a spotlight on OCR these days.
  13. AMT is ridiculous with his bass stuff. Funky bass work with very competent performances on the guitars driving this song forward. I can clearly hear the original parts inbetween the source tune sections, and to be honest it feels like you really had to try hard to hold back while making this. Like it is primed to explode but takes its time to get there, and I think it is better for it. Makes the latter half of the track that much more interesting, and your drum work has actually significantly improved from last hearing your MMZ2 track. Great to hear how you're constantly improving!
  14. Crisp guitars, catchy vocals layered with nice harmonies during the choruses, and killer performances all around. Gotta say it's a little hard to understand whats being sung but regardless the melodies are awesome. It's definitely one of the most inventive takes on Cutman's theme that I've heard. You usually can't go wrong with Game Over, and this track is no exception to that. Can't say I liked the ending though, but besides that, KICK ASS.
  15. I BELIEVE NiGHTS is one of them, I recall seeing it once or twice. Just...wow, my memory sucks today.

  16. And its done. I recorded it. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11475354
  17. Which is in 25 minutes. Tune in now to see me prep, and prepare to witness massive hair trimmage. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/overclocked-after-dark
  18. I thought he retired. Made that big speech in the thread. Kinda like Colonel Guile in Street Fighter, but with a better accent.
  19. http://kotaku.com/5713693/sega-is-making-a-game-you-can-pee-on That's right, folks, you can now game while you pee and NOT get your DS all covered in urine! It's like a combination of peeing, crappy Wii-style minigames, and Japanese creepiness all rolled into one. I mean, who wouldn't want to blow wind up a woman's miniskirt with the power of piss? Or...you know what? I just can't even approach a game which kotaku quotes as being a "bukkake battle". I'm sorry, there's a line even I won't cross, and that's definitely it. So, basically, instead of designing more than one decent next-gen Sonic game in the last decade or conceptualizing a Dreamcast 2, they've decided to cater to drunks by making games to distract your from intentionally peeing on the floor. Nice, Sega. Really classy. Thoughts? Edit: Oh yeah, this is for urinals. Sorry, ladies, you'll have to get your piss-aiming gaming on somewhere else.
  20. I would like to encourage any of the project musicians who have their stuff done to submit the songs to OC ReMix. As with all projects, Lucid Dreaming will be allotted some songs for a mixflood, but obviously not all songs can be included in that. When you submit, please make sure to note that you're submitting a mix from the NiGHTS Lucid Dreaming project. This way they don't accidentally get posted, if accepted, before the project comes out. Furthermore, talk with me before you submit as I may have a mastered version of your track that you would want to submit rather to whatever final you have given me.
  21. Willrock is on this now. Here is what he had to say: "willrock: i've just joined another project as why but the sources are so facemelting, the director so awesome, and the deadlines so generous I couldn't say no" So yeah, welcome buddy. And thanks for helping a brother out. NiGHTS and Reala is going to have TWO beastly versions.
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