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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Heard the demos, and they sound kickass. For the intended users, you've made a killer package.
  2. Wow, what a night! Final WAVs from Luiza and Geshen of Balamb. These two tracks are awesome. Disco and Classical now fully represented on the album.
  3. Look, consider this a trial run. This is one of our EASIEST songs, so we'll talk other stuff after. XD

  4. Episode 42 - Dry Sex in a Wet Suit Brandon Strader and Willrock all up in this episode! HOLLAH!
  5. Oh snap! My bad, dude. The performance was so dead-on that I guess it struck home as sampled. If that's the case, really solid performance but the processing threw me off. Edit: okay, after listening, yeah, sorry I missed that. Cheerfully withdrawn, sir.
  6. YOU, SIR! Can you get online one of these days? I has things I need to talks to you about. Many, many things. PM me so I can know if and when to meet you online...by the streetlight....in a trenchcoat....

  7. IIRC, I read somewhere that it was going to have twice the available RAM as a 360. Considering that large amounts of RAM are usually the biggest shortcomings of mobile gaming, besides raw processing power, it's definitely a good sign. Sony managed to get PS2-level graphics out of the original PSP (See Tekken Dark Ressurection, the MGS games for PSP, Gran Turismo, etc.), so I have little doubt that they're going to take the same raw horsepower and specs approach with the PSP2 as well. And FINALLY, TWO THUMB NUBS. Sony, welcome back to 2000.
  8. Avaris and myself just wrapped up a version of this track for the MMX series project, Maverick Rising. Our source was the one from the original MMX so that middle section isn't in it, but its at least part of it.
  9. Not needed, actually. I did the best I could with V-Vocals and it sounds acceptable as is. Believe me, you do NOT want to cull through the 20 or 30 vocal tracks I've been working with.
  10. Wow. And I mean...WOW! I got updates from a LOT of people, including Josh Whelchel, who is apparently crafting one of the most epic-themed remixes I've ever heard. The end of disc 2 is going to be an absolute crescendo of intensity. LOOK AT ALL THAT RED ON THE OP!
  11. I would hate to see what Courage Wolf would have to say about the panel. Oh, I can't resist:
  12. I would like to congratulate everyone who was involved in this mix, whether they played a part or just helped with feedback. The mix passed the judges panel. To celebrate, we should all go to a buffet dressed in checkerboard plaid.
  13. I'm probably one of the biggest NiGHTSfans on the site, and I gotta say, I couldn't resist listening to this. Dream Gate on JoD was a fantastic song, and those Aphex Twin songs you listed are also things I greatly like. Concept is great, execution is also great, especially the reversals you used throughout. I can't help but feel that a few sections could use an extra instrument or two (the sparser, more empty ones could do with some kind of backing smooth synth playing an arp in 16th notes, for example). Other than that, really really REALLY diggin' it. I will listen more and list any more comments if I have them. Started my morning off right with this one! Edit: Okay, some of the hihat sounds could use a little work as well. The overly synthetic and static velocity open hihat that happens around :40 through when you start switch between closed and open is a bit grating.
  14. Oh, hey, Mr. Elfman. What you doing round this neck of the woods in OCR territory? You've come to remix video game music? And you're not Danny Elfman? Well, shit, coulda fooled me. I will say this about PR: he's versatile across genres and knows how to achieve the style through instrumentation, arrangement, AND production. Many artists struggle to achieve the same consistency across genres, but PR makes it look effortless. Really, I could have been fooled that this was indeed unused music from a movie Elfman scored were it not for my familiarity with the source because of .I'm finding it very hard to level any criticism against this, because it really is that good. Maybe the random female vocalist that sometimes comes in is a bit over the top, but it fits. I got nothing else besides that. Friggin' awesome.
  15. Here's my breakdown of this song: *ridiculously complex string arrangement that makes me wish I knew more theory so I could appreciate it more* *pageflip* *ridiculously complex string arrangement that makes me wish I knew more theory so I could appreciate it more* *pageflip* *ridiculously complex string arrangement that makes me wish I knew more theory so I could appreciate it more* *pageflip* .... you see where I'm going with this, right? Yes, this is another piece that is hard for the average OCR-goer to properly digest, but that is the nature of what you created, is it not? It is genuinely authentic in what it set out to be, and that kind of dedication is very respectable for this mix. It may not be my cup of tea, but I can tell the kind of work that went into it. A slow-moving piece that doesn't steal the spotlight, the only criticism I can offer besides any coming from personal preference of musical style would be to indeed variate the speed throughout the mix, just to kind of keep a little bit more attention. Great, deep work.
  16. Ah, this mix makes me feel like Mario crawled into his favorite cave to smoke some opium and watch Peach bellydance. Fantastic conversion of the source to the genre, it shows a lot of imagination. The original parts that are in there are great, and the instrumentation....gorgeous and sounding 100% authentic. Really really nice layering too, but I guess due to the nature of the style and speed of this I found myself zoning out a good bit. If anything, I would say the ending could have been improved slightly but it does work as is. Top notch, my friend.
  17. Super Meat boy is a game that is going to be getting a fuckton of remixing love. That's not opinion: it is fact. The awesomeness of the ost mixed with the game themes themselves...it's just too tempting to pass up, ain't it? And here comes Poolside, with a pop synth duet featuring some heavily processed vocals. Can't say I'm a fan of most of the stuff done to the male voice, since I'm finding it hard to understand a lot of what is being said, but for the most part, this is really good. Kept my attention the whole way through, to say the VERY least. The interplay between the orchestral instruments and the hard synths was interesting and worked surprisingly well. The female chorus hook is unbelievably catchy. The male vocals later on were good. I guess I can also point out that some of the panning in this mix felt weird (either that, or I'm going deaf in my right ear while listening to this song). But, as always when I review things I a) try to find something good in a bad mix and try to find something bad in a good mix. So, there we are, and this definitely falls under category b! Am I the only one seeing Whelchel's suspicious association with meat and food? Wait a minute...THE CURE FOR BURRITO BOREDOM WAS SUPER MEAT BOY, WASN'T IT?!
  18. This one is definitely smooth, but I guess I'm having an issue some of those super-airy pads and the way they are modulated because there's a few things that are clashing at parts in the mix for me. Nice solo going on, but I'm not digging the distorted guitar sample. Still, pretty good stuff.
  19. This makes me happy. Nothing better than eating remixes of loved ones with cake. I mean, eating cake of loved ones with remixes. Ahh, screw the whole thing. Now THIS makes me ECSTATIC! You rock that mix's face off, dude. Oh, and happy birthday.
  20. wut. Look, dude, you can't post something like that without proof. Total tease, you are.
  21. Awesome, great to know. I still know a few people who knock ANY kind of soft or soft-hybrid processing, which irks me. Line 6 can sound ridiculously awesome if you pay enough attention to it. Also, I may have to check out GRig3 at some point again. I'm totally listening later today. Edit: Gotta say, after listening, I'm a big fan of the SM57 or the combined but not EQ'd. Straight AKG sounded massivly middle-focused and EQ'd sounded better but got ride of that great low-end feel of the SM57.
  22. Just gorgeous. Really, that's what this is. Proto did a nice job of humanizing the MIDI, and while it doesn't sound 100% authentic, it does sound incredibly close. The piano's are also clear and emotive. Great take on the source, it's definitely moving.
  23. For a mix that got run over by a Jeep, this is pretty dang awesome. This is the kind of music that would go in an HD version of Sonic 3, for sure. Tasteful arps, cool gated windy-noises, nice pads, good choice of leads, and that almost everpresent BOP kick. It's a winner, especially with that screeching OHSHITNOTHATSAREDSPHERE brake noise. Kickass.
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