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Everything posted by Nicholestien

  1. this is just fantastic, the reverb is perfect for the source tune. :]
  2. people aren't born virtuoso's. they become them.
  3. i whatched episode 1 of lucky star... wtf is this shit?
  4. using the mouse as an instrument
  5. omgz, I must know, what type of music is this? it sounds so hot bros and brahs, the piano is a bit out of order but still, zzzoOOOMMGGggg! give me the name son! GIVE ME THE NAME!
  6. The only reason I read the threads in WIP is because I love seeing how veteran oc remixers rip on everything everyone post, I just love seeing the flood of asshole cristism this board has to offer, gives me a good chuckle, also the large amount of post that are ignored, (mines are a prime example). But hey, look at the bright side, your lucky you got any feedback at all, and if it just happends to be GOOD feedback, you just may be on to something! And if it's alot of good feedback, reaches 5 or more pages etc, *which rarely happends*, you just might have about 13% chance of getting it yes'd by the judges. :] happy mixing son. :]
  7. I agree with you 100%. Mazedude's remix sounds awsome, but it just an't earthbound. And I was wondering, what is atonal theory? I'm VERY interested in learning more about this.
  8. also can someone explain this to me, I'm having a difficult time understanding, I did the test with the noise, not the one on the page but a similar one from a different website, it was to see if your speakers had proper center etc, my speakers did, but, When I disabled the right channel, It seemed that the sound was "lowered in pitch", and vice versa, when I turned off the left channel, it was raised in pitch, I did this, I moved my head back and fourth, it sounded like the noise was getting lower to higher and I'm wondering if this is supposed to happen.
  9. does anyone ever feel like they can hear 16-20khz frequencys?. i swear to god I can. >_> I can only describe it as a 'presence" , i realized it when I was cutting and removing the frequencys, what bothers me the most is that none of my headphones can pick it up. it seems to only work on my speakers, whats even weirder is, I'm not even sure my speakers can pick up frequencys beyond 16khz. :S
  10. I liked your frappe snowland mix. 0:)
  11. none speaks speaks on nicholestiens behalf
  12. What I'm saying is, I want to put the original "unmodified" melody, and mix it with a modified one, and have them play at different times in the song. an example would be to put the unmodified version right at the end of the remix, so instead of generating a sense that "the song is lifting off", it's more like, "the song is leaving". get the drift of what I'm trying to say?
  13. Is there anyway to get a remix on this sight without harming or improving the source material of the original composistion? for example, say I wanted to remix the sky runner theme from earthbound, very catchy stuff, I really like this thing the way it is though, and I only use 2 eight-bar sections from the original composition, and build my way around it from there, without harming the quality that it once had, because it's just fine the way it is, how would I do this without going against the standards and policy of the OC? I would imagin it's much harder now, taking into consideration that new license thing...
  14. *most music made without playing an instrument.
  15. Anime whatching = strictly music collecting son. Ghost in the shell probably has the best intro song I've heard so far, I mean stand alone complex, those russian chants and what not. Naruto was really good, but the manga is really letting me down at the moment. Bleach is probably my favorite, but I'm pretty sure I havn't gotten a hold of the underground stuff.
  16. I've always wondered how to humanize strings, horns, etc.you ever listened to mazedude's saxaphone in trippin' on rainbows? how the hell did he do that? how do you turn samples into phrases etc... or is he using pre package sax stabs or something? he probably got it recorded....
  17. i merely said that cuz i ran out of arguements...
  18. the jist of my arguement is your face. dude, I just be talking out my ass in case you havn't notice. shit, fuck, motherfuckin' hoe.
  19. If you weren't so busy do you think you would have as much mixes on the site as mcvaffe and mazedude? I don't know how people pull out ideas out there ass like this. o_O
  20. I can also attempt counting to infinity and back, that dosn't mean I"m going to do it.I'm going to set limits. bottom line, whether or not society agrees with it, there is no amount of money more valueable than a life.
  21. But I'm a pirate. So, I'm not going to pay for it, *loads shotgun* PREPARE THE CANNONS!
  22. actors can say the same shit alright bro, that dosn't make it right.do you honestly believe britney spears deserves to make the amount of money she's making? do you believe, that as a musician, you deserve to make more money then firefighters who risk there lives doing there "job"?
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