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Everything posted by Nicholestien

  1. if you link me to zircons thread i'll tear of your fucking head, and take your soul.
  2. I got a ton of drum sample cd's, I keep buying them, but all I'm getting is crap. Where do you get good drum samples? for example, in ben cousins "Bigshellwestbistro", they have some really groovy drums (they are really compressed by i like that) how do I get drums like that? Do I have to get a drum set or something?
  3. Get out of my topic you little cunt rag, Every new forum I visit has a few of you smart assholes on it that will go over the top if I mispell a word or do something like this. I asked a question, just answer it, you want to say some smart shit then you contact me by aim instead of being a faggot here on the boards.
  4. The Micron pwns man.
  5. fruity loops 149$ krk rokit powered monitors x2 300$ lynx 2 1000$ kontaxt 2 (dunno the price Save up for it.
  6. i done upgraded ma rig bros and brahs. Software: Fruity Loops 7 Producer edition: Only 179$!!1! Reason 3.0 Izotope Ozone Izotope Trash Izotope Spectron Orchestrial Sample CD (I'm never buying from sample fuzion again) I got the bundle of Ozone at guitar center for only 199$ O_o you must bow to me at my purchasing skills mortals. I have the greatest rig in all of existance. Everything I say and do is right. BOW DOWN TO A TRUE PIMP BIZNITCH!
  7. get sample fuzion orchestrial samples...only 29.99$....best buy you'll ever get...
  8. Your asio driver don't support 44100 sample rate. it said don't change it unless absolutely needed. change it. because it's absolutely needed.
  9. I think there should be a forum where you post your music, could be a remix, or non remix, I know there is already something like this but I think it should have it's on forum. This is a communitee of muscians, it would be an insult not to have it! I think they should both be put under the same roof, not two sub forums, because one would get more reponses than the other. I do remix music, but I create music most of the time, and there is proffesional judges on this forum. Mayby the catch to this forum is the possibility of having judges rate your music. The difference between this and the other forums similar to this one is that it's specifically made for rating, like judges decisions, people give you feedback and rate it as such, just like the judges. And mayby add some standards for fun, and make a leader board. Like, judges rate this song, Legend + or whatever, and the more songs you have the better. Just to encourage some competition similar to video game ladders. What do you think?
  10. beat someone up and take it from them.
  11. oh yeah, don't let anyone tell you different, xlr cabels are better then trs because they look better, proven fact, yup, true story. Get adaptors, even if it's trs to xlr then back to trs. because there just so damn cool. alright sun?
  12. If your recording music into the computer, I suggest the lynx two. If your primary using soft synths, I suggest the RME Hammerfall. Make sure you get XLR cabels though, and the proper adaptor cabels, never shove two channels into one sun, it's a mistake not worth doing.
  13. Because good muscians think that good eye hand cordination skills with an instrument makes them good at making music. My friend, who calls him self "Skullz" knows his way around 5-strings let me tell you, but that guy can't make music to save his life. I hate people that think they are all out musicians because they can play an instrument, i think the definition of musician needs to change. because the virutal world of instruments is here. I see no reason why a person who made good music with nothing but soft synths should be considered any less of a muscian than someone who made a song of the same level but played a real instrument.
  14. Earthbound is my favorite game of all time. Earthbound > Everything paula is hot man. SHES Hawt!
  15. phew, when i saw snapple guy reply to my topic i got scared for a second. bahaaha can you make a good song with nothing but square waves? those are my favorites because they sound like ERR from aqua teen hunger force.
  16. you LIER i said no such thing! but, i have such a hard time letting go of those little sound effects i made.... WHY GOD !!! WHYYYY!? exactly why i said brah in the first place. =P I did that on purpose!
  17. are you trying to say, that i suck at arrangement brah? i dont' take to kindly to such tounge.
  18. man, just get monitors seriously bro.
  19. Man I can't choose between Reason 4 and Fruity loops, you know what, I think I'm going to get both.
  20. oh yeah, thanks for not going over board yoozer, i know i'm pissing you off. you have the patience young one. =P
  21. my budget is over 10,000$ now. I've been saving up for about a year and a half. >_>but, I plan on buying only what I know I can work with. I was goign to buy UAD ultra pak, but then I looked at the plugins and realized I don't know what the **** those do. so it would have been 1,000$ down the drain. I just want a very expandible sound set, alot of crazy things I can work with, I don't like working with those effects proccessors, and i have a very small room. I was just thinking about getting fl studio, a bunch of soft synths, a decent audio interface and a decent monitors. Then spend my left over money on a car and get some poon tang.
  22. oh, ok, so if i went and baought a daw for 50$ called music studio and had some high quality samples i'm all good right? nah, i don't think things work that way. DAW in my opinon does have impacts on you, because they all have there limitations.
  23. I'm looking to create music like Analoq, Mazedude, and Ben Cousines (Bigshell west bistrol) I also like there animal remix from zelda links awakening.
  24. qfWTF............
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