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Everything posted by Nicholestien

  1. seriously... I know quality does matter, but a good piece of music is a good piece of music. I've been into this for about 7 months now, and, everytime I touch an equalizer, or a compressor, I destroy my music. i wish, they didn't exists, i want to throw all equalizers, compressors, multiband parametic blahs into a river and sacrafice them to the gods.
  2. another question, what type of monitors am i looking for in a fruity loops mansion? near field monitors or what? what is bi-amplified? I'm confused.
  3. I'm looking to create a remix that is unique. Something that sounds different then the rest. And I don't mean just a bunch of self made sound effects. After looking it over, really hard, I'm defanantly leaning towards FL Studio. I'm pretty sure Soft synths got me covered bros and brahs. I don't need programs like sonar or cubase, because I feel FL Studio is the king of MIDI and soft synths. if you feel i'm wrong post your opinons on why i'm wrong. and I will evalute them as such. Which remix's on this site where done with FL Studio, I listened to alot of Zircons remix's and I hear he is an FL Studio user, I would like to make a hybrid of his type of music, and incorporatz more "ACOUSTICS" sounds like pianos violins choirs and stuff. CHOIRS are very important to me because I love the beatuful voice of the human and the stars and the sun and stuff. CAN IT BE DONE WITH FL STUDIO!? WILL IZOTOPE OZONE GET THE JOB DONE BROS?! AH BRAHS I'M SO BAFFELED!
  4. When I mean Sequencer, I really mean just the sequencer. I've been considering getting a program that allows recordings, such as sonar, cubase, logic, and pro tools. BUT, there is something I TREASURE, AND LOVE, ALOT, AND IT'S THE MIDI SEQUENCER, THE PIANO ROLL, I MUST HAVE A GOOD PIANO ROLL OR I WILL DIE. Rate each of the programs below, give your opinons on them, which you prefer and why, don't just post your preferred sequencer because it's useless, Pro Tools < is it really as good as people are telling me? Cubase 4 Sonar 6 < What is the difference between studio edition and producer edition? Cubase SE3 <the difference? Fruity Loops Studio <Good recording capibilitys?, I havn't seen a better piano roll yet. I might consider going fruity. ;D) Reason (I've been using this for awhile, I hate to say this, but it's just to limited, the sequencer is something I like alot though, very good stuff in my opinon, the piano roll can go to hell though) You can tell me about other programs too. I'm looking for a program, that is pattern based sequencing, while at the same time, having linear sequencing, I can't really explain it, like, having fruity loops for drums, and having sonar or something for the melody. get where i'm coming at dawg?
  5. just use kung fu
  6. up for a few games later today?
  7. ok, let me think that over for a second.i made up my mind. nope.
  8. I'd kill myself if midna had a thing for me. I'm sure link feels the same way.
  9. =| i know what a sound module is. anyways, I tried to install xp about 3 hours ago and it won't allow me to do it.
  10. anyone play mario kart?
  11. Ok, I guess I'm going to do that. If it isn't to much to ask can you provide me some links to how to do it properly? I found many ways to do but I'm not sure which one is the one I'm looking for, or they mention things I know nothing about.
  12. argh, I've got nothing to work with. going to be like this untill vista gets into proper gear. I might go Cakewalk or Cubase, I don't know, anything that has a linear working route. not pattern one. -Software- Reason 3.0 Use to have Cool Pro 2, but I lost the disc. -Hardware- Sony-MDR-NC6 - Good for nothing.
  13. I have 12 wives.
  14. i heard he's an asshole or something. that snappleguy.
  15. Will it reduce the quality? because the entire point of me getting one is because of quality, I dont' want to resort to soft samplers which will rape my comp, VISTA JUST KEEPS GETTIN' IN MA WAY! >_<
  16. I would also like to say that I'm on windows vista and there is no going back because my entire computer was built from the ground up to be optimized for it. So I think alot of software plugins are out of the question for me, Native instruments, being one of them. I've always wanted to try out absynth and spectra sonic atmosphere.
  17. I'm considering getting a sound module very soon, it will help free up some cpu and supplie me with a bunch of good sounds as well. I have one question though, exactly how do you listen to the sounds it's making on playback without having a mixer to plug the balanced outs? =| All of the audio interfaces I look at on Zzsounds have a couple, are a very large amount of in/out, but only a few have them labled (L/mono R) but those are for main outs, so that gets me supicious, if I were to get one of those interfaces, I'm looking at "Moto MKII" it would record two channels/tracks wouldn't it? =| Are there adaptors to make up for this? to turn two outputs into one? If there is, what kind of problems can come from it? I really need something that makes sounds outside of my computer.
  18. you can find a sample of it on this page, just scroll down to the synth leads and click 5th saw wave http://www.myriad-online.com/en/products/demogold.htm
  19. I use to own a program called melody assistant that had a sound in it called "the 5th saw wave". It's a very unique sound and I would like to know where I can find a good quality version of it. I've attempted emulating it with software synthesizers but I'm getting knowhere. There is one that is found in most onboard midi synths, but that sounds like crap, it dosn't have the twinge to it that the one that melody assistant has. Any help would be appreciated. It also had a synth lead on the sound bank that came with melody assistant that I really liked alot also but can't find it anywhere or emulate it. it's very important to me in a mix i'm making.
  20. I would like someone to remix this super mario kart song that I like very much. It can be found here. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/index-sz.html It's the rainbow road song from super mario kart on snes console. The only thing I request in the remix is that it keeps it's crazyness intact. Other great songs to remix that I have not yet seen been remixed on the site are, toads turnpike mariokart 64 egyption temple goldeneye all three of these are songs I'm working on right now. and will show them to the world once I have decent speakers to fine tune them, or at least try.
  21. I didn't know much about Synthesis untill I got Reason 3.0, It didn't give me everything, but it forced me to learn how to use it's devices and triggered my interest in Sound Synthesis. So now I know how to use all types of synthesis. If you looking for a starting point to learning how to make electronic music and being able to create some decent Dance/Trance Techno beats I highly recommend Reason so you can have fun tweaking it. If you want to go pro, and feel that your fluent enough in Synthesizers I highly recommend these hardware Synths. Don't waste your money untill you know they will benefit you though. Reason isn't for everything ether.
  22. you misunderstood my quesiton, Is there anything that "Colors" the sound before it gets to the monitors?
  23. I still havn't even purchased anything yet because the more I learn about this world the more mistakes I keep finding, thankfully, this has saved me from spending big money, and having quite a bit of money at hand. I'm just really curious about the main factors that effect the monitors output. so if comp sends digital audio to the audio interface, and the interface sends the analog audio to the monitors, do the monitors still do there job correctly if the digital to analog conversion is poor?
  24. Stop being gay. Take off those starwars underpants boi.
  25. I thought I would share this dream as it's retarded. I don't know, Every always says this and that, reason is better and vice versa I had a dream that the two were actually versing each other in a arena. This is how it happend, they both look like transformers robots with there logos on them, the reason one was orange and black and fruity loops was dark gray. xD Reason busted out the subtractor cannon and launched a missle into the vocador vortex and it came out as a web, and it trapped the fruity loops bot. Then fruity loops turned green and summoned absynth, battery, and a bunch of other vsti' bots and they combined and started beating the hell out of the reason bot. Then reason fuzed with logic and created a fuzion bot and they were on equal grounds. Then in the end cubase came out of knowhere and blasted them both to bits. I don't know why I had this dream. I must be retarded or something. xD This dream encouraged me to make a flash movie of it. so who knows, reason vs fruity loops, who will win?
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