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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I don't quite understand it either.
  2. (pssst i think a good number of us could have inferred that even if we hadn't read the books)
  3. well poo I didn't realize he was my grandpa's age though
  4. Let me say first off that you should never, never be lifting weights to strengthen your arms for violin. The way you lift weights pulls muscles in ways that do not help at all for violin. So make sure to stretch if you do lift regularly. It's been 13 years since I picked up the violin so I don't really remember what the first couple years were like. But with regards to hand positioning, I'm not sure that the cramps will go away even if you keep imitating what you see in picture for the positioning. I would highly recommend trying to find someone who already plays the violin to help you with correct hand positions.
  5. well the pressure is kind of a side thing the atmospheric pressure does push the thing in (due to pressure differences inside and outside the bottle), but that's not the best way to explain the concepts here more complex than necessary here now that I think about it
  6. Look at your equation for the combustion of of whatever you're burning. (would be so kind as to provide it?) Until then, I'll use a generic methane + oxygen equation as an example: CH4 + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) Notice that the overall number of molecules of gas decreases from 2 to 1 as the reaction proceeds, resulting in the decrease in pressure, since according to the ideal gas law one unit of ANY gas will want to take up a given space totally regardless of how complex the molecule is. You could argue that the heat due the the candle or whatever would expand the resultant gas but the effect of that would be insignificant compared to the change in the number of moles of gas.
  7. Wet Dreams reminds me of certain MGS3 tracks in places.
  9. I was thinking of doing Alucard with Shield Rod + Alucard Shield but then I realized that that's waaaaaay too intricate for me. All that lacy fluid hair and cape and everything everywhere?
  10. This made me pull out SotN again. I swear I'm gonna get that Crissaegrim this time!
  11. every single one of these gets my full and hearty recommendation and approval
  12. They use the same drivers. The PX100's are open while the PX200 are closed. So the 100's are better for indoor (and areas of low sound concentration) usage, whilst the 200's, being closed, can deliver sound better while you're outside. It's a choice of preference mostly, but the 100's do have a slight edge simply by the virtue of being open. The only downside to this series is that they sit on your ear. If they made a circumaural version I'd buy it so hard.
  13. saltlight, you don't have to quote the first post you know if you're not quoting anyone, it's generally accepted that you're either responding to the OP or the post preceding yours anyway I use Sennheiser PX200's this is my third pair out of the PX*00 series I've bought and I just love them
  14. I want to slug you so hard right about now.
  15. I'm trying to download the demo but the damned internet is giving me problems
  16. I could never find that last damned piece of heart.
  17. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=390261
  18. The intricacies of the the CC "bonzai" won me over
  19. Yeah, that sounds about right.
  20. This shit is excellent. I've been waiting for more SotN remixes for ages, so this is a godsend.
  21. yeah do it I want to make something more awesome this time
  22. It took me 45 seconds to figure out that the artwork was the link.
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