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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. that will happen every single time the biome generator is updated
  2. I am well aware of the backwards compatibility of the 3DS. I am also aware of the relative fragility of DS hinges (mine never broke) and must ask you if you really expect the 3DS's hinges to be any sturdier. I also made allowances for the possibility that Modus did not, in fact, already own a DS, despite my rather heavy condescension. What kind of rube do you take me for?
  3. pro reading comprehension (this is, of course, assuming that you already have a DS)
  4. could probably replace the music since it's in OGG
  5. whoops yeah I fucked up my save data doing this good thing I already cleared hell once
  6. guys make sure you download the HIB version of Cave Story+ it has Danny B's remastered version of the soundtrack I'm pretty sure it can be dropped right on top of the steam version as well
  7. I bought this solely for Cave Story+ and ended up paying what I would have for it on Steam anyway :B
  8. Otacon actually does say that in MGS1 just btw
  9. I thought this was obvious like three years ago
  10. I don't believe this to be true for one second you can have crap big games just as much as crap small games as well as have fantastic big games and fantastic small games
  11. No, it noted that unspecified bugs happen on the other systems as well. Because the game does enough right that people let things like that slide as minor annoyances, or even a direct source of entertainment.
  12. The article was specifically talking about the PS3 version though. :\ I've logged like 120 hours on my PC and have not yet met with any game crippling bugs like that. also what if he wasn't even talking about that article?
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