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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Hey Z you still wanna try to get some of the OCR boys and play some customs??
  2. Oh, and just cause I missed it. That was awesome. I got Magic to change to my Icon/Colors and then we talked 7 peeps into changing aswell, then went into matchmaking w/ 7 of em. frickin clone wars >.< Rumble training with 7 clones and 1 random guy... oh teh sweetness I'll check back later... I BETTER have another post or else I'm bustin heads.....
  3. I know the feeling. I usually only get to play with Magicshmop but his Xbox done brok'ded, and lately the peeps on my friends list have made themselves scarce. Haven't really played on XBL in about 4 weeks. Kick ass system link parties though (only 1% lag!). See you guys on XBL.... if you send me invite on message boards at least. Wurd.
  4. Invite me into clan kthx gamertag is "boys gone wild" haha and b4 u say anything it's a joke and since im posting whats clan rank? (too lazy/ not sure where to look it up)
  5. WOOHOO STILL POSTING!! Heh I just found this forum decided to comment off Castlevania SoTN page 3 or 4 methinks.. Crisaegrim is better than any other wep or combo in game its pure damage. Makes Drac so easy I wupped him in 90 seconds.... Ok tks for having my off-topic rant. dont hurt teh n00b!
  6. Holy shit this is dirty for sure... a bit creepy... definitely well-made....as far as what the mixer was going for. You've been warned
  7. Damn good drum work!!! I really like the last minute or so.
  8. That's the funniest/sickest thing I've heard on the site so far. If anyone out there knows another haha funny song lemme know ok??
  9. Woohoo. I think my ears are smiling right now. That is some high quality listenin'.
  10. Now that is one hot ass Mega Man song.... dats all Keep makin em'!
  11. I reaaaally wanna hear that missing link (suite 4) anyone gonna hook the Noodle up? It's killing me the other were just awesome. PLEASE!
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