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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. As for a first remix on a game, it doesn´t necessarily have to be great, because you can´t download an another one, because this is the only one, and you have to download it anyway. But luckily, Zeratul actually made a great remix so that we don´t need to do that. How nice of you, thanks.
  2. Pretzeldude is right, this IS hardly recognizable. But it´s so good, i´m downloading it anyway. Piano rocks, Dhsu are some of them who understands that. Nice work.
  3. THIS IS THE WORST ORCHESTRAL REMIX I´VE HEARD, AND....what? it´s a techno? OOOOOhhhhhh..I see. Just kidding. This was quite the techno remix, you´ll never get tired of the Premonition, eh dudes? But personally, I just thought that this is too overstuffed. My heart melted at the beautiful part at 2:08, it really did, sounded like Chaos theme from FF1. Nice, but when that part came again at 3:37, it didn´t fit with all those technonoises in the back. Maybe I´m too orchestric, but this was just not my style. And how did you manage to find that giant pendulum in the beginning and end, THAT one was cool.
  4. Isn´t that ant marchingsong from "Antz"? It´s was a total surprise when the frog theme just came rushing in with a very good electric guitar, which was followed by Loss of me with the same amount of ass-kick ass the previous. great stuff, but should really a movie track be in a game remix? I dont know...
  5. I agree, this WAS a turntable, but I felt that it was overused with 100 of different sounds. A love Ziwtra´s other works, like Blue(shooting star) and Stomp the summer sky, but this was just too much I felt. Sorry.
  6. When it first started, it sounded professional remixed, but then again, it maybe was because of that well used synth. Anyway, the mix was good, but I felt that the mix´s real starting point was at 3:00, when it got some more trance into the trance. I couldn´t always understand what that creepy voice was saying sometimes, but in the end, it was finished well by putting some more power into it. This was a swell BOF from GLL, those who like trance should really download it,...NOW.
  7. As for the music, this was a masterpiece, very good orchestral, but I didn´t just like those sound effects of the fight, aren´t really necessary. Nice usage of the techno synth inthat arabic part, Trenth. By the way, does EVERYBODY remix that sad melody from bof?
  8. How many songs contains this remix? I heard sad melody, the world map theme or something, and surely there is one more at the end, what´s the limit? However, great stuff. I´m a big fan of philharmonic and orchestral and stuff, and this was clearly one of the best I´ve heard. Although it´s long, it doesn´t do the same melody over and over again and again, maybe that is why you remixed that many of them. Anyway, this was AWESOME! Strings, all kinds of drums, trombones, surely some kind of trumpet. I can hear this took awhile to do this, and I´m gonna reward you by giving full points for it and download it myself. A very sucky reward, I know, But keep remixing, I don´t wanna let something like this go to waste. Loved the sad melody mix in the middle, hunter-dude.
  9. This is actually very nice. Song of Storms doesn´t always have to mean a crazy old dude with an accordion, in this case it´s a full out arrangement of orchestral instruments with a beautiful piano. Unknown, you´ve done it again!
  10. chthonic is back, together with a mix that really blows myour mind. I don´t really know what type of remix it is, but it´s good alright! The ending was superb and real smooth, just letting the guitars fade away.Gracias, senior Briggs.
  11. What the..? DD goes orchestral!? And what a orchestral! The strings, trombones, a whole army of violines and ass-kicking beats! I would so want to see the musicvideo to this one. But what does majeure mean? Whatever, this remix rocks. Download it, or download it twice. An 8 out of 5 remix.
  12. This is freaking brilliant! When I first downloaded it, I couldn´t recognize the latter part, because I was still trying to clear the game, and when I did I remembered this mix immediately. Love the piano you play Vaffe.
  13. This remix is like a dream. Please don´t wake me up.
  14. Terranigma had one of the most best gamemusic ever, and thanks to mv, they probably be the best gameremixes ever. The violine beginning at 2:32 was absolutely beautiful together with the piano, and the guitar...DUDE!
  15. Wow, the mix practically bursted at 1:46. Very well done pretzel.
  16. So this would be the music if Mario had an another transform cap. LIQUIDMARIO, with the power to vanish in water and sink through the ground. Bowser, you better watch out, or you´ll be wet! MWAHAAHAAHAA...Nah, this is ridiculous.
  17. Didn´t know that a fat italian like mario could be this funky. At first I thought this would be some sort of MIDI-remix, but WHOA, it looks I was way wrong. This mix is like mario himself in this song:INVINCIBLE.
  18. Wow, the strings and the guitar, it´s like...wow. I mean...it´s just...I...WOW.
  19. I really think this REMIX is really cool and all, I really do, and I have played MM4, but....I can´t recognize the song!!WHY?!!!
  20. This is a great facelift for snakeman. DD has kept that oriental feel and added some real nice beats and some real beautiful piano. Loved the finish, it was smooth and cool when the beats faded away one by one until only piano was left. I like that very much, ya?
  21. Okay, lets see here...protoman jingel, classic but sounds like a MIDI...what the crap? What happened now? Hey, not bad flutes, little sudden walkover, and...OH, PIANO! Beautiful. Hey, I remember this song. very nice work, Mustindude.
  22. Good to know that Discodude is capable of something with a more positive feeling, this mix really proves it. I just can´t figure out why he want to go west, what´s wrong with north?
  23. It got speed, kick-ass attitude, a real good bass, awesome drums, and some chill sounds from the original. Ohyes, it is Boss Time indeed.
  24. A jazzversion eh? This ain´t bad, it´s real good. Suddenly I feel like I´m on a pub in New Orleans digging to the local band that just happens to play Zoltan´s remix. I admired the pan-flute, I´d like to hear more from you, Vegvari.
  25. Very nice experiment from Vaffe that worked excellent, I adore the little flute solo beginning at 1:22, nice. Along with the piano, this is a remix that you can´t afford to miss. Thanks again McVaffe.By the way, anyone for a dance? Anyone?......Fine, see if I care!
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