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Everything posted by Bummer
OCR01242 - Donkey Kong Country "Beneath the Surface"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Here are my following reasons for NOT downloading this remix: Did everyone get all that? -
OCR01244 - Donkey Kong Country "West Coast DK Island"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Makes me think about Disney´s "Jungle book", when Lou the monkey king does his funny little solo. But that´s south-east, or is it west for you? Eh, whatever, a very groovy remix that makes you relax and soar to the beautiful beaches in California. The bass and the sax puts some high-class style on it, donkeydude himself would be sure to love this funky mix. But I wanted the melody to stand out a little more, because that´s a good song. JigginJonT, great job. -
OCR01053 - Chrono Trigger "Zeal Love"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
HAHAHA...very funny. I guess I got a little carried away, and I do love these remixes(who doesn´t?). Is that a crime? Huh? -
OCR01408 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Ten Rupees"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Hi, the dude is here. Didn´t realize that my swedish review would cause so much chaos. Sorry bout that. I have noticed that Hanpusudude here has already translated quite well, but so that there aren´t many losses in my thoughts, here are mine translation: >This was a calm and thoughtful remix, the original is quite hectic, so that you get paniced when you can´t find the stupid button to the next room, but thanks to you it now has a way cooler outside. I´m no musicgenre expert, but I believe that this is more blues than jazz, if there was a saxophone-solo in it I would rethink about it, but now there isn´t one. To sum it all up: Good mix, you can have it as background music anyday. Neskvartetten, you make us swedes proud.< There, sorry for the trouble. Hanpusu-kun did a great translate, only a few words wrong. And for the remix: I stay put on my review. Next time I write in swedish, I should do an english translation at the side. But it sure was funny to see everybody so confusing, I thought noone would care! Thanks to Neskvartetten, and Hanpusu-kun of course. Hejdå! (Goodbye!) -
OCR00140 - Donkey Kong Country "Ambient Gemini"
Bummer replied to Jivemaster's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I´m sorry. McVaffe has always been fair to me, he makes great remixes, I download them and have a good listening moment, but this song sounds hardly arranged. It´s like: "Hey, nice gamesong...what? It´s a remix? Oops.":oops: Vaffdude is one of the best remixers we have, but this one didn´t just cut it. -
OCR00883 - Chrono Trigger "Green Amnesia"
Bummer replied to Disco Dan's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
What? A DD remix without any sample/tune/melody/touch of disco? OK, WHAT´S GOING ON HERE?!! Ok, I´m more calm now, seems like Dan also can do some stylechanges. As for the remix, very smoothing and soothing, has a relaxing mood and a slight touch of some jazzy tunes in the beginning. First after a minute the melody gets on rolling with some real good piano, that´s the way it should and always be. Very impressive of you Dandude, but please don´t abandon your discostyle, that´s your best thing to do ya´know? -
OCR01053 - Chrono Trigger "Zeal Love"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
YOU CAN FEEL THE LOOOVE DUDES, ZEAL LOOVE!!!! The very irritating fact that there´s a million Zeal mixes really puts me in my bad mood, but I can´t withstand the power of love. Anyhow, great mix, very funky and groovy, actually hippie-style man. The piano was great along with the looping synth at the back, and distortion thingie, didn´t bother me. This would be the number one track at OCRemix Love Collection Album, trust me. -
OCR00269 - Chrono Trigger "Winds of Time"
Bummer replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Didn´t sound very special until it hit 2:24, forgot that the same melody is in both of these songs. Have to kinda agree with that one. Sure, there was a flute, maybe some strings and other stuff, but except the blend of these two songs, there wasn´t really that much else. Sorry dude . -
OCR00733 - Chrono Trigger "What Hath Thou Done with This"
Bummer replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I not a remixer( hopes to be one though) but I don´t understand your "it´s enough sound quality" talk. This remix kicks, that synth at the almost beginning was really cool, reminded me of Toto, and the rest was just swell. The piano part was very jazzy, he kept to the real melody but changed it so that he could play it more freely. Even if the instruments does sounds s little MIDIsh, it doesn´t bother much, because I like it. If maybe the first word is what I think it is, I may not be as harsch as him, but yeah, I agree. -
OCR00873 - Chrono Trigger "Town Life in Piano"
Bummer replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This is just too beautiful, even Mozart would be embarassed if he heard kLuTz play. The start is just fine and smooth and strict to the original, but on the other part he goes a little more freestyle with the tunes and plays likes he feels to. Actually, I´m know nothing, but what I know is that kLuTz is the best piano remixer that takes a song and makes it sound 15,8 times more difficult. I play a little piano, but it sure doesn´t sound like this out of the piano. kLuTz, never quit playing that piano, because you are definitly great. Thanks dude. -
OCR00603 - Chrono Trigger "To Far Away Timescapes"
Bummer replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
You clearly don´t realize the width of our problem with Zeal here. Right now we have 3 TFAT with this one included, and 10 Zeal. THAT is why we don´t fuzz about this one. However, the TFAT is by surely the best CT song, and this remix did it in it´s style. He did some changes with the order of the parts and added alot of drumbeats, and that´s cool, but the original sounded a little better I think, this one didn´t fully break out of it, sounds almost just the same. But anyway, THANK YOU for remixing somethin else than Zeal. It´s great stuff, just few changes. -
OCR00388 - Chrono Trigger "Time Circuits High Voltage"
Bummer replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
It´s good, i´ll giv ya credit fer that. It´s a funky, calm and of course technoish, gives a very groovy feeling in the beginning and goes to more electronica when the melody strikes. None too shabby, Dale. -
OCR01132 - Chrono Trigger "Time Chill"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I´m just gonna stop trying... Great work here from mv, a Zeal remix that really get it all going, ya´know!? Very cool sax at the middle( i believe it´s a sax so just let me believe okay) and a great walkover to Zeal´s final melody at the end. THIS is the greatest Zeal remix ocremix has and will have. mv rules. -
OCR00506 - Chrono Trigger "Time Punk"
Bummer replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I have lost the count of how many times I´ve said that we all should stop remixing Zeal, but this a giant turntable, sounds like a live concert in the heart of Zeal. But you did the same mistake as AmIEvil, you did a marvelous guitarmix but made it to short, we want to hear more if that´s your question. Anyhow, great stuff, JAXX, rock´n rollllllllllll. -
OCR00998 - Chrono Trigger "Time Management"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Six clocks? Couldn´t have been six bells, that´s more beautiful. Well, it´s Bisons remix, I should not complain. Groovy trance mix dude, and the clocks really did melt together, especially at the end where it ends with the same clock rhytm as the beginning, the remix starts over again and you dont even know it. Smart. But as for the rest of it, I don´t really know if I like it or not, although this is a time management, I didn´t really like that newsreader voice. But this song had all it all that the other trance remixes on this site has, so this ain´t bad, those who like trance, listen to it and you´re stuck. By the way, I thought I had heard that clock around 4:04 before, and now I know: It´s from the beginning of the game. I will keep an eye out for your FF1 stuff. Nice work Bison. -
OCR01178 - Chrono Trigger "Through the Dark"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
How did I manage to actually not download this one, it´s superb! Shariq has slowed down the tempo on the cathedral theme and made it cooperate with a cool choir that sometimes shows up and say: haaaaaa, very nice. And the piano, DUDE the piano. It´s beautiful, I like it , no, I love it. The whole first part is only the cathedral theme, and then the wind comes blowing in on guitar, DUDE!! Darkesword, you takes the prize. -
OCR01408 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Ten Rupees"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Trevligt att se att det finns svenska remixare också, ger den här sidan en blandning av nationaliteter. Hursomhelst, det här var då en väldigt lugn och eftertänksam remix, originalet är ju egentligen ganska hektisk, så att man får panik när man inte hittar den dumma knappen till nästa rum, men tack vare er har den nu fått en mycket mer coolare utsida. Jag är ingen expert av musikgenrer, men själv tycker jag att det här låter mer som blues än jazz, om det fanns ett saxofonsolo kanske jag skulle tänka om, men nu fanns det inget. Sammanfattningsvist: Bra låt, kan ha den som bakgrundsmusik när som helst. Neskvartetten, ni gör oss svenskar stolta. -
OCR00988 - Chrono Trigger "The Incredible Singing Robot"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This so totally hilarious! Those who haven´t read the lyrics below djpretzel´s review really, NO, MUST read them! The experience of this becomes much better. Thanks Salzman, you are the first of the pioneers leading the way to friendship between robots and mankind, in a funny way. The last lines was the best. But the music is good to, I thought I would download this only because of the great piano at the end. Great that someone took the step to give Robo´s theme a makeover, but we didn´t expect somethin´ like this! Thanks again Star!********** -
OCR00804 - Chrono Trigger "The Mellow Corridor"
Bummer replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
It´s a good remix, you got the mellow feeling alright, but the whole mix is just the original being placed with techno instruments. Not necessarily a bad thing, but compared to the ridiculously many other Zeal remixes, this is just another one. BUT!..if you do something hardly touched, I would be proud to be there, because the remixing of this song is not bad. -
OCR01314 - Chrono Trigger "The Dark Before the Dawn"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Only because of the fact that this isn´t a Schala nor Zeal, I´m gonna download it. But it is good, it has length so that you get some time to really enjoy it, but this isn´t a never ending loop here folks, Buck always brings out something new into the light so that it never gets boring or bad done. Very nice strings and... an organ, if I presume right. There was a real beautiful flute at the end, that itself released the final part that had a little more power to make a good ending. Buckdude, great job. -
OCR00789 - Chrono Trigger "Temporal Distortion"
Bummer replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Jag vet inte riktigt vad du menar med det här, själv låter det inte för överdrivet, det finns ju alltid några beats som låter hela tiden, men den här mixen är ju ändå toppenbra. Förresten, från vilken del från Sverige är du? Jag har ALDRIG hört ordet "brötigt". Jag tror du syftar på grötigt, det låter förnuftigare för mej. For the rest of you guys who don´t speak swedish, I rally thought that this was a great mix. I am an orchestral fan myself, but it was a cool thing that Salzman here combined it with electronica to make somrehing new and groovy if I can say. It didn´t get wild, but that´s okay, we all love relaxing remixes too, aren´t we? Eh? Eh? -
OCR01099 - Chrono Trigger "Tears for a Girl"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Schala is going for the rock´n roll.Whoooo! I have lost all of the possibilities to count, keep track or remember all of the Schala remixes, there are just too many of them. Remix something new, PLEASE! This time, I can make an exception, it´s gray after all. Very cool and inspiring remix, at first it sounded more like a facelift for the original, but then a lovely and frenetic flutesolo tune came in in my head, followed by a mellower theme with those characteristic tiny bells. Sweet...And there I was, enjoying the song to the fullest, when a guitar suddenly came onto the scene and did it´s tune with cool echo and drums at the side of it. We have a new Schala here, and you aint messing with her. Great stuff, to both Gl and Freemind for their great work, but remember: NEVER do a Schala remix again! -
OCR00313 - Chrono Trigger "Team Gato"
Bummer replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
For being a robot that has getting his butt kicked as a daily job, he can sing. It´s was just a matter of tough crowd. But he did try everything,(or was it mustin and dale?) he tried rap, choir and the usual, but no result. Let us all learn something from this: If you´re going to stand up for some karaoke, get some real good lyrics. Oh wait, that wasn´t a sensmoral, that was a statement. Oh well. Thanks dudes for this unusual and funny remix. -
OCR00889 - Chrono Trigger "Spekkio the Brave"
Bummer replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I bet everyone in Scotland hurrayed when they heard this remix. Screw Braveheart, this is the real deal. This is practially the only remix with bagpipes, and that´s so great, because you can´t just mimic a bagpipe, but I do wonder if Spekko managed to play this himself, because he did make "Trial in Concert" all by himself (still cannot believe it), so why not this one. Anyhow, beautiful. Maybe there aren´t many that has a year to the wonderful tunes of the bagpipes, but I do love them. Besides, it sounded like a marsch or a celtic wedding, but with the melody of Spekkio it just sounded so darn funny. Love this piece. All of you hencemen to the celts better download it or regret it, because this is remixing history for real. Spekkiosaurus, you sure have done it again, gonna be a real hard one to try to beat this one in supremeness. -
OCR01049 - Chrono Trigger "Song of the Mountain"
Bummer replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Life...is short, and so is this remix. The beginning was great, I worried it would walkover to a trancemix any second, but it didn´t, phew. But it did got a little more somethin´, some sort of harp I think, very beautiful. And at the end, it all finishes softly and great with a violin-like instrument(...or is it a bagpipe?) with a heavenly piano that puts that finishing touch to the mix, and then...fin. Very well done Urza, you got a shorty, but you did not waste a second of it,...like life.