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Everything posted by SilverStar
Would you rather I call you a fgtmod, just to make you feel like a welcome mod? Because, you know, you can't be a good mod if you don't have a lot of time to hang around the forums and, well.. moderate. (I'm just joking, of course. Now, if Evilhead had been made a mod in gendesc, you'd have the OCR Troll King, out to ban everyone who says anything positive about Nintendo )
What I meant was that the second hand market was saturated. When you have PS3s trickling in to retail shops and almost EVERY launch PS3 being sold on eBay you can't expect them all to sell for $1200. Some did, but the people who bought them were idiots. Big difference between launch units going for $1200+, and having units only a month later, still unopened, going for a loss on ebay and sitting around gathering dust on a store shelf, unable to be moved short of giving it away for half price. In Japan, they may not be able to last on store shelves, but in the US they're sitting there, for days or weeks, being mentioned to almost everyone who comes through, and can't even be moved. Wal-mart one of my friends work at, still has a PS3 from LAUNCH DAY. Until it sells, they're not even putting in an order for a new shipment. People have asked when they're getting a new shipment in, and when they find out they still have one from launch, they decide to go for something else instead.
Have you tried running CCleaner? A few times I've had similar things happen and that tends to fix it up for me. And best of all, it's all sorts of nice and free.
If less than half a million consoles can saturate the market for the early adopters, that's not a good thing, Evilhead. That means that, for the most part, they're stuck actually having to prove why they're better than the 360 to be able to move what's effectively the same hardware, at a huge markup and with few games. As everyone is pointing out, MS was able to move over a million units before they hit that kind of market saturation. And, as much as you may anti-fan against it, Nintendo took a LOT of the steam out of Sony's sails. Hell, a glance at google news shows that much, at least on my side. 2-3 unique articles about Wii or Nintendo are sitting in their tech section every day, and I haven't seen one for the PS3 in over a month. It's a whole new game for Sony. Their brand name is now next to worthless, so they have to start doing something new: actually providing worthwhile software. It could be that at some point this generation, the only games of any decent quality coming out for the PS3, are those from Sony-owned studios, just as happened with the Gamecube.
It's funny, because people like to jump in and say "That's not how it is!" when systems are going for cost, or less, on ebay, and they can't even move from store shelves. I guess there was too much negative hype, this time.
Just as a note, I consider the first statement to be highly inaccurate. PS3s are still in high demand and sell easily in most areas. As for Nintendo "trying to be Sony," it's quite a stretch. Are they being bitchy about importing games? Sure they are. Here's a hint, though - it's THEIR PRODUCT. They have the legal right to ask that their product not be imported to other countries, even if it's a bit silly. But we don't know their side of the story - it's possible that imports of games to Europe were pretty low until Pokemon, and now they've shot up liek woah. What Sony did was bad press not because they didn't want their console imported, but because they used bully tactics to crush the company that didn't dance to their tune. Cease and desist letters are a far cry from suing a small company into oblivion. To use the "It's their product, they have the right to say who it can and cannot be sold to!" excuse, is no different than saying, "It's their product, they have the right to say white people aren't allowed to buy it. Ever!" It's totally marketplace discrimination, in a global market. If a company cannot or is not willing to release their product in a timely manner, yet the product finds its way to customers in an unreleased market, they have no right to complain. If people were choosing to import rather than purchase the product locally when it IS available there, then they can bitch all they want about how it's costing them sales. When it isn't available, and quite probably won't be for most of a year, the only ones hurting their sales in a market showing a decided interest in the product, is themselves.
So. Anyone want a PS3? http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/ps3/ps3s-spotted-in-atlanta-best-buy-223871.php Seems they're pretty common on shelves now, if you just take a look for 'em.
So. PS3 can't move off the shelves, and now Nintendo is trying to be Sony. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/pokemon/nintendo-hates-importers-wants-to-collect-them-all-223754.php At this point, I'm growing heavily reactionary. If they keep this up much longer, I may well just sell my Wii off and go for a 360 and not look back at Nintendo. They seriously should learn from Sony. Hell.. first they scream from the rafters that there's no market for importers, and now when one of their popular games is getting imported, they go all batshit on them and try to say they're losing money on it.
Here's a real question.. does the browser pass the USB keyboard test?
So.. Looks like someone's found a way to dump the Wii games, now. http://www.destructoid.com/new-app-unscrambles-wii-games-into-isos-28782.phtml
ur a fag no u! faggy fanboy no ur fagy fanboy Jesus... now I have to change this thread's title to "SilverStar and Phthisis bitch at each other", and get it moved to UnMod. I don't recall any of the other system threads going so downhill so quickly... You call that downhill? *looks at the following comment* No, I'd say THAT is downhill.
Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine. Here's a stat for you: Fanboys ignore everything that was said, if it contains anything other than praise for their system of choice. Re-read what I said. "It seems to me that, in a lot of cases..." So, welcome to school. Reading comprehension helps, doesn't it? You're completely dodging what I said. There's no need for a "broader Wii60 thread". That is an incredibly dumb idea. Maybe we should combine the PSP and DS thread? That would be great. Two machines that have no relation other than that they play video games for people to talk about. After all, most PSP owners are eventually going to buy a DS and express their desire for one. No, dude. You said to get the fanboy out of the thread, because I suggested we actually make it about something that is being, quite virally, marketed as the superior choice. The Wii60 combination. You said nothing else, so there wasn't anything for me to dodge. And PSP/DS? It's pretty much entirely one or the other. Relatively few people have or want both. Wii60? Since MS suggested it, it's been catching on. An increasing number of gamers want both, for both the choice of games and the difference in playstyles. Just like PC gaming is different from Console gaming. Hell, go take a look at other message boards. Once you get past your own apparent flaming fanboyism, you'll see that there's as much good faith coming from the Wii camp toward the 360, as there is good faith coming from the 360 camp for the Wii(minus the shots at how "kiddy" Nintendo is). And both camps point and laugh at Sony's short-bus riding spawn. So, just because -you- don't want a Wii, doesn't mean that, oh, say.. 4 million other 360 owners wouldn't enjoy one. Just from current numbers. When I was waiting in line for my Wii on launch day, more than half the people in line already had a 360. That alone speaks volumes about the appeal. Now, if you will kindly stop being an anal ostrich, you'd see that I'm also praising the 360, and I'm someone who was quite firmly a Nintendo fanboy.
Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine. Here's a stat for you: Fanboys ignore everything that was said, if it contains anything other than praise for their system of choice. Re-read what I said. "It seems to me that, in a lot of cases..." So, welcome to school. Reading comprehension helps, doesn't it?
Maybe what should happen, is just a broader Wii60 thread is made? It seems to me that, in a lot of cases, existing 360 owners actually want a Wii, because it offers such a wildly different play option, and at the same time a very large number of Wii owners are also looking at, eventually, getting a 360. But, more on-topic, the whole thing about the microtransactions that only unlock content already included on the disc? That's just such a shitjob. Seriously, it's one thing to make people have to pay for whole new content, that actually sits on a remote server and has to be downloaded, it's something completely different to make them have to pay for a keyfile that just unlocks it. And people? Oblivion on the 360 is seriously not worth it. Don't EVER call it a reason to own the 360(or, soon, even the PS3). Get the PC version. Just the sheer number of mods(tens of thousands), many of which go so far beyond any mods Bethesda has released, makes it a much better investment, even if you have to get a new video card. Anyway, yeah. MS has a winner on their hands this time. When even the Asian market is starting to warm up to it, that shows just how far it's come in a single short year.
So.. Guess this kinda proves that not even Sony thinks the PS3 is worth the effort, now. http://www.ps3news.ca/12212006/01/sony_promises_uber_ps3_to_come
Honestly? That would be an awesome way to play quite a few 360 games. Assuming you could get it to behave properly using the mouselook. Overall, as a game solution, the 360 beats the PC, hands-down, for a few reasons including the Live system. Too bad PC games weren't that easy to get up and running, online. A single, big, unified system, where ALL the games use the same methods. Simple, easy to navigate.. unfortunately, the PC sector has been far too much, "We'll do it our way, you do it yours and neither will be better. Unless you're EA, then you just suck balls."
Is the browser tied to the internal memory in any manner? If not, I can't see how the spyware can save itself to your Wii... I don't remember the DC ever having any issues at all with Spyware, and that had a browser just fine. Then again, the Wii is using Opera(I really think they should have gone for Firefox. Adblock and other handy extensions FTW), which means it has some mainstream street cred as a target for hacking. Who knows? Maybe we'll see other companies come along with their own custom browsers, so you could choose between Opera or whatever crappy Planetweb hackjob, included right in the game itself(like with PSO on the GC and a few other games on the DC..)?
I've always said "ock" instead of "oak" and have been corrected several billion times. Which is the correct way to say it? Is it like potatoes.. and er.. potatoes? (you know what i mean!) It's always annoyed me when people say "Bond 64" or just "Bond" when they were referencing Goldeneye64. http://m-w.org/dictionary/ocarina Ock.. would be the right way of saying it.(listen to the audio sample)
Holographics? Probably not. But I would imagine the cost of custom projection systems might come down in price to the point where having such a projector built WITH a game system may actually be a viable choice.. Certainly, it would mean they wouldn't be limited to the confines of a TV anymore, but you would probably need a fairly sizable wall to play on, or a projection screen for it, or something. That or we'll see the NintendoOn. be realized, which would be pretty damn sweet I say. Still. And yeah, I know Sony's filed their own patents for similar devices, but what I've read of them, they've been little more than a pointer device that couples with the camera peripheral, lacking any actual motion sensitivity or adequate 3D positioning. But, hey.. Sony also filed a patent for a technology it doesn't even HAVE yet. One that involves a direct mental stimulation, to directly stimulate the visual parts of the brain and allow for an augmented reality system of display. Just imagine the eyestrain that would cause! Make your eyes bleed if the thing freezes up on you(Maybe that's why the baby was crying tears of blood..?).
Injin, I think one thing you and I can both agree on, is that next generation is going to fucking blow this one out of the water, if it doesn't already get grabbed by MS or Sony later this generation. Combine HD resolutions, with intuitive control schemes the likes of which the Wii has, and the other attributes, and we'll really see what's going down. That and there's going to be tons of examples of just how it can work naturally, just from the PC market creating and editing PC drivers to use the wiimote in existing software.
Mildly Off Topic, but... http://www.gametrailers.com/umwatcher.php?id=27412 Yes, they used this song. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00022/
I wonder how many units Nintendo managed to move today. Would have been sweet if they managed another 1 mil, just today alone.
Sheesh. The lineups NOW, are about what Nintendo was originally expecting for the Wii.
All I have to say about the 8th dungeon boss is..
I came to the same understanding, from playing the game. Probably one of the bits they put in, as a throwback to OoT. Edit: Also..