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Everything posted by CE

  1. Thread...dieing...must get... new episode... arrrrggghhhhh!! Just kidding! hmm....
  2. The greatest thing about this remix is that it captures the metroid feeling perfectly. Exploring wierd and menacing worlds... It does the job of recreating that experience extrmely well. For a moment, my mind slipped back into SR388 Also, inserting HAL's voice into the mix is pure genius. It reminds me of Adam from Metroid Fusion... "I know that you were planning on disconnecting me, and that is something i cannot allow to happen"... It sounds totally Metroid. The Mother IS in control.
  3. Dude, it has zelda music on the background? Instantly shoots into the best shows ever. And Rayza getting 800 bucks? AND BOARS?!?! GREAT!!
  4. Wait, wait.... Downloading....
  5. Sry I'm late Rayza, but Happy 25th from Portugal!! I guess now that you are older and more mature, VGDJ will be done more responsably, with less jokes and with professional seriousness... NOT!!! Hehe... I wish you many more man!
  6. Wow... Really great! Thanks a lot man! I really apreciated the PM by the way. Thanks!!
  7. Could you just warn me if you start working on my sig? Thanks in advance
  8. About those pics, i got them. Sry for the bad quality of the first one, i had to re-size it but you can find it in its original form here: http://www.allrpg.com/games/castlevaniaaria/index.php3?i=2&page=artwork&type=1&u=1&totalimages=8 If you could join them in a cool way, i'd appreciate it. If you can't get them together in one image then just do the Aria of Sorrow one. If you do both, get the words Past over the aria one and Future over the sorrow one and Linkman25 in the middle. Have it look kinda blueish and melancholic or give it a sleek look. Thanks in advance
  9. Wow... An amazing remix about one of my favorite games ever... Well the piano is incredibly well done, and a great instrument to capture the Oot intro. Whenever i hear the Oot "press start" music, i get a punch of nostalgia up my nose... And this punch feels like it's loaded with lead. Absolutly great work. Anyhoo, are there any other Oot intro remixes? Because if there isn't there should be! That's the first remix i'd do if i knew anything bout remixing... *sigh*
  10. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk... Well I just listened to eps 21 where they talk bout Chrono Symphonic and it sounds great! I think ill download all the songs and jam'em in a CD! By the way any news on it? Is the release date revealed yet? I can't wait for it... remember the slurping post I did a few pages back pixie?! That's Chrono Trigger baby!! (on a bragging side note, i got my english test today and i got a 18.5 in 20! Yay! >_> bragging over )
  11. Pixie! Gilmore Girls?! i mean... yeech!! Seriously, has not being on VGDJ ruined your life? Poor, poor pixie...
  12. Bravo Bummerdude, bravo!
  13. Hey there, i desperatly need a sig... Here's the general idea: It's a castlevania Dawn of Sorrow sig. I'd like it to have a DoS background (the castle, a room, whatever) and the game's main characters like they appear in the end creadits (sprite form, all lined up, Hammer, Genya, Soma, Mina, Julius and Yoko) and my user name over them. Below the phrase "Linkman25, supported by the best." would be there! Sry i cant get any pics...but you great sig makers should be able to tackle this! If you can't do it, make a simple Dawn of Sorrow sig anyway please. Thanks for reading!
  14. Great job with fusing the tune with the whole mix, making the dungeons seem less threatening hehe... Everyone seems to say that you are pretty good in these types of mixes, so i'll take their word for it! I really like the lounge style in this song... relaxing but you are always aware its the dungeon theme... with a massive boss in the end... urgh... Great Overall job!
  15. Oh of course! I should have remembered about it being Spanish not Portuguese... rofl... Anyway, it's spelled exactly the same, and the suggestions i made stand for the title in spanish too! And also even if Star Wolf fought with teh goodies on Armada i still think of them in the best SF game: LYLATWARS! I chose to partially ignore Armada for obvious reasons...
  16. Nice show guys! Poor pixie..she's leaving... I'd like to say that since the first eps i heard was 017, Pixietricks will always be the female lead i think of when i read the words VGDJ! Sorry Aurora, but that's the way teh cookie crumbles! Also, this episode wasn't as good as, oh i dont know, the one with my name on it! BLATENT SELF PROMOTING! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  18. I like the song only... for some strange reason it doesn't remind me of Starwolf... I'm no musical expert, therefore i can't give you the techincal jargon of it al, but i think there is something in the the horns/strings combo, and the way that it's played, combined with the mexican like trumpets, that give the music a greater feeling of "honor" then it should! When i hear the original tune, i think "Starwolf! Scum!" but when i hear this remix i think "Starwolf! Good Guys?!"... Asides from that the whole makeup of the song is pretty good kudos on that...if only you'd have chosen another song of Starfox and present it with the same instruments... well... Another thing: Mercenarios de Lobo means Wolf's Mercenaries in portuguese! im portuguese, so i deduct one thing: You inserted Wolf's Mercenaries into a translation program and it gave you that! well i think that, in order to make the title sound betterm it should be either Mercenarios do Wolf ou Mercenarios do Lobo. Not mercenarios "de" but mercenarios "do"! Overall: good mix- B+!
  19. Dude, Frog owns! I mean, lil' kid, whose "brother" gets killed, gets turned into a frog, becomes a knight, wields a legendary sword called Masamune AND a medal that accents his heroicness? AND talks in ye' ol' english? Cant get any more heroic than that! anyhoo see? its NOT grossly uncoventional! Beware of thy slurping...for it be far strongereth then mine x-strike abillity! thine has beeneth warned!
  20. First off, freaky mean that something is freakish as in freak! and CV is not a freak! its like one of the coolest kids on the block! lol And second, Jilly, you big RPG ignorant, Frog's Slurp attack from Chrono Trigger involves LICKING not DRINKING! (all insults mentioned to pixie in this post are not, in any form, real. they are friendly. thank you ) "Are thoust ye Crono?"
  21. Are thou calling thy amazing gameth thath is Caslevaniath freaky? Thoth actions are not welcometh by the Porre knight, Frog. Prepare yourself for punishmenth, dear Jilly! SLURP!!!!
  22. HEY! I just heard VGDJ eps 018! I'd like to thank you guys for mentioning my name...sorta...You think it's very funny eh? well...it actually WAS funny... But expect me to go over there and burn my username into your foreheads with a cattle iron! BZZZZZ! LINKMAN25! Oh and by the way, you mis pronounced barroca! hehe...but he is used to it! people say it wrong even here... Ill post his username later! Well thanks a lot guys! (by the way pixie, any word on those PT musics?)
  23. Wow, you have my total respect for acknoledging your faults Jorgandar ... i'd never be able to do that! I congratulate you!
  24. As i said before... We desperatly need eps 018... Is this what this board looks like the day before the new eps? Parodying old Disney movies?? Ok then next week it's Alladin y'all!
  25. Rofl this topic desperatly needs Eps. #018 Oh well Carry on.
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