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Everything posted by CE

  1. By the way, could someone PM me if they finish my RE4 one? THANKS MUCH!
  2. Just checking in, i've been WAY too busy to listen. Will get next VGDJ! Just telling: I ain't dead, don't despair Pixie! P.S. I'm bad duuude too!
  3. Hey there! Just wondering if you guys could do me a Christmas sig. I was planning on taking a humoristic approach to it. I'm thinking of a Resident Evil 4 sig, with either this image: Or one similar to it. And i want it to say somthing in the lines of: "This holiday... Share a little." It can be with this phrase and image, or you could play with it, as long as the main concept is Leon either taking or dealing damage (or about to) and it's about sharing. Any image you want, any pharse you want. Also, try to give a christmas-y spin to the image itself and my name (Linkman25) could be very faded, or non-existent. Remember, you can discard this image completely, or resize it. You have total control. Thank you for reading, and i hope someone takes this up.
  4. Excellent. Just... Excellent. This is an amazing mix, from a not remixed game... Which is a shame, because personally, i enjoyed the Yoshi Story music. The actual game still makes a great rental. The piano is really great, and I like the extra reverb from the live record. Overall, very good music, from a very good game!
  5. OCR DELIVERS...internet crack. Get a-dikted or get out!
  6. Really? Wasn't it Linkman911? or Linkman51210() (grammar LOL)
  7. Yeah, I also agree with everything Linkman52 said.
  8. ... My smiley stages of expressions
  9. Episode comment(Done while listening to show. XXL to celebrate Eps 025.): CONGRATIOLATIONS!!!! YOU WILL GET FAMOUS AND EAT TONS OF BANDWITH!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!! WEEEEEEE! *It's over now* Anyhoo...>_> JACK THOMPSON LOL!! Thank God THAT's over... Rama, that lazy...WHA?! Hey! Great! He's back! hmm...Great CT remix! I'ma gonna get it! *Downloads it* Gratz on the job Aurora! This is grea...err...OMG... What the...? BLESSING CANDY!?...She's lost it... Damn trippin' pixie dusts finally got to her... Anyhoo, you are Canadian now Aurora?! How aboot that? You get to hang out with Rayza and go to hockey and get drunk and stuff... Great! Cannibal Holocaust?...err... No thanks...*Shudders* I'm definitivly going to a Meet up!... I about 5 years when i go to America to study... or not... Whatever I wanna go though! Arcana is a big brain! Blessing Candy 4 you! And the moment you've been reading this post for... Tipical Linkman25 nonsensical rant: Wait, I have THAT bad of an accent!?... Err... I say, Chalmers, that IS very disturbing! Ra-ther! Why the hell would I be a hyper 14-year old?! A hyper 15-year old, maybe! But not 14! Ze next time, i do wit ze french accent! Mais oui! Je parle le frances terriblement! And when did i become Pixie's Number one fanboy?! I'm still loyal to Nintendo! AND you still ask for a quarter in the shownotes!? We don't have them here! Only Cents and Euros! Y'know that!... I love the FUNKAY usernames. I also love the two-five pun... YAY! And yay for bad quality, drunken last-minute comments!! This episode has disturbed me in several ways... My voice is recorded on teh intraweb now! ARGH! I think I'm going to recoil into the inner bowels of my tipical portuguese humble abode and eat traditional codfish "pasteis"...mmmm...Codfish (Hehe, I'm getting media attention )
  10. Voting? I'm on it!
  11. For me to stalk pixie would be very difficult, even if i wanted to Arek! I'd just have to fly over the atlantic. Pixie's no supershining rockstar and not even those guys deserve that kind of attention hehe... (You took off your Soma sig?! SHAME ON YOU!)
  12. OOOPS!! Well... Sorry bout that... You gotta admit, he DOES sound white!
  13. Ok, so i listened to it and got back from school and I have one thing to say: SECOND REFERENCE TO LINKMAN25 IN VGDJ!! WOOOT!! Remember the part about a guy who said nice job white boys in the Da Black Market recent reviews?! ME! YAY! Man, i actually thought Myth was white... Does a good job at sounding like it! I'm sorry... Anyhoo, I liked having Pixie back because i started listening to VGDJ when she was on so even though Aurora is the real host along with Rayza, Pixie will always be my roots to VGDJ! And also... Gothic, eerie dark sex Pixie? WTF are you into?! And also i didn't recognize you as the cameo in Black Market, and i was actually wondering who did that the first time i listened to it... "How ya livin big Myth?" LOLZ. And those "extra" sounds are LOLZ too. Also i liked the description of how The Revolver Project made The Mother is in Control, because it was detailed and i loved the ReMix. Great Show once again! Now close your eyes and count to a million!!
  14. PIXIE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO...*breathe*...OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Oh wait she was joking... Anyhoo, IT'S DOWNLOADING TIME!I'm just going to listen to it tomorrow in my TIC (Tecnologias de Informatica e Comunicação= Comunication and informatics technology= Computer class)while doing those stupid Excel worksheets... Stupid ass excel... At least our teacher lets us listen to MP3's while we do it... And we listen to them... OR SO SHE THINKS!!
  15. OMG... near-death thread for almos 2 weeks?! This thread need the XXL VGDJ FAST! Or a pheonix down.
  16. Wow... Great rap mix. I love Poo's part (OMG critical SMASH!) and Flik's part (A chemical analysis proves nothing of hypothesis of which I thought up in the shower while I read Nintendo Power!) are absolutly great, but the others don't fall far from the tree! Overall great rhymes and humor! Keep it up, white boys!
  17. Quake 4? Is it a 360 release title?
  18. Mini VGDJ's?! WTF?! Its the VGDJ we all know and love, but now you can take it anywhere even if you don't own a Buhzzilon GB Mp3 player!! AKA VGDJ in a nutshell... Mmmm...Bite sized VGDJ's... TASTY! What the hell... Err... Rayza did'ja have a cold or something? or... a hungover or something like that? Not to put you down... but you sounded awful!! If you are not with a good voice you should: Look at me copying The Wingless...hehe... Get Pixie's great, amazing, angelical voice back! >_> Or not!
  19. Amazing... any remix of Wind Waker is immeadiatly and brutally amazaing...
  20. Ohhh... I was expecting to listen to it now... LAZY!!! Kidding
  21. PWNT!! >_>
  22. I bow for myself and two piano learning friends i have that are going ape-crazy trying to play clockwork vampire. One can play up to where it gets real fast! *bows*
  23. Hmmm... With this remix being so good, it makes me wonder... Why dont we have more Metroid Prime Mixes on the site? I mean, Prime not only captures the feeling of the other games, but it also improves it with the music!
  24. Wait a sec... HELLSING?! Oh my God, I MUST have this remix RIGHT NOW! *gone* "down down, to your revelation..."
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