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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. I wasn't a fan of the piano lead for a good portion of the mix. I felt like it didn't follow the energy and speed of the rest of the track. That being said, I think there is a ton of really good personalization here that adds some fresh takes to the Cyan theme. I agree with Larry about the track being a little cluttered overall, but I do think all the major parts are still clear enough and muddiness wasn't to a point where it was a solid negative. I would have loved more variation in the drums overall, and maybe some rhythmic variation overall, to spice things up more as well. I think this could go either way, but I'm on the yes side of the fence here. YES
  2. http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/yasuo/ Gotta say, the page itself is pretty awesome.
  3. No no, it was the same where Garen steamrolled me as Riven. I am terribad at melee characters
  4. Only played one All for One, 5 Blitz vs. 5 Riven. We didn't do as well on Blitz as we could have, but it was still pretty fun IMO.
  5. My person won't get their present right away; I have to work on it!
  6. Really cool concept, and you guys have some great technique! Love how clean you play that faster stuff, and you've got great tone. To me this boils down to the arrangement, specifically the medley structure, and how the tracks aren't strongly connected. I'd really like to hear you guys take one or two of these songs and expand on them, rather than pull so many tracks and attempt to mash them all together. Larry brings up a couple other good points. The overall soundscape does feel a little bit empty overall, but I don't think there's much you can do to fix it aside from adding more instruments in. Larry also mentions the dynamic level, which I agree with but in a different way. All the songs you've used are pretty similar in energy level, though they have their slight differences. Maybe try to really exaggerate the quieter sections here to bring out those differences. In the end I'd really think that cutting some of the pieces and expanding on the others would be the way to go. I was really a fan of 2:26, and that would be my suggestion, but overall it's up to you guys. NO (resubmit)
  7. This is pretty intense. I like the energy you added to an (already) energetic source. Your playing is crisp, and the drums do a lot to add to the structure. I am not entirely feeling the bell sample you use for the melody at times, but I do think it provides a good contrast to the guitar, so I'll chalk it up to personal taste. I do think there are some times when the low end seems to drop off a bit, and I think you could have done more there, but I don't think it's to the point that it's a dealbreaker. Definitely interested to hear what others think on this one. YES
  8. I will put up an ideas list too! I, like Diotrans, am a girl! *shock!* I wear women's medium shirts, and smalls if they're unisex. I love kitties and snow leopards. They are super cute! I'm a fan of Pokémon, and the eeveelutions are generally my favorite. I have a lot of Espeon and Flareon stuff, but lack in Umbreon (he's kinda my third favorite). Other 'mons that are pretty sweet are Arcanine, Luxray, Ninetails, Lugia, and Absol. I don't know many of the new X/Y pokemon, but anything feline is probably fair game as well. And that fire fox I've been playing League of Legends a decent amount lately, so some points there are an option. Alternatively, I play World of Warcraft as well, and am a pet collector. I've got the Guardian Cub and the Cinder Kitten. Another pretty sweet option would be some gift cards to either Joanne Fabrics or Micheals. I do a ton of crafting and shop there often, especially with cosplay season coming around the corner! And of course, anything would be appreciated, whether on my suggestion list or not! I'm just excited to give!
  9. Been wanting to do this for a while, and I think I should be able to manage it with my limited school time this year
  10. Thanks so much! The whole album is awesome, but I might be biased :)

  11. Feeling about the same as Larry here. The arrangement overall has some solid points, but I feel like your production and approach aren't conveying your ideas as well as they could. The 1:20ish section feels pretty empty overall, and I'd definitely consider revamping that area to it doesn't halt the flow of your track as much. I also agree with Larry that some more in terms of the dynamics would definitely make the track have more impact. 2:20 feels a bit too cluttered as well. The bells playing the counter melody feel more like they are out of time and stick out because of it, and the other parts are fighting a bit for space. Good start here, check out our WIP forums to get some more advice! NO (resubmit)
  12. Contact Information > ReMixer name: HeavenWraith > Real name: Antanas Palaitis > E-mail: mair0nistaichou@gmail.com > Website: http://www.heavenwraithmusic.net > Forum userID: 50325 Submission Information > Game: Touhou: Mountain Of Faith > ReMix Name: Temple of the Omnisword > Original Name: Native Faith > Original Author: ZUN Went for Demetori-style progressive metal, though, I'm sorry, I'm not a godly guitarist like Teramae Masaru, so bare with me. Overall it was a fun work, took a lot of tweaking, but I'm quite satisfied with the result. --------------
  13. My biggest complaint was that the soundscape felt pretty packed a lot of times. Larry's description of flooded is probably the best way I can describe it. It didn't feel muddy, but it did feel like there was just a bit too much going on at times. That being said, the arrangement is very solid and I love the approach and mixture between the different elements going on. Very nice work! YES
  14. I think the arrangement here works pretty well, and the countermelodies you have are great, but I think the production issues are too much for a pass as-is. Definitely cleaning out the muddiness and adjusting your volumes will make this track shine a lot more. A couple things I'd suggest for future submissions is to do a little more with the main melody line and the structure. There was just a touch of variation I heard near the end of the main line that I thought was pretty fun, and you can expand your options when you open up to more like that. Really want you to clean this up and send it back in! NO (resubmit, please)
  15. I joined WoW in Cata, so a lot of stuff is still pretty new to me overall, which makes i still pretty interesting. Plus the Pokémon battles help satisfy my collection OCD, so...
  16. Don't remember the original submission, but this is a solid mix now. Definitely take into consideration Will's comments, because I was thinking on the same lines. Just something to consider in the future YES
  17. Love that you picked a source that otherwise isn't all that catchy. The transition into trance for the source is pretty clean, and I think overall you did a good job with it. I'd say overall the piece works really well, though I feel like there isn't a lot of low-end presence that is cutting the effect. I think it doesn't effect my decision overall, and that this is above the bar, but definitely something to consider in the future. I'd love a more production-educated judge to throw down some solid advice for you, hopefully that comes to pass! YES
  18. I'm kinda on the fence on this one. I love the overall approach here, and there's a great mood you've established, but there are a few things that I feel are holding it back. The usage of the sources overall seems fine in the overall, but I feel like how the sources were arranged puts them on the backburner. Part of that stems from a lot of the track focusing on chord structure and progression, but the melodies felt second place overall. Similarly, I would argue that Volt Catfish only has two very small cameos, and the rest of the useage is unrecognizable to me. Overall it might be a bit far on the liberal side in terms of arrangement. The track feels like it is continuously building towards something, but I felt like it never quite got there. I'd love you to put in some kind of definite climax, or a breakdown, or something that made the arrangement feel like it had a little more direction. The production overall was pretty good, and my suggestion there would eb to see if you can clear up the lower end a little, as it felt a touch muddy. You've got a lot of parts going on at once, though, and I'd say this is more of a nitpick than a dealbreaker. I might be the minority in this, but it feels like it's coming up just a little bit short for me. I'd like to hear a little more source involvement and focus, and just a little more direction overall for the track. The chord structures you built are complex and great to listen to, but the piece feels a bit too unfocused. I'd love to hear this again. NO (resubmit, please)
  19. Yeah, Larry did a good job laying down what needs to be said here. You've got a good start with your personalization, but the big issues overall are the sounds being weak and thin and not filling up the soundscape well, and the overall arrangement needs some trimming in the more repetitive/less interesting sections. Definitely hit up the wip boards for more feedback! NO (resubmit)
  20. Yeah, this is a great listen, but the second half is just too much liberal noodling over the chord progression. Gonna have to say no on this, unfortunately. NO
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