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Everything posted by Kitsuta

  1. NSider forums maybe. Otherwise you're SOL. They state specifically on their site that they don't accept unsolicited ideas(via e/mail at least).
  2. He just wanted to increase his post count.
  3. Tell me about it. same. YAY! If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to order it online? All the stores I know of were sold out.
  4. That last part is just creepy.
  5. Finally... We have a Wiinner! Yay! ...I.. I don't get anything, do I?
  6. Yeah, someone posted a thread about that article a while back, where we all argued whether or not the GBA would continue. What would be funny is if they made a widescreen type Game Boy with gamecube level graphics, just to stick it to Sony and their PSP. EDIT: Of course, while it would be amusing, it probably wouldn't work very well and I wouldn't encourage them to do it.
  7. Tell me about it.
  8. Hay that guy looks familiar.
  9. A new DS is very unlikely, unless for some reason they end up needing a hardware upgrade to be compatible with the Wii(also, very unlikely and would be quite bad for Nintendo). The black and pink versions are only a few months old. I would look more for a new Gameboy than anything, unless Nintendo decides to drop the GBA altogether.
  10. Best birthday present ever. (okay, not really, but it's pretty damn good).
  11. Did you beat it? First room: Hey this aint so bad. Second room: Why the hell did I stay in the corner? There are many, many more than two rooms. Good luck. I LOVE The Nest of Evil. Being a completionist on this game, I've beaten most of the levels 10+ times, excluding the last level. So awesome, but very hard. Brycepops: Castlevania timeline(you know, the one that came with the preorder) to the rescue! Not that it actually explains anything..
  12. I was wondering why the old thread was locked... Also, argh! I just realized that Best Buy was getting its latest shipment of Wiis today. I called the one near me and they're sold out already. Oh well.
  13. *panic* DERN YOU FINALS. I want two weeks of my life back! Thanks for the reminder!
  14. I don't know why, but I'm being a real completionist with this game. I rarely do that because most games I play have an overwhelming amount of stuff and take so long just to get through. I have all but three or four drops now though, and a 999.3% rating(the other .7% would, of course, be the final boss' chamber). So awesome. Yeah, somehow Castlevania games do that to me too. Something about them compels you to collect. Kinda like A Link to the Past. Mm, Zelda. I didn't do that when I was a kid, but I'm sure if I replayed it I would get obsessed with that too. That was a damn good game. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  15. I don't know why, but I'm being a real completionist with this game. I rarely do that because most games I play have an overwhelming amount of stuff and take so long just to get through. I have all but three or four drops now though, and a 999.3% rating(the other .7% would, of course, be the final boss' chamber). So awesome.
  16. Also I got past where I was stuck on last post. This is getting interesting. I was sorely disappointed, actually, and confused. I just assumed. Maybe it was because I had been playing it all day. Also, this is the first Castlevania game I've ever played, so I wasn't aware of anything DoS has done. Thanks!
  17. So I got my (preordered) Castlevania in a couple days ago and I beat it in five hours. Also, I read Drack's post and I have NO IDEA what he's talking about. Also also, the game gave me a "Game Over" screen at the end. Also also also, there is at least one area I can't get to that the map indicates that I can. Am I missing something?
  18. Hmm.. prizes. Greed or embarrassment? WHICH WILL WIN!?!?! I'll have to think some more about entering, but I can't wait to hear the other contestants.
  19. I know nothing about physics so I'm just making this up. Tape two sheets of the computer paper together lengthwise, SECURELY(no air in between, use one piece of thick tape along the entire edge). Tape another two sheets together on top of each other, only use tape that is rolled onto itself in a wide circle that you can stick your hand through. Use several of these makeshift double sided tape to tape the two pieces of paper together. Finally, do the same thing with the last piece of paper and the egg, and tape the long makeshift piece of paper to the two insulated pieces of paper, and tape it all to the little paper package around the egg. I have NO idea how much tape that would use, though. EDIT: Bahamut has a good point.
  20. How I mine for fish? Fixed.
  21. They did this for the Xbox 360 too, right? Even though I know that they can do what they please with their property, a part of me says "WTF NO" to destroying a $600 piece of brand new machinery.
  22. Lol useless post! Seriously though, all three companies were in a rush to get the consoles on the shelves by the holidays, either in 2005 or 2006. It means a hell of a lot more to have your product out there by Christmas than it does to have a couple million extra units. It's not like they're purposefully sitting on their hands not making consoles - they are often finalizing the design until fairly late in the whole process, and then if there are major production problems, as with Sony, they are royally screwed. Nintendo's biggest advantage is that its hardware is easier and cheaper to produce, so they can start production earlier and do it faster.
  23. How easily can you do a spin-attack maneuver in Wind Waker? I dunno about you, but I could almost never do one without queuing. It was even harder in the Gamecube version of OoT. Aiming for enemies in Wind Waker was also a pain sometimes.. and trying to shoot on horseback in OoT/MM was also very difficult, especially when hunting for Poes. No offense, but saying that "according to some people the wiimote isn't that great sometimes" is kinda silly. And people's expectations of a motion sensing controller might vary.. just a little bit. I would try it before I swore off the Wii version, at any rate. I think it's the whole point that the spin maneuver isn't as easy to pull off. Otherwise it'd be cheap. That's why the designs of the older games were much tighter in that sense. It all corresponded to the movements of the sticks and buttons well. I don't think this is surprising though. Even with the Twilight Princess, I could definitely see Nintendo yet to fully master the new controller. Another criticism I saw coming a mile away was how apparently the game is pretty easy compared to the likes of Majora's Mask or OoT. It seems that all the new Zeldas have a much easier learning curve. I wish the games were as challenging as LttP once was. That's a good point. It's possible that they wanted to make certain moves easier to let people get used to the controls. I have heard battles are difficult, not necessarily because of the wiimote, but more because the enemies are just hard - unlike in the other 3D games(at least Wind Waker, my memory of the other two is dimmer). LttP was challenging? I mean, I was really young at the time I first played it, but it was no more challenging than any other game I played. Although, pretty much the only thing I clearly remember from it was discovering Chris Houlihan's room...
  24. How easily can you do a spin-attack maneuver in Wind Waker? I dunno about you, but I could almost never do one without queuing. It was even harder in the Gamecube version of OoT. Aiming for enemies in Wind Waker was also a pain sometimes.. and trying to shoot on horseback in OoT/MM was also very difficult, especially when hunting for Poes. No offense, but saying that "according to some people the wiimote isn't that great sometimes" is kinda silly. And people's expectations of a motion sensing controller might vary.. just a little bit. I would try it before I swore off the Wii version, at any rate.
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