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Triad Orion

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Everything posted by Triad Orion

  1. I've never tried Jungle Mundo, just your typical laning Mundo. Not even that often, but I liked what I played of him. He's just such a troll and flinging cleavers at people gives me laughs.
  2. I play casually as well. Don't normally like to get extremely competitive over it admittedly. Summoner name is... Triad Orion. :V I typically play Mordekaiser, Sona, Cho'Gath, Kayle, and Renekton when he's available. I hope to get into playing Mundo sometime too. ...He goes where he pleases.
  3. Short of some sort of job forcing me to be busy at the time, I'll be trying my hardest to attend this year again.
  4. Holy crap, BEST NEW PROMISES FOR ALBUMS EVER. AND I HOPE ALL OF THEM COME OUT. :V (...Though I admit I do want the Disgaea one. Dood.)
  5. I should be going for the third year in a row. If the panel is on Saturday, I'll do my damnedest to make it there! As usual, I'll probably have a ridiculous yellow scarf either on or with me. Keep an eye out for it if you're there.
  6. I'm going with between $170-200 US, available early December. Nintendo normally doesn't price their handhelds to be really expensive. And I think the 3DS would be in danger of being too expensive to the target audience at anything higher than that.
  7. With respect, people liked it for several reasons. It was a throwback to the era of SNES RPGs, for its time the graphics were gorgeous for a handheld, and even with the cliches, you weren't going to find much better in the way of RPGs on handhelds at the time. Plus, it gave those gamers who didn't give a damn about Final Fantasy a different RPG to play. And I'll tell you to your face. Golden Sun was a good game. Especially for the era. A lot of people played it and loved it, and it's ingrained in our memories. We're excited for the new game the same way anyone else is when a beloved franchise gets a new entry. I can understand why you didn't like it, and I won't argue that it wasn't the most inspired RPG ever created, but there was a certain charm to the game that did capture the hearts of a lot of gamers. I believe *that* is why everyone's so excited for it. Myself included. Anyway, the 3DS looks positively astounding, and I want one just for the 3D StarFox 64 remake. Because I love that game. So much.
  8. I would agree that 2 is harder than 1. To some extent, considerably. Common Infected are smart enough to serpentine and attempt to flank you when they rush you, as opposed to just blindly charging at you like they did in the original. Returning Special Infected tend to be a little more cunning as well (except the Boomer, who often finds himself in wide open spaces), and the new Specials are just downright mean. The Spitter and Charger can dish out some serious hurt, and the Jockey can cause a lot of trouble. In general, because of all these factors, on average, survivors are taking much more damage than they used to. That said, I think the challenge is a fair one on the difficulties below expert because the tools the Survivors have now are varied, interesting, and powerful. Frankly, I like 2 a lot more than the original with all the variety it has for equipment loadouts. Considering I don't like Expert mode and rarely play on it, I'm not the best person to speak for its difficulty. Damned is definitely the man to talk to about that.
  9. 1) Heavy Weapons Guy 2) Zero 3) Phoenix Wright
  10. Yes, but sometimes you don't have to be on the list to be a major player in a team's victory. A well-timed Ubercharge as a Medic, a solid sap or destruction of a vital sentry gun, proper spy checking on Defense, or separating a potentially devastating enemy ubercharge with a compression blast could qualify you as being useful, and they don't necessarily earn you big points. Scoreboard position doesn't necessarily mean you're being useful. If you're a straight up combat class and you're locking down the enemy and racking up tons of points by stopping enemy counterattacks, then yes, it definitely is. But it's not the only meterstick that one should use to determine worth.
  11. Then I will require a badass death-cam shot of Frogg being awesome. I will attempt to get on this soon. If anyone gets a particularly awesome deathcam shot of him (preferably while being dominated), PM me or something and I'll totally credit them when I make it. If I don't get one myself, that is.
  12. He just has a psychological effect on people. But he's only a man. ...Killbot. Thing. Hit him hard enough, and he'll die. Just like anyone else. On a side note, I'm almost tempted to make Frogg into my new Boss Month signature. Such is his legend... :V
  13. YES. I LOVE THAT COMIC. And believe me. I try. But he kills me before he lets me near his doctors. Killbot.
  14. He is very much a killbot. And with Medics he is utterly lethal. (Speaking from being his medic a few times.) But yes. Killbot of scary.
  15. Honestly, I tend to pick the team with my friends on it, regardless of whether they're winning or not. If I can't, I bite the bullet and pick the other team, especially if they're down on numbers. And yeah, Frogg's not invincible. He's really, really good. But not unstoppable. And he's not the whole team. If he's alone, he can still be stomped down by a team effort. So people need to stop complaining when they're not on his team. Yeah, he might kill you a bunch and it might make it more difficult. Deal with it. And besides, it makes landing that killing blow against him all the more satisfying.
  16. Happy Birthday, Wes! You are entitled to one (1) free crit rocket to my face. Please get on TF2 and kick me to get on at some point in the future to claim your present. Hope your birthday's a good one, man!
  17. Many, many congratulations to DJP for this monumentous occasion! Hope the wedding, and more importantly, everything that comes after, goes great! NICE WEDDING.
  18. They did. It's called buying a PlayStation 2. Because they want more money. But it's bullshit that they removed that support from the PlayStation 3. It's not like the PS2 had a small library or anything, and it's not like everyone and their brother didn't own one or have a considerable library they'd still like to play...
  19. This is especially true with the Blutsauger, which will make the afterburn *entirely* useless. A standard Syringe Gun can be threat enough, but if the Medic's healing all your fire damage with his attacks while killing you, you're pretty much done unless you can manage to use the Shotgun against him effectively. Even that can be kind of a crapshoot if the shotgun spread doesn't work in your favor.
  20. The Shotgun is a serviceable weapon, but it's very vanilla and it's not meant to be a main weapon for a class. The Engineer doesn't really count in this regard, considering his Sentry is effectively his main gun. The fact that the Shotgun has stopped being a fallback weapon for Pyros and is now almost the go-to weapon shows something's wrong mechanically with the Flamethrower. The Shotgun has a very important place in the arsenal of a Pyro, but it shouldn't be something he has to use more often than his Flamethrower.
  21. This. The games may not have aged very gracefully, but they're still fun.
  22. Interesting thought, but I don't think anyone would use the compression blast like that. As it is, it works very well for interrupting enemy movement and it makes projectiles in return mini-crit. Also, it's meant to extinguish allies as well, so giving it fire damage would be kind of counter-intuitive to that feature. The Compression Blast works very well as is, thankfully. I suck with it, but I really, really like how it conceptually works. I think it's just how the fire from the Flamethrower works in general that needs a tiny bit of tweaking. But I think Valve will come up with something that works nicely. They usually do.
  23. I've noticed I tended to be far less effective with the Pyro than I used to be. Not to say I'm exactly good at the game to begin with, but it definitely seemed like fire was a lot less powerful than it used to be. I honestly hadn't read the patch notes before the 119th update because I hadn't played in months. I like the idea that they're trying to reward proper aim and usage of the Flamethrower. So I'm with Atmuh on the idea of rewarding skilled playing. Before the Flamethrower could be pretty brainless (and was probably why I was decent at it), but I don't think an out-and-out pure damage nerf is the answer. Nerfing the damage for indirect hits and grazes with the Flamethrower and the reduced burning time is fine. But if you're getting hit with a concentrated stream of fire up close and personal, that should do some real damage. Encourage playing the Pyro as it's meant to be played: An ambusher and close-quarters controller.
  24. REMIXINATOR. Truly, the leading force and cutting edge of all music and sound design. Bravo for putting OCR ahead of the competition. I look forward to the upgrade for Wily's Castle 1!
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