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Everything posted by G_D

  1. Myspace < Facebook < Poop Sorry, I can't get into the Facebook praise here. I use it, quite a bit, but am genuinely surprised at the express lack of functionality. I can't believe that there are no embedded urls, no text formatting whatsoever, etc. The one thing that I hate most about Facebook, though, is how difficult it is to avoid.
  2. I'd like to enter, if I have time. Hopefully 1 week after exams will be long enough.
  3. It's not like they're going to have less characters overall; it's just that they need to take some out to make room for new ones, or else it would get ridiculous. I'm expecting a total of 5-10 more characters than Melee, which is probably a good range.
  4. It's funny, I just searched for a thread like this yesterday, because my girlfriend wanted to start playing with me. Well, I didn't find one, but now here it is!
  5. I do too. I mean, when are we going to get rid of the fucking annoying load times if shitheads like this guys never do something about it? I've read of X360 games actually loading faster and working smoother than the ps3 counterpart, what the hell? I thought this generation load times could get lessened because the companies would include faster and more efficient reading devices. Alas, we are getting worse loads than in our old ps2's. This makes me sad. Unfortunately for your argument, Blu-ray actually has a much higher read speed than DVD, so a 4x BD drive is far greater than a 2x DVD player. Look it up on Wikipedia if you want (I'm too lazy), or just trust me. Still, even if it is faster the load times are going to be pretty high. Ps3 = Blu-Ray Drive 2x xbox360 = 12x dvd drive Blu-Ray Transfer speed = 36 Mbps DVD Transfer speed = 10 Mps Total: ps3's BR = 72 Mbps xbox 360 DVD = 120 Mbps Sorry, I was focused on the lines in bold, which should only be true if developers are lazy with their coding. If the PS2 had a 2x DVD drive, then it would have a transfer speed of 20Mbps, which is less than 1/3 that of the PS3: 2x BD = 7x DVD. It is a disappointingly slow media, however, especially for someone who gets annoyed at the DS's long startup screen. Trust me, I dislike the PS3 as much as the next guy, but even so I can't stand misinformation.
  6. I do too. I mean, when are we going to get rid of the fucking annoying load times if shitheads like this guys never do something about it? I've read of X360 games actually loading faster and working smoother than the ps3 counterpart, what the hell? I thought this generation load times could get lessened because the companies would include faster and more efficient reading devices. Alas, we are getting worse loads than in our old ps2's. This makes me sad. Unfortunately for your argument, Blu-ray actually has a much higher read speed than DVD, so a 4x BD drive is far greater than a 2x DVD player. Look it up on Wikipedia if you want (I'm too lazy), or just trust me. Still, even if it is faster the load times are going to be pretty high. PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way. No... PS3 has shipped 300 000 units. Slight difference. I think they were talking about gametitles, not the console itself. uhh... I don't know. I think the point was that Sony couldn't possibly sell 500,000 copies of a game right now. There would have to be an attach rate of nearly 1.4. Edit: Jacked!
  7. I'd imagine that the removed/replaced lists of characters in SSBB will look something like this: Removed: - Dr. Mario - Captain Falcon - Ice Climbers (though I really hope not) - Young Link - Maybe Game & Watch Replaced: - Falco (with Crystal :vomit: or maybe Wolf) - Marth and/or Roy (with someone from the American FE games) /speculation
  8. Donate some plasma. Get the Wii version. You're screwing yourself. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just telling you the truth. I just bought a $1300 dollar camera for school so my wallet is dry to the bone till January. If it wasnt for that i would defiently be buying the Wii. My friends getting it tho so i may be "borrowing" hers when shes in class Why didn't you buy a $1000 camera then? Fixed. Seriously, though, what camera did you get that cost so much? Must be pretty nice.
  9. There is a way to launch such a small number of units that could've avoided the huge mess in Kotaku's article. If Sony had simply doubled the price on the first shipment of PS3s, they would make more money, discourage scalping, and weed out a large number of people who would otherwise wait in line. That being said, no console should ever launch with that few units. What happened at that store in Japan is exactly what I've been expecting to happen since we learned how few units were available.
  10. This is the closest I'll ever come to preordering anything: http://ds.ign.com/articles/741/741139p1.html
  11. I'm gonna barge in here and go way off-topic. If anyone is interested, I've started an intercollegiate league for Smashers on Facebook, called the ISSBL. For now, it is centered in Michigan (where I'm at), but I'm sure that as interest grows it will spread out quickly.
  12. Sonic Rush is easily the WORST Sonic game I've ever played (except Sonic Pinball, but that really doesn't count). And yes, I've played Sonic Adventure 1 & 2. I never understood why people didn't like Sonic Adventure. I mean, yeah it was shallow, and the story was pretty dumb, but in the end the control mechanisms were tight and it was fun. What more can you ask? As for Rush, here are my major beefs with the game: 1) The level design is crap; quite possibly the worst level design I've ever seen in any game. Sonic is fast for a reason: HE IS SUPPOSED TO RUN THROUGH LEVELS. Sonic Rush makes this impossible in every level. Remember Sonic 2? If you were decently good, you could run through the first whole zone without stopping (except to load levels, of course). IIRC, every zone was pretty much like that, save for a few spots. In Rush, you have to stop every 30 seconds for some sort of stupid elevator or whatnot. And don't even mention the random hazards (Sonic games should be based on reflexes, not memory, especially when the levels have so many different paths) or the times when you have to jump blindly off a platform while having NO CLUE where you need to land. 2) TERRIBLE STORY. Seriously, the story in Rush was MUCH worse than either of the Adventure games, as was the voice acting, and that's saying a lot. People have told me: "But Sonic isn't about the story, it's about the gameplay!" THEN DON'T FRICKIN' PUT A STORY IN THE GAME!!! Sonic 2 got off without a story, why can't Sonic Rush? At least if you're going to ruin a gameplay-based game with a story, make it bearable. 3) BORING boss battles. What's with the boss battles in Rush? I was hoping for something much more interactive, or at least fun. I don't understand why you are so often limited to a tiny little platform where you are forced to jump back and forth to avoid hits. Maybe it's just nostalgia-distortion, but to me Sonic 2's boss battles were much more fun, even though they shared the same limited space. That being said, there were a couple of redeemable qualities to Rush: 1) Awesome rail-riding. This is one of my favorite aspects of any Sonic game, including Adventure. It's just pure fun, and the stunts and tricks that you can do in Rush are just sweet. 2) Awesome Special Stages. They had the perfect control mechanism. 'Nuff said. 3) Speed. The pace of the game would have been great, if it hadn't been so often broken up by random pits and stops. It would have been better, however, if they had increased difficulty by adding slower parts with more enemies, as opposed to increasing difficulty by adding random hazards. I don't recommend this game. It wasn't the worst game I've played, but it WAS the worst Sonic game I've played. I think there is potential, though, so I'm hopeful for the next installment on the DS.
  13. Stop. Think about something else. Ooh. That bad? And now for a less biased opinion of SFC : The controls...are bad. They could have been awesome, with just a few tweaks, but unfortunately Nintendo failed on the control part of the game. The stylus is not sensitive enough, and there are too many actions performed by the touch screen (boosting, flipping, barrel rolls, and loops are all on the touch screen, as well as directional control). About the only thing that I liked about it when I played was that it looked pretty.
  14. ^Blu-ray discs, in practice, will NEVER be 100GB. I remember years ago when it was touted that DVD's could store up to 18GB...I have NEVER seen a double-sided DVD. For one thing, it is every bit as inconvenient as having two discs. You still have to take it out to read both sides.
  15. Amen.
  16. The control scheme in Starfox Command is bad, IMHO. Not terrible, but not good, and certainly not as awesome as it could be with a few simple changes. It puts way too much unnecessary emphasis on the touch screen, which actually makes the controls more complex than less. If you ask me, the barrel roll command should have been linked to a button, as well as perhaps loop and roll. That way the touch screen is in control of only one aspect of the game. I mean, you have five buttons accessible to your non-touching hand, so why not use them? The other change that it severely needs is sensitivity control. The current sensitivity is WAY too low. It looks amazing though.
  17. This list is crap. You know what tipped me off first? The fact that the Bottom Tier is the biggest. Everyone knows that SSBM is one of the most balanced fighters out there. A balanced game doesn't come from having the most bottom tier characters. It comes from having the most middle tier characters (actually a truly balanced game would have no tiers). Besides that, Link is definitely not worse than Jigglypuff or Mario, and Mario definitely needs to be a tier lower than Doctor Mario, not on the same tier. And what's with the new top tier? I don't know anyone who regularly wins with those two (other than the guy at school who always wins with every character). /end rant It's been far too long since I've played SSBM. I need to do that sometime.
  18. OK FINE YOU WIN. You mentioned PSO in the same sentence as Deep Labyrinth. Twice. Now I have NO EXCUSE to not buy Deep Labyrinth. Stupid games and me having to pay my hard-earned money for them.
  19. Wait, so what is the game that you've been complaining is really bad? In my mind it was Deep Labyrinth. Apparently my mind is wrong?
  20. Now if only I could get this equation to work: Time^5 + Money^10 = I PLAY GAMES!!!! Sorry, that's dumb. It gets the point across though. Can't wait for Christmas!
  21. Looks like DS is my console of choice this winter. As much as I'd like to get a Wii, I am being forced to limit my spending significantly. Wii will have to wait. Besides, with so many incredible DS games coming up, I probably won't even notice the Wii's absence.
  22. :Sigh: I hate waiting for games that aren't even announced yet. When am I going to finally get my F-Zero love on the DS? Or Fire Emblem? Not that I have money to buy games as it is. Yeah, Contact looked somewhat interesting, but not enough for me to buy it. I'm still waiting for this RPG. I think it was plugged in this thread before, but worth mentioning again.
  23. Well, I didn't really want to clog the DS thread with my own personal crap that is only mildly related to any topics discussed therein, but I guess that mods like clogged threads. That being said:
  24. That's awesome.
  25. This is exactly why I know that I'm going to be disappointed with Brawl; there is no way they could add in everything that I want them to do. You've taken my customization idea to the extreme, but the basics are the same. No more modes; just let us change the starting damage, gravity, ground friction, speed, etc. manually. I want my Giant Invisible Metal Lightning Melee on double damage ratio with all bunny hoods and giant mushrooms! OK, well, I got carried away, but you get the picture. They also need to allow you to change the percentage at which each individual item shows up. Ex: you have bombs and green shells on, and you want bombs to show up in only one out of every hundred items. They could even customize it down to how often individual Pokemon came out of the Pokeball. And an underwater level please. And fun rules, like Capture the Flag and such. And I know there's more that I've thought of, but I can't remember it now.
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