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Everything posted by Degree

  1. I checked out the e6600 and it looks pretty good. At least, alot better than what I'm running right now. Any idea on the Wattage of a Power Supply I'd be needing with this processor?
  2. Thanks for such a quick reply. I do own the E-MU 0404 right now, so I think I'd stick with that. The only problem is that with my budget right now, I really only have about $500 USD to spend, for the time being. Sorry about that; I should've mentioned that in my first post. I'll look into those processors though, for sure.
  3. Yeah, that's a pretty addicting game. I remember getting to around level 20-ish before I actually got stuck, but that's over a year ago. I'll try it again soon.
  4. I've been around this site and it's forums for about 2 years now. Around a year ago, I was into remixing and tried my hand at it. I could never really get anything going because whenever I loaded up a few big VSTi's, my computer would lag and create artifacts in the track, thus leaving me without the ability to create what I wanted. I just wanted to find out the ideal specs on a audio production computer. My current RAM: 512 RDRAM My current Sound Card: E-MU 0404 My current processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz My computer is so old that I would basically have to rebuild a new custom one. My current motherboard only supports RDRAM, which sucks. If anyone has any advice in this field, then by all means, help me out. :] Thanks.
  5. Wow, incredible news! Congratulations Jill.
  6. Degree


    I just saw this movie last weekend. It kicks ass.
  7. Very fun game. Six is badass. My friend got this a few days ago. I can only do Medium.. Hard is well.. too hard for me haha. Try the calibration in the options menu.
  8. Yeah, I really wana hear the final of this. I really like the source track.
  9. Nice! You should make some more of these.. I learned some very good techniques.
  10. Megadeth. Marty Friedman owns.
  11. @ Flik: Thanks for the input. Yeah, I heard your remix, it's really creative.. and pretty funny. Yeah, it does sound mechanical, now that I listen to it more. I recorded everything live. I listened to the metronome when I was recording it and tried to time everything out. I guess that's to my downfall. I was afraid that if it didn't match the metronome, it would sound out of time. I'm definitely planning on adding more instruments. I'm not even near done with the song. Thanks again. @ Dr. Rod: Thanks a bunch man. Yeah, the technical 'ending' of the WIP link that I posted is only the beginning of the actual main medley. During the final stages of this mix, I'm going to change the velocities up more and change volumes at certain parts. The piano sounds very mechanical- I know. I recorded it live and just listened to the metronome. I was afraid to make a note of it out of time. Yeah man, I'm editing this up right now. I'll post a newer version soon. I appreciate the feedback. I'm going to post a new version soon.
  12. This is my first real remix. I've messed around in Reason before, but I've never really made a decent track. http://media.putfile.com/Sunset-Over-Kakariko It's the Kakariko Village theme off of most of the Zelda games. I know you'll recognize it. I wouldn't say it's in an orchestral style.. because I don't know much about orchestras, haha. It's mainly in a ballad-ish.. [i guess] style. I tried to make the intro build up into the main medley. Of course, there are still tons of parts to be added. Tone tweaks, more instruments, drums.. haha. I'm just posting to see what people think so far. And please, if you have any suggestions, let me know. I don't care- say whatever you want, if you think it sucks.. tell me. I'd rather you be blunt and let me know, than me waste my time. Thanks.
  13. Good luck with this. I, myself, being novice to remixing and audio production, would actually pay a pretty decent price for lessons, but the only problem is that I don't think anyone around my area actually works with digital production and the likes.
  14. This project sounds very promising. I can't wait until it's done.
  15. I LOVE this remix. I had never heard the original song before I heard this. I can safely say that I don't want to listen to the original song now. This remix is amazingly chill. The sounds are crystal clear. The production, arrangement, and mixing are top notch. I love the way Patrick added in the sounds of the birds and the water. It adds a depth of realism to the remix. I also like how it takes you 'underwater' for a segment of the remix. The sounds totally change.. and the parts written for it sounds just like something I could picture as underwater. Amazing quality. Patrick is a great remixer. I've personally sent him an email before and he is incredibly helpful and kind. Keep up the great work bro. I will always be listening to this remix.
  16. I definitely liked this track from the game. I can imagine that this one would be a hard one to remix and arrange. EFields did a good job of varying the song and arrangement up, though. There's not much to the original song, so good job. The vocals are DragonAvenger's best, I think. The added echo and reverb really helps. The lyrics are written very well. They really match with the instrumentation. It's got a chill vibe going on. The only thing that I don't really like is the ending.. and this is probably more a matter of taste. The abrupt ending kind of threw me off. I was expecting the instrumentation to slowly fade and decrease in volume, but it just ended with a vocal line. I would recommend anyone to download this and add it to your collection. It's definitely worth a listen. I'll always have it in my collection. I hope to see more from Efields and definitely more from DragonAvenger. Keep up the great work!
  17. Beautiful production. Especially considering that this remixed was created nearly 3 years ago. The arrangement is there, but it does pretty much stick with the original source. True, the samples are lacking, but I was reading on Kaijin's site about the possibility of him remastering this track. That would be great. This piece, no matter how old, is still beautiful. That ballad style that Kaijin is best known for is probably my favorite 'genre' of remix. The emotions that this piece creates are absolutely amazing. Definitely worth a download to add to your remix collection. I don't think Kaijin is around anymore, but he will always have produced songs that have changed the way I view videogame music. Good job bro. 3 years later and it's still kickin'.
  18. I totally disagree. This piece is absolutely beautiful. The piano work sounds great coming out of my speakers. The arrangement is wonderful and the piano still sounds great, even after 3 years of age. This piece is able to evoke emotions out of me that other pieces aren't able to. When this happens, I know for a fact that it is special. 3 years later and this piece is still a winner. Definitely worth a download to add to your collection! Susie, I wish you we're around and produced more. You have amazing potential. You'll probably never read this, but just know that this mix will always have a place among my favorite remixes. Much love.
  19. Although I don't really care for the original track that much, this remix feels like it's in the right direction. It's good to see people getting creative with remixes.. adding vocals and the such. Keep up the good work.
  20. I wholeheartedly agree. Final Fantasy 9's soundtrack is almost unmatched. I have actually remixed a little bit of 'Loss of Me', but I dropped the project due to Loss of Ideas. [Haha, the irony.] I love the other tracks, such as Melodies of Life, one of the most beautiful video game tracks that I've ever heard. Maybe someday when my arrangements are better, I will attempt one of these songs again. Until then, these songs will remain untouched by me.
  21. Whenever I begin a remix I have ideas for certain parts, but I can never decide where to start. Is there an ideal place to begin? I usually just start with the intro to the song. Is putting down a bassline or drums more helpful first? I just can't really get into any remixes. I have ideas, but I just give up eventually. Any ideas?
  22. Yeah I'm pretty sure that these samples are all found in RA.
  23. Yeah those are all good songs. Perhaps I will sit down and try to arrange something this weekend if I get the time.
  24. Wow, thanks for the heads up. I'm definitely not passing this one up.
  25. Sounds interesting. I loved Generals, even though it was really buggy. If it's really good I'll invest some money and get it.
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