I need eerie/scary music for a film I am currently working on. Sorry I can not pay you. But you name will appear in the credits, and if you wish, I will send you a copy of the movie. I am not a beginner. I have been making full length movies for about 6 years. And short films ever since I was in the 5th grade. That's almost 10 years. If you want to see some of shorter stuff check me out on www.dailymotion.com just search for Zoot Flab.
Now, about the movie, it's a sequel to a movie I made 2 years ago. Luigi's Mansion 2. Yes, the video game. That is why I am turning to the video game community. I want something like The Blair Witch 2, or Hannibal, or even The Village. With Luigi's Mansion music of course. If you are interested, let me know. Thanks!