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Everything posted by Broken

  1. This mix is so good that despite the fact that I haven't heard it in at least two years, I still found it in under ten seconds. I immediately recalled the intro to this mix and that helped me to remember tefnek. I always love a cliff-hanger of an intro, and this song delivers on that front. The back-beat of this song is so infectious that it sticks with you for ages ( the proof is in the fact that it compelled me to randomly post about it today.) The synths are sick as well. I just love the syncopated feel of this track. The only thing that I'm not wild about is the tetris-esque bridge in the middle of the song. It just seems like an abrupt change of pace. Ahhh, it feels good to get that off my chest. Now, Tefnek, post moar muzak.
  2. Sad to hear you're resigning Glad to hear you're making more muzaks!
  3. Wow, I just felt an intense sadness when I looked at those pictures. I miss you guys
  4. What's up, man? Hope you're enjoying the rest of your break.

  5. Count me in.
  6. You guys are ridiculous in Tetris Attack. That was so fun to watch/ slash get beaten in. I must get good at this game, now.
  7. Sorry, I didn't play any sf4. I was too busy with super turbo, alpha 3, cvs2, hdr, and of course melee.

    I suck at Street Fighter, but I think you already knew that, so yeah.

  8. You had better, man! We've gotta play melee together so I can see your legendary bird in action.
  9. Before I get busy with school again, I would just like to thank Brushfire, DJP, BGC, and Devin. The first two I'd like to thank for housing me and the other two I would like to thank for transporting me. You guys made this con possible for me and I am truly grateful for all of your help. I also would like to shout out to all the awesome people I met at the con. To everyone that I got to introduce myself to, I'm glad to have met you and next year I will try to be more sociable and to meet even more of you guys. To those of you that I played fighting games with - you are some hip cats. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with that competitive spirit around here.
  10. Thank you for all of the time and effort you've put into judging along with all of the other awesome stuff you do, Andy. Enjoy your break from being on the panel.
  11. Hey, hitch a ride with NekoFrog to MAGFEST. Then we can play sf against each other for like the entire thing - except when I'm playing melee.


  12. This is the review that I read and what I got most of my information from. I thought it was pretty good. edit: except for the parts when the author decides to tell you about his personal problems. too much information.
  13. Glad to hear everyone is having fun. I can't wait to get up there. Brushfire, will you pm me your phone #? I need to talk to you about when I'll be heading up. @D-Lux - Thanks for letting me know. I just wanted to be sure before I updated the first post.
  14. I guess that could bother those who like traditional rpgs, but I don't lol. My favorite rpgs are tales of phantasia and symphonia both of which I like for their battle systems above all else. I really could never finish a final fantasy game before because I actually don't like the "exploration." It usually involved wandering around towns and talking to npcs, which I find boring. Needless to say, I have rpg add and if the game is going to be 40 hours long, it better NOT have lots of sidequests and things to distract me from the main narrative. Time is precious.
  15. I actually am really excited for 13. And NOT JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A BLACK PROTAGONIST! (Okay, maybe that has something to do with it ) But I'm actually just mesmerized by the cut-scenes. I've read that the game is linear but I don't think that will bother me too much because I've also read that the battle system is a smorgasbord of ideas from previous FF's and that it works quite well. tl;dr - Battle system looks hot. FF finally has a real black protagonist (Barret doesn't count.)
  16. So, does that mean that you aren't staying at brush's place?
  17. And yeah, I know my sig sucks. It's a passive aggressive way of showing my distaste for this website. You know how it is.

  18. Sup, dood? Merry Christmas! My lil bro has an xbox, but not live, so even if I had 4... :(

  19. Happy birthday, Dshu! Don't let that arthritis get to you, piano man!
  20. These are all good questions. 1) No idea. I can't think of too many people from NYC off of the top of my head either, sorry. 2) Again, no idea. I just know he lives in Nova. Brush, do you feel comfortable letting everyone know your address? Or could you pm it to some peeps? 3) I'm going to say if you haven't pre-regged yet, even if you definitely plan on attending, I think I will put you in the tentative list, so that you can check there for potentials to get a group registration with. So, for everyone that said "yes, I'm definitely coming," if you haven't pre-registered, let me know so that I can separate you from the list of people that already have everything squared away. 4) Brushfire's room has space for 10. I don't have the official word from Bahamut on how many he's willing to take. I'm also a little confused as to Vilecat and some other people's situations. (I've heard that she may be staying @ Brushfires 10k acre ranch as well?) I updated a few people's statuses.
  21. Please elaborate so that I can fix things. Bahamut, do you have any idea who is staying with you at this point in time? You have nothing up on the first page, really. edit: I will update your status, Pezman
  22. Updated a few people's statuses, but now I have to get my laundry.
  23. Kiyzr, your status is updated as well as my own and .... someone else's. I forgot Also, I updated the rooming arrangements and other minor things. PLEASE check the first post for the latest info.
  24. Hope that helps.
  25. I just realized that I can still edit my post, so if you guys fill me in with the information, I will be glad to try and update everything. Bahamut (any mods who are interested), feel free to help because I'm probably not going to have a good solid block of time to work on this (at least until the weekend.) On another note - Hey, Brushfire, have you checked your pm's lately? I wanted to know what the situation at your place is like now. If I can't stay with you I'll need to hop into a hotel room. I'm willing to share a room with someone(s) if it comes to that.
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