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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. My brother has a Zune and loves it. Hasn't had any problems with the software either. Of course, then you lose all the accessory support that the ipod has. Your call.
  2. Well, concert starts at 8:00 and lasts for about 2 1/2 hours, so say we get out of the hall around 11:15. If worst comes to worst, we can always just hang out at the hotel later (bring game systems with us, play cards (euchre!), or whatever). Just seems kinda crappy to finally get out to a meetup and then just hit up a bar. I'm sure we'll be hungry afterwards, maybe there's a steak n' shake or something in the area?
  3. Thanks guys. This has always been one of my favorite sources and this mix turned out just as I envisioned it. My personal fav section is the short 3:21-3:37 part, gave me chills the first time I heard it rendered.
  4. Eh, I dunno, not big into the whole bar thing if I end up going. Unfortunately, there's probably not much else to do after 11:30 on a Friday night. I'm not familiar with the Louisville area at all.
  5. As promised, I did the drawing for my CD giveaway and the winner is none other than Sinewav. Sinewav, you can expect your free CD once I put the finishing touches on my album (which is about 95% complete). Thanks for the votes! I'll be making a forum preview post soon btw.
  6. Congrats man! That's what you call a comeback!
  7. Dang, top ten just massively shifted around. Maybe OCR can pull it off after all.
  8. "I Let Lie" has had three different pictures in the past three battles. I also feel better about the track currently in first now.
  9. I don't doubt it. The choice of picture definitely plays a role. Look at "Boss Theme," admittedly not the greatest song but the picture choice sure doesn't help.
  10. Yeah, I've got a buddy interested too. If we end up going, we'll definitely be hitting up a hotel that night. Hopefully gas prices won't be $5 by then. :/
  11. Man, this is hard work. I'll have to pick it up again later tonight. Thanks for all the votes guys!
  12. Geez, I've gone from 41st to 14th and now back to 39th. SGX just went from 1st to 36th. Can't take it, I'm going to bed.
  13. Heh, just playing. I'm pretty new around here, you're cool.
  14. haha a challenge which you'll win quite handily. Let me look around here, I think I've got it on this computer somewhere. EDIT: Nope, not on the laptop. And I'm not turning the desktop on for something so trivial and narcissistic tonight. Have to be tomorrow.
  15. I'm 5'10" or so, 160 pounds. Never was too big, but always been pretty strong. Haven't been hitting the weights in forever, although I've always been athletic and excel in really any sport. Not to mention I have black man hops (about a 40" vertical back in high school, probably now around 35" or so). Once I feel like I'm losing a step when playing basketball, baseball/softball, ultimate frisbee, etc, then I'll probably hit the weights again in earnest. I'd post a (shirtless) pic but I don't want to put GT to shame.
  16. Except the OCR stuff is actually good.
  17. Yeah, seems to be prevalent in more than one genre. "Invisible Doors" in the DJ/Beats category is a great track, but is getting killed by a bunch of meh beats.
  18. If I/we do end up getting a hotel, I could see maybe going out for lunch Saturday, but I'd be heading back after that. EDIT: Also, I can do the $48 tickets, but no $75 Grand Tier boxes for me.
  19. Like 80% of the stuff on youtube? This was at least fun to watch. Cool videos, looks like some thought and organization went into the production values.
  20. It's looking more and more like I can make it. I'll give my buddy a call about it tomorrow. We may hit up a hotel or something instead of making the early morning 5 hour drive back.
  21. Thanks for all the votes guys! Still sitting strong at number one in techno. Just finished voting in Techno, Electronic, and on a whim, DJ/Beats. I'll get to New Age/World tomorrow-ish. Also, don't miss my promotion; those who "fan" me (see first post) and vote in all subsequent rounds that I'm in are entered for a free CD of mine once it finishes production. Just leave a message here or on my ourstage boards. So far it's only about five people from OCR, are you going to let them keep their 20% chance of winning?
  22. Thanks for all the votes, guys! Just to reiterate, if you're from OCR and you "become a fan" of me, post either here or on my ourstage board saying where you're from to be eligible for my CD giveaway. Otherwise, (aside from avaris and dhsu), I'm not certain you're from OCR.
  23. Similar to zircon's offer, I will enter anyone who "becomes a fan" of me on ourstage and judges in all the future rounds that I may be involved in into a drawing to receive my upcoming first CD release (now 95% complete) for free. I do have to ask for your patience as I'm wrapping up with school over the next few weeks, but it should be finished over the next month or so. Just leave a message either on my board at ourstage or here in this thread. Thanks guys! Lets pull another OCR sweep!
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