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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pardon my french, but what le fucking hell. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the new worst source song I have ever heard. This source track is now going to be my personal VGM rickroll, so if I send you a youtube link, beware! Thankfully, the remix sounds nothing like the source, though when I say that, I mean, the melodic connection is clear, but it's actually listenable. The soundscape is cool, and the samples are workin for me, though I do think the drums need some spicing up. There is some very minor hand percussion layering that gives some personality, but it seems like the rhythm section in general is on rails. Not exactly a dealbreaker, but it seems like there is a lot of wasted potential for some solid rhythmic excitement. Another nitpick is some of the piano playing sounds pretty unhumanized, at least as far as velocities go. I don't think it's much of an issue since it gives the song a fun honky tonk vibe, but it would definitely be something to consider in the future. The string sample is also not really suited for the light stabs they are trying to do, but they are in there for about 10 seconds and in the background, so for a little bit of additional texture and color, they are fine by me. The interpretation and expansion of such a wretched theme is astounding, as I find the remix to be very enjoyable and listenable. The solos were creative and interesting, and the arrangement work brought this up to the next level. Overall I think it's a little borderline of a call, since the piano humanization might grate on other judges, and you know that if Larry votes on this one he'll mention the strings. Definitely room to grow, but i'm ok passing this one. Yes
  2. my sports hero <3 great song too of course
  3. Yes! Now Rama needs to get you some delicious and wholesome milk, and we will have completed our beverage circle of life!
  4. holy shit that airfare deal is siiick. Just got my round trip tickets for $162, or about $250 cheaper than I was planning. Rama I owe you a beer. <3
  5. Some performance and production issues really hamper this, and I think the other judges have covered it pretty well. Your guitar tone for leads is nice and clean, but the playing is sloppy in some parts, and needs polish. The drums have decent punch, but sound too far back and lack a high end crack that they really need. I suggest hitting up the WIP forums and getting some additional assistance on this. No
  6. Bad stuff out of the way first: Some minor timing issues that are inherent with having a live horn section recording separately, and the gang vocals are crazy buried. Now the good! This arrangement and specifically the lyrics are amazing, the performances are pretty solid, with some nice solos, and a vocal performance with some real attitude. Luiza sounds like she could kick anyone's ass who got in the way of her plate. Production is solid, and the song is awesome. Awesome work Plaid Muffins! Yes
  7. Starts out pretty coverish, but with some solid playing. Production sounded powerful and clean, and though there were some minor intonation issues in some of the rhythm guitars, overall I was feeling it. I was worried that it'd be too much on the conservative side, but you do expand things pretty well, and though I think the track goes on a little longer than it absolutely needed to, it didn't drag enough to get tedious. Pretty nice first submission, i'm excited to hear more from you Yes
  8. Nice take on the themes, and interesting how the style changes. It's like you can hear the spots where proto and halc got bored and left poor Willrock to finish things up. I think it would have been stronger overall if all three had worked on at least the very end, to bring it full circle, but it's still a pretty great piece of music. Some of the earlier lead playing sounded a little flat, but it wasn't off enough to kill it for me. Cool idea, nice semi-collab, and overall i'm feelin it. yes
  9. Happy birthday, I hope you have a fantastic day
  10. Not flawless, but overall it's really nice. Some of the transitions are a little rough, and the entrance of the flute instrument that I can't name was a little weird. Once it got more legato, it sounded better. Choir was nice, and everything else was solid. I dig it. Yes
  11. oh cool gmail has emoticons now Killer Instincts, Sabrewulf's Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqboz5BqP24), More info in the mp3 You may hear similarities to the original submission from several years back. Any similarities are all in your head. This is not a resub. Do not eat this mp3. Boring. ·__.
  12. halc (13226) Drew Wheeler 'Peacemaker' Sonic Adventure Sources: Theme of TIKAL Comments: And now for something.. completely different! This is my first 100% chiptune-free remix. This has been a long time coming, and I feel like I should have more to say about it!.. but nothing really comes to mind. I've been exploring some different styles lately, so expect some more off-the-wall mixes like this in the future~ Hope you all love it!<3 source:
  13. OCRemix Song Submission: Note1: You can leave the song links and whatnot in if this gets rejected. Note2: This is the clean version of the track, and the dirty version is on Arek's Milkyway Wishes project. However, we HAVE cleared it with him that this is considered a regular song submission so this song, if passed, can be released before the project comes out. Song name: Ska Buffet (All You Can Eat, Clean Version) Contact Information: Note: I am submitting this on behalf of The OverClocked Plaid Muffins. So if you want to give credit to all of us, as well as us as a group (I don't know how it works with groups). Your ReMixer name – The OverClocked Plaid Muffins (Level 99, PrototypeRaptor, LuIzA, Swann, Xenon Odyssey, Cyril the Wolf, AMT, Avaris) Your real name: Level 99 = Stevo Bortz PrototypeRaptor = Jonathan Paulsen LuIzA = Luiza Carvalho Swann = Taylor Swann Xenon Odyssey = Bobby Keller Cyril the Wolf = Connor Pelkey AMT = Austin Thresher Avaris = Shaun Wallace Your website – not one for the group yet! Your userid – 13318 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged – Kirby Super Star Name of individual song(s) arranged – Run, Kirby, Run Composer: Dan Miyakawa, Jun Ishikawa (Game already in OCR database) Comments on the song: Wow. This has been one of the longest-running remixes I've ever been a part of. When it first started, it was just me and some funny lyrics trying to make a ska song. I posted it up on the OCR WIP forums in November of last year to an OVERWHELMING response to the song, most of which was insisting of putting live brass in the song. I originally just wanted a better singer than myself, but as a result, the The OverClocked Plaid Muffins was formed. Forged in the mighty brass, mixing, voices, and guitar strings of at least 8 remixers (it's a somewhat-changing rotation of roles), this is our first song together. Let's start with who did what on this track, shall we? Level 99 = Arrangement, Lyrics, Guitars, Drums PrototypeRaptor = Brass Arrangement, Arrangement, Trombone LuIzA = Vocals (ALL the vocals) Swann = Trumpets Xenon Odyssey = Tenor Saxophone Cyril the Wolf = Alto Saxophone AMT = Bass Guitar Avaris = Mixing and Mastering There was a huge effort to get this all together and as tight as possible. Every person involved gave it everything they had. The ska style is heavily influenced by the band Streetlight Manifesto. The lyrics are as follows (for the clean version): ---------------------- I am eating food, sweet and tasty dishes, dude It is loads of fun but all these calories are bad for you Chinese, sushi please, Spanish, Thai Food, it's all good! Shove it all in my mouth and I will give you cash Chips and salsa, peanut butter, tenderloin and rack of lamb Microwaving me some kettle corn and the tv dinners are being baked now Giant burgers and burritos, deli meats and lots of cheese Bar-be-ques and large potato salad, I'll eat everything! I'll clear out all the buffets in every city in no time Most grocery stores have posted "no pink marshmallow" entry signs But let's disregard these warnings and digest every last bit From frozen food and the bakery to snacks, sodas and chips So let's hit up all the drive-thrus and convenience stores near here My jaw ain't chewing something now, starvation is to be feared Without a constant stream of eats I'll likely to just die cause I'm Kirby, &$@#&, and I need food so GET ME $#*()@#&* FRENCH FRIES! Deep fried cookies, monster cherries , french-fried onions from the can Only veggies if they're soaked in oil and even then I'd rather eat raw cream cheese Deep dish pizza, shrimp tempura, crispy flat bread drenched in lard I don't care if I'm to big to transport, roll me to the foods I'll clear out all the buffets in every city in no time Most grocery stores have posted "no pink marshmallow" entry signs But let's disregard these warnings and digest every last bit From frozen food and the bakery to snacks, sodas and chips So let's hit up all the drive-thrus and convenience stores near here My jaw ain't chewing something now, starvation is to be feared Why hold back all you inner cravings, restraining for today When you could eat up the whole world, this ain't no &@#$#$ gourmet! This ain't no gourmet This ain't no gourmet No *$&^@!#()$ gourmet This is a buffet! ------------------ And so that's about all I have to say for this track. Nearly the entire song is based on or around source. Enjoy and look forward to more from the group in the future! And make sure to check out the dirty version on the upcoming Milkyway Wishes project! ~Stevo
  14. Dear OcRemix, I am Zid, submitting a track I just recorded with my guitar and pre-arranged beats. I'm using a Gibson Flying-V and the music in the background are pre-arranged in FL Studio 7. Battle Overture I (7:15) Submission information: Game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy I Individual song(s) arranged: 1)Battle Scene, 2)Inside A Boss Battle, 3)Boss Battle A+B, 4)Last Battle Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Contact information: ReMixer name: Zid Real name: Mohammad Yazid Kamal Baharin Email: mohammadyazid@gmail.com Website: www.mohammadyazid.com Thank you for your time. -- Zid Art - www.mohammadyazid.com Music - www.purevolume.com/zid
  15. * Your ReMixer name: 3R2 * Your real name: Kevin Shih * Your website: 3r2.deviantart.com * Your userID: 30907 * Name of game(s) arranged: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Catus Carnival * Original Composer: Daisuke Ishiwatari * Game System: Arcade * Original Song Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVypfVkSH-s * Song Title: Tao is Taokaka
  16. It sounds sick except for the drum production. I emailed them to see if we can get a revision.
  17. this feels like something you'd hear after a long day of surfing, while BBQing around a fire on the beach. There is some pretty distinct recording hiss, but to me it almost sounds like crashing waves in the distance, further giving it a beach-side charm. Unfortunately, the arrangement is very basic, and is basically a cover + solo. I really like the playing style, and it's really a nice track, but is too conservative, and a little too repetitive for OCR. No
  18. The only sample that really seemed weak to me was the guitar, and I think pushing it back into the sound scape slightly would have fixed things. The tambourine sample was fine, but it wasn't humanized. Overall the main issue was a few velocity issues, but the arrangement is strong as usual, and the strings i thought were sounding nice. Some minor issues, but definitely above the bar for me, and you can only get better from here on out. Yes
  19. nah, did almost a complete 25m hard mode clear last night and healing was a little more challenging, but still had no mana issues as a holy priest. Once we are 85 i'll check EJ to see what I am supposed to for real, but i've always used a variety of heals, so who knows what's up. I am excited to tank though!
  20. He has a feminine enough jawline that it wouldn't be a train wreck, I don't think. Bruce Campbell, on the other hand; not the right jawline.
  21. woah reverb - it seems like the amount is pretty excessive and is causing a lot of bleed between the parts. I'd reduce that a little to crisp things up. Samples weren't mixed very well, with some sounding pasted on over the others, and the quality of a few of them was a little questionable as well. Some of the issues might be the over-reverb, but it's hard to tell without removing it. The guitar synth sounded decent on held notes, but had some attack issues making it sound a little weird. The attacks on the strings were also really slow. There were some cool effects, and things were interesting from an arrangement standpoint, but that reverb was really killing it. The issues I have with this are 100% production. Fix it up, and send it back please no, please resub
  22. Ho shi I can tank now as a holy priest?! or am I confused? So after raiding with the new spirit changes, and still ending every fight with near full mana, I reforged all the spirit on my gear into mastery, which is awesome seeing so many numbers tick on my raid minions. I need to do some research to see if the mastery is better than straight haste, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like a healing badass.
  23. Halt: Not Justin Beiber DragonAvenger : Justin Beiber <_____< >_____> don't hurt me, Deia, I <3 u.
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