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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. WARNING!! A third ass-pat incoming regarding that percussion - awesome stuff. The piano is really nice, and the entire arrangement has a lot of infectious energy. I am loving it. Great voicings, some subtle backing organ, and prominent but very personalized source. The production was solid, and the room sound was pretty authentic. The fade out totally defeats the purpose of it sounding like a live recording, as a live band could never get away with something like that, but it's just a minor spot on an otherwise amazing rendition. Yes
  2. I think the main issue is the tone of the rhythm guitar and bass are both a little muddy and need some more mid tone to them. Compare your track with the recently posted Sixto track, and you can tell the pitch of everything much easier, regardless of listening setup. The genres are slightly different, but being able to hear pitch is crucial for every genre of music. Doing a slight EQ cut from your DAW, and then adjusting the tone to have more mid on your amp before recording would really help things out. THe drums are also pretty overpowering to the rest of the mix, but i think having a less scooped sound would naturally balance things out a bit more. The lead guitar tone was decent, if a little low-mid heavy, and the playing was fine. There were a few minor intonation issues early on in the first solo, where it got a little sharp, but nothing to cry about. The shredding got a little sloppy in some parts, but that may have also been because of the low mid overtones. Hard to tell either way. I do think the death vox were a lot stronger than the ones in the actual source track, so props there. The original vocalist sounded like a poser wimp covered by studio distortion, and you bring some real grit to the main part. The arrangement was pretty decent, IMO, as I could hear the original, though modified pretty strongly for over half. No issues there for me. This is close for me, but I do think getting a more balance rhythm tone is important, so I'm gonna ask for you to fix it up. It's almost there though. No, please resubmit
  3. Pretty nice stuff, good texture and a very serene soundscape. I like the drums and the plucked instrument. Shamisen? Koto? I don't know!! But I like it.
  4. I really enjoyed the arrangement on this, and the synths make it a lot more interesting and nuanced than a straight orchestral arrangement would be. Other highlights for me are the prominent piano playing, and the snare rolls. It really gives the track soem good drama and tension. Overall good stuff, nice work, Hemo.
  5. Very classy stuff, great source selections, and a good performance. I'm always down for more Lufia all up-ins. Check it out folks!
  6. i'm not sure about best musician who entered, but for me, his entry was head and shoulders above. Then again he his like every single bias I have when it comes to a sick track, and I hope he used up all his mojo on this, so he is too tired to go all out for MAGDoD.
  7. I dig the arrangement a whole lot, but that lead piano sequencing is mad mechanical, and there are a few notes in the piano that hit so hard on the velocities and they are ridiculously painful. That definitely needs to be fixed before I can give this one a yes. The ending was a bit lacking as well, as the song just kindof ended. Otherwise, awesome textures and rhythms, and a great feel; the percussive shuffles were excellent. Very minor fixes needed here, but they are crucial. No, please resubmit
  8. yo Rama, eiffel tower? also, that mashup is awesome
  9. I like the different moods that the song goes through, but I do think the room sound is way cramped, like the orchestra is doing a last minute run-through before a big performance. The ideas presented are good, and the arrangement is generally solid, but the room sound, mechanical feel to some instruments, especially the drums, and the somewhat lackluster ending mean that it's close, but not quite there for me. I'd adjust your room reverb, humanize that percussion, and make a little more satisfying ending, and send it back. no, please resubmit
  10. well, the good news is that the dynamics of the harpsichord are pretty accurate here, aka none, but the playing is just so "on", that it sounds way too robotic, and as mentioned, the motif is played the same each time; this is a really cool concept, and i think you have the arrangement chops to make it work, but it'll need another revision. no, please resubmit
  11. I think there are a lot of interesting and commendable production choices here to really give this a bit of additional drama, but I think the mixing was a little unbalanced in some spots, and the soundscape was crowded in some spots, and Arrangement-wise, there were some decent additions, but mostly it was really repetitive. I know the source had the same structure, but the serene zen of the original worked with it, and i think with the more manic feel this has, it doesn't work as well. I think giving instruments more space in the mix via panning would help clean it up, and some additional variation on the sections would be good too to make the arrangement closer to the bar. I really like the feel of this though, it's very dramatic. No
  12. you deserve at the very least, your own segment on the show. maybe something they can sortof add in from time to time.
  13. So I just watched the anime detour video, and like ok, the panel was booooooring, and a lot of it was just my back as i walked around, but *damn* Flik's vitamin water pitch was solid gold. I think you guys should all retire to the Bahamas, and have Flik be the sole podcast host. The sad and nostalgic music at the end brought a tear to my eye. :'-(
  14. http://judges.vgdj.net/mp3s/tobejudged/Kaleidoscope_%27For_All_That_Remains%27.mp3
  15. sorry dude, I still need to do Dominic Toretto and Chris Daughtry first.
  16. rofl XD Great album, guys. Zircon's track especially made me almost pee myself with joy.
  17. Actually, sir, a spider is of the phylum arthropoda, and not of the class insecta. Not buggy at all.
  18. Sucks, but it's a business. Dudes gotta eat. I'm sure everything will be just fine.
  19. The only thing that would make this remix completely perfect is a more climactic ending. It's close, but not completely there. Everything else is absolutely sick. Hard beats that aren't overly busy, and some really subtle details that make the theme sound even more badass. Really intense songcraft by Zircon; it's awesome.
  20. Great creative work from Sebastian, awesome textures and counter melodies, and the new rhythms and effects really feel like some sort of madcap mage is off in his own world. I really like the quasi-string synth that comes in at 1:13 and punctuates the phrase. Solid breakdowns, transitions, and dynamics round out a really strong arrangement, and of course AeroZ's sonic signature is unmistakable. Really fun track, check it out.
  21. Totally rocking! It's about damn time we've heard something new from Sixto, and this doesn't disappoint. Great guitar flourishes and a pretty driving pace keep it exciting, and good section shifts keep it interesting after the initial adrenaline wears off. Very solid track.
  22. Hope you have a great day! well, u ma Nutritious and i'm yo' Nutritious we iz Nutritious till da end of time
  23. also, it's way easier for me to dress up as Picard on halloween, which im sure factors into your preference. <3
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Mangini is my guess
  25. Excellent lyrics and great presentation to this one, the vocal harmonies are really well thought out, and the performances were solid as well. Really compelling stuff, excellent work guys. edit: just heard the original version, much more interesting harmonies this time around. Awesome way to improve an already solid entry!
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