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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I hope you have an awesome day, dude!
  2. Beautiful and immediately accessible. The vocals are obviously incredible, but the rest of the instrumentation was equally good. Amazing work!
  3. Really playful stuff, This is going to be my new theme song when I level my engineering talents on my gnome character. The instrumentation is pretty well handled; providing some cool textures throughout. The piano and woodwinds are a nice combination, and the structure is pretty open-ended so the track never feels repetitive. There isn't a huge hook to grab onto really, but there are plenty of small motifs to lend familiarity to this. As I said in the vote, I wouldn't bump this in my car, but it's a solid track.
  4. The warbles grate a little, but it's cool enough. Good pacing and cool lyrics. The production focuses on the vocals, and the rest supports it well enough. I liked the key change. It was effectively used, and is a great songwriting tool. I'm cool with this one for sure. Yes
  5. The soundscape starts out a little muddy with that reverb, and needs an EQ cut at 250hz or so, but some cool textures that come in give it a cool style. Once that style is achieved, though, it's on autopilot for the duration. This really needs to be expanded a lot to maintain interest. This needs a lot more development to pass, sorry. No
  6. I'll second that the drums are increidbly underwhelming. The kettle drums are fine, and maybe even a little too strong in some spots, but the snare is super limp and in some cases, you can hardly hear it. The sequencing is also super mechanical, and though that ties into the theme of the song, it needs to be both mechanical and musical. It's close, but a little too strong on the former. The SFX throughout worked really good, but otherwise the track was pretty sparse. I think having some stronger drumkit use would help there, as well a more prominent bass part. The kettle drum would work for an intro and maybe breakdown, but not the duration of the song. There are some bass synths that come in later, but the first half was a little barren. There are some cool ideas here, and the concept is sound, but this needs a good deal of additional polish. No
  7. It's really close, but i'm going to side with Larry here, the way the piano is presented gives this a very unique feel. I'm not sure what is delayed, and what is added notes, if any, but it's really cool. The structure is verbatim, but there are new instruments and subtle harmonies, and some flourishes and some personalization. I'm not going to say this is the most radical departure of a remix, but it certainly made a classic song sound fresh to me. Yes
  8. Larry's dropped some pretty solid crits that I can echo; The guitar tone is a little thin and too far forward, and it sounds like your playing is a little ahead of the beat. Add a touch of delay and possibly re-record to be a little more laid back. Maybe even try moving the recording of your guitar back a few milliseconds and it'd match up better. The snare is also pretty weaksauce. The original bridge section was pretty awesome and definitely should be kept, but there needs to be more interpretation of the main theme in order for the arrangement aspect to pass. You've got a great start, but it needs to get to the next level to pass. I'd definitely like to hear this tuned up and bit and resubbed though. No, please resubmit
  9. The sound effects at the beginning had weird breaks in them, so it's like "trickling water" then it suddenly (and not in a natural way) cuts to the thunder sound/explosion. It seemed like the whole section could have been cut without any issues at all. Generally if there's something that can be removed from a mix and it wouldn't be missed, it should go. I thought the snare sounded over compressed, and I wasn't a fan of how the track built up. It exposed the weaknesses of each sample and how vanilla they were, especially that plain sounding bass. It was also super mechanically sequenced. :/ The good news is once it got going, the sounds meshed together really well, and there was a cool vibe going on. The instruments were well chosen, and once the bass wasn't the only thing going on, it blended well. There was a little bit of low-mid mud, but overall a decent soundscape, and the transitions were pretty effective. The double time section could work, but with that super compressed snare, it sounds almost comically robotic. You really need to ease up on the compression and adjust some velocities to make it sound good. There is a decent base here, but there's a lot that needs to be done. The arrangement ideas seem pretty sound, but the execution and production, as well as some small details need work. No, please resubmit
  10. yeah, 1024x768 fullscreen was like 6 FPS. 1920x1080 windowed mode? 58 FPS. Anyways, it was pretty fun playing and seeing some familiar names last night.
  11. I don't need stats to tell me that I am bad at this game. It took me awhile to get my settings right so i had a decent framerate; apparently going fullscreen on a mac is a huge dip in resources. Windowed mode was way smoother.
  12. I've been working pretty hard on tuning myself up after letting myself go pretty bad over the winter. In the last 7 months I've regained 7lbs while staying in single digit (9%, but that's still single digit ) body fat percentage. I've switched to 6 small meals a day and work out 3 times a week, each day with a different area of focus, and 25 min of cardio everyday. I have before pics, and at 12 months I'll take some after ones, but already it's pretty ridiculous the change. Thanks OCR fit club! edit: also, halt, the key is just keep doing what you can and don't let up from the day-to-day. You might do 30 min this time, and 35 next time, but if you do it consistently, the time you can handle goes up. PX90 can be intense, so as long as you don't skip days, you'll start to see results.
  13. ¡¡Viva la (chiptune) revolution!!! Lots of cool stuff going on here with some great breaks, the energy on this one is super catchy.
  14. Pretty fun stuff, I really liked the progression of this one, and the mix of instruments was refreshing. The tempo transition stuttered for just a second, but otherwise, this was solid stuff. Great rhythms, nice panning, and a good pace. Recommended!
  15. hey guys, I got this running on my Mac - i'll be popping in to get pwned occasionally now
  16. Pretty similar to the original but with some dance beats and synths. The treatment definitely removes some of the original menace that the source song had, but it makes it easier to dance to, so that's a trade off you'll have to accept. The piano is a little more rigidly timed, but the tone is better than the source, and there is more nuance to the velocities, which helps a lot. Arrangement wise, besides the beats and synths, there isn't much differing from the original, which is a bit disappointing, because the atmosphere was what really sold the original, and with the untz added, a lot of that is downplayed. Production is decent but not problematic, though I have to say it ends up sounding pretty generic by the end of the track. Nothing really sticks out, I think it's close on everything, but I think it needs a little more polish and interest to be memorable. Mainly doing something to get that malevolent feel of the original back would help, because as of right now, it's too bland. Sorry. No, please resubmit
  17. Cool textures and a pleasant feel keep this one interesting. It does feel less robust than some of your more recent stuff, but it's still solid. The sound effects are excellent additions to the soundscape, and really give it a fun and playful feel that matches the melody perfectly. The way the track evolved was pretty deliberate and subtle, but it was there. The transitions were really tight, including the near-seamless tempo boost, and my only real complaint is that the sound palate was a little too restrained. I'd have liked to hear some additional hi-fi textures in there, and some more lead sounds. Yes
  18. I thought the left hand was a little overpowering, but there were some nice ideas sprinkled throughout, and there was a lot of rubato, which kept it interesting even though it was a ton of cycling arpeggios. The pacing was good, though I did feel it ran a little long, but there was variation on the theme in subtle ways. Overall I feel this is good but not great, but it's above the bar. You've lent some additional drama to the track, and the additions are nice. My main qualm is just the overly-strong left hand playing. It was varied and finished nicely, so i'm cool passing it. Yes
  19. Pretty mellow stuff, but with some edge to it. I like it a lot, nice work. Great treatment of the source.
  20. i'm pretty interested too - the 3d seems pretty cool, and it looks like there will be a lot of sweet games for it. My one concern is that with the 3d effects built in, there may be a lack of 2d games, of which I am a strong proponent of. Good thing this is compatible with DSiWare, right?
  21. art style looks sick - I admit I have yet to finish a 3d Zelda; usually getting bored about 2/3 through, but I always have a fun time playing them. I'll probably be picking this up.
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