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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Some really cool ideas, I love how the melody gets relentless and does a lot of really interesting shifts in order to always be doing something. The samples aren't amazing, but the arrangement holds up really well, and all the enthusiasm for the track in the review thread is pretty well deserved.
  2. A really nice rendition to the song, it's like eating a delicious pizza. No one fills out the high end as perfectly as bLiNd.
  3. Some really nice ideas, but dizamn, that guitar drags things down when it plays. The arrangement is sick as hell though, and that's what keeps me interested for the entire thing. Great variation and some excellent ideas and additional rhythms. Some of the high frequencies get a little overpowering in some areas, but overall this one is incredible. Nice work, Prot.
  4. Super awesome work, guys. I love the anthemic quality this has, and the attention to detail is stellar. The shuffle section was great and then it got super epic at the 3 minute mark. I love it. <3
  5. this is gonna be awesome, I would have never ever ever considered the track I got, but I think I can make something really special. <3 to you guys for running this. <3<3
  6. I'm loving the timpani and hand drums, and the little details all through this one really make it nice. Production can only get better from here on out, and the arrangement is excellent. Nice work dude, welcome to the remixer club.
  7. http://www.sonicspot.com/sequencers.html
  8. Pretty excellent stuff with a great mood and some very nice touches. I really like the string wells about halfway through, and the transitions are very well done as well. A really nice melody presented in an appealing way. This is really pleasant.
  9. Some of the higher end frequencies were a bit harsh, but the arrangement was pretty cool, with a lot of personality. Almost 7 min is a long time for a mix, but it was kept interesting with a lot of cool ideas. Good stuff
  10. Really relaxing stuff, I really like the reversed guitar parts and the overall feel to this. I'm happy it got posted!
  11. Added the mixer list to the first post.
  12. Read the judges decision on this track to see how I fight for justice against the evil Swedish menace! :3 Very solid track, and some awesome ideas, especially those gated pads in the high end. Very cool effect!
  13. Got confirmation from Meteo today- he definitely wants this one pulled, and a lot of his profile info removed.
  14. SFX weren't really doing it for me, but there was a good energy to this one. I liked the synths, but the drums seemed a little weak to me. Nice breakdown and good transitions, this is a pretty solid track.
  15. This is really peaceful and beautiful, with a great middle section. The ending drags a little, but I was really feeling this one overall. This mix is a great lesson to me specifically that less can definitely be more when it comes to arrangements. Oftentimes I get so caught up in creating my own musical filigree that I forget that you can create something amazing with just some basics. Great stuff.
  16. I didn't frown while listening to this, so I guess that the advertising is legit. I think the string stabs are a little slow on the attack, but this is a really nice rendition to a theme I have spent countless quarters "dancing" to. Beats sounded good, rapping was passable, and the synths were nice. The transition into the modulation was excellent, and I really dug that double triplet in the drums; it really caught my attention. Nice work from an awesome mixer.
  17. The track starts out pretty basic, but the shift in style is well handled, and it's a pretty cool and groovy rendition of the theme. Nice feel to the epiano, and everything clicked pretty well for me. It's cool that this whole mini-project came together so fast and it looks like everyone had fun. Win-win, in my opinion.
  18. I don't have any tech support advice for you, but I can offer encouragement. I really hope you can get things working so I can see this. Voicing your characters is an awesome idea that makes it extra unique.
  19. I can believe that Nario can do all this; what I have trouble comprehending is how fast he completes everything. Super awesome work, dude!
  20. Super oldschool Nine Inch Nails feel to this, which i'm certain has been mentioned about 9001 times already in this very review thread. Very cool sounds, and i'd totally fight some demons named kumbaya and rastaman. Very good track that has held up very well.
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