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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Greg has the ability to make anything he does sound 'cool', and this track is no exception. Usually some cool beats, some orchestral hits and backing synths, and plenty of style go into the mixing pot, and come out as a sophisticated and edgy song. I really like the pacing and the interplay of parts on this one, and I recommend everyone to check it out.
  2. Ah, the platonic(??) love between a boy and his mudkip is truly something wonderful. It's a pretty standard halc sound, which is good and nice, and the 2 sources are very pleasant and nice, but I want moar! Besides the inherent pleasantness, it doesn't feel like you are really trying to expand, and maybe if you don't, that's cool, but mixing it up a little and trying new things is fun! I know the halc fans and also his mom will love this song and listen to it a million times, but I feel you've reached a level now where you should try to make a track that really stands out from your other work. Maybe do an arrangement and see what it sounds like if you can get some musicians to play the entire thing live? Maybe something with all high-fi samples (blasphemy, i know ). I want halc 2.0! Otherwise, good arrangement, and halc production. Good use of sources, and I like your haircut. Yes
  3. Cool source selection, catchy and well written - Yuzo Koshiro is the man! \m/ The production was decent but not blowing me away. There are no real issues with it, and the balance is good, but the sounds used, and the transitions and effects are very vanilla. You gotz to spice it up! The arrangement was also really basic, and stuck too much to the source. There were some sections where the beat dropped out, and there were some breakdowns and minor alterations, but for the most part, it was repetitive and very very close to the original. You'll want to check out the WIP threads with this, and work specifically with expanding and interpreting the source. I think the production is fine as a baseline, but you'll need to take a few risks to get listeners' attention. Keep at it, this is a decent foundation. No, please resubmit
  4. I think this was covered pretty well by the first 2 votes. Source is strangely arranged in a way that doesn't feel cohesive or even recognizable in some parts. Part of the issue is the ridiculous reverb, which is covering everything and then some. About 10% of this amount of reverb is needed, if that. The whoosh and other song, I don't even know. I recommend hitting up the WIP thread and getting some tips. No
  5. Finished the story mode last night, it was a pretty fun ending. I've been going around the world checking out places that weren't accessible before, and doing quests and grottoes. So far the best map I have is a level 45 one, and i'll try it tonight.
  6. Remixer Name: Strider Yoko Real Name: Dustin Cubit Email: dlkcubit@hotmail.com User ID: 940 Game: Ristar - The Shooting Star Song title: Dancing Leaves Platform: Sega Genesis Composer: Tomoko Sasaki Dancing Leaves OST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CYz8kE9IIY&fmt=18 Remix Title: Fiesta Amongst the Trees Dustin Cubit aka Strider Yoko- guitar: Main Melody, Solo 2 Scott Inumerable - guitar: Rhythm for Melody, Solo 1 Marco Lopez - guitar: Rhythm for Melody Ryota Machida - Rhythm for Melody and solo section Nikko Nobleza - guitar: Main Melody Jon Polansky - electric bass Fernando Gomez - drums Etienne Argoud - timbales Soran Dalawi - percussion Justin Grinnell - Band Director/Arranger Alternate Links for Download Band Website: http://www.justingrinnell.com/afrocubancd/ We are all college students with the exception of Justin Grinnell who is the Professor / Band Director for the SouthWestern College Afro-Cuban Jazz Ensemble Halfway through last semester we had only rehearsed 4 songs out of 8 for the end of the semester concert. We were in need of some tunes to play and Justin had asked me earlier if i had wrote anything playable for the class. I took up his request and started a basic preliminary arrangement of Dancing Leaves. When i first played this game back in the mid 90's this was one of the tunes that made the score stick out for me. I was a sucker for any jazz tunes in a game with a walking bass line. Ive also been a video game arranger for 10 years so I always keep my ears open when im playing a game. Dancing Leaves I thought had a great melody to fit the Afro Cuban style of Jazz. The the arrangement I came up with was very basic. I wrote it all out in Finale which is a music notation program. I hit a few snags and I couldn't figure out the harmonic progression during the bridge. My preliminary arrangement also had a harmonized melody but it was scrapped due to our bands lack of a brass section. Justin did some amazing things with the arrangement and it became a total new one. He fixed the Bridge and added some flavorful hits. Also my arrangement contained all of the original melody and by hearing the tune some of the melodic passages were well above our playing level. So he shot for accuracy over virtuosity. The Final Lead sheet ended up being 4 pages long! which is not what I'm used to seeing in non Big Band Jazz. We performed the tune in concert and at toward the end of the semester we were told some disheartening news. Justin announced the the Afro-Cuban Ensemble was going to be cut next semester. The good news was that he wanted to plan a recording session and cut a cd using the band trust fund. He also wanted to use the CD as a presentation to the SWC Board of directors to show them what they were going to loose by cuting this class. On Dec 9 2009 we recorded Dancing Leaves and 7 other songs at Studio West Located in San Diego. It was a great first time experience for me and some of my fellow Band/Classmates.
  7. ReMixer Info: Sacredfire059 Alex *REMOVED* [i'd prefer you not reveal my last name] sacredfire059@yahoo.com http://soniccentral.forumotion.net/forum.htm Song Info: Sonic the Hedgehog 1 Sky Base Zone Act 1 The Game Gear version of Sonic 1. I've always really liked this song. I know this most likely isn't gonna get in on the first try but I'm submitting it for criticism. I used all FL9 Core instruments on purpose; it was originally for a challenge on the Newgrounds.com Audio forums. But I figure if I can polish it, I think I'd die if I eventually got something on OCRemix. Thanks for your time! source:
  8. Remixer: Gario Real Name: Greg Nourse E-mail: Clay_nourse@yahoo.com Website: (n/a) User ID: 22898 Song: http://www.box.net/shared/o22g2j6ceq Game Arranged: Final Fantasy VIII Song Arranged: Man with the Machine Gun Composer: Nobuo Uematsu System: Psx Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2vpqd9gKXk (NOTE: If this is not accepted, for any reason, I would appreciate it if there was a link to my mix in the rejection thread - I don't mind cutting the link from my end if I get too much traffic... It's always helpful for people to hear a rejected mix and understand why it was rejected) Alright, time for another submission, out of the blue. Get this, there were three Laguna remixes that popped up in the WIP forums in the span of a week or two, and I thought it would be funny to jump on that band wagon and throw a fourth one out there. In the short period of time that I spent on the song it came out incredibly well, so I spent about a day to touch up the mixing and mastering and send it your way. The mix leans on the conservative side, but I believe there's enough spice to keep it interesting. It's bouncy, catchy and is true to the theme of the original. I haven't had this much fun wit a mix in a long time, so I hope that shows in this song. And don't mind Laguna in the background - he wanted to give it a shot (from his machine gun) and lend me a hand (grenade) while I was writing this, and who am I to tell him no?
  9. halc (23301) Drew Wheeler 'My Friend Mudkip' Pokémon Sapphire Sources: Dewford Town, Surfing ***please put this on project hold (Missingno Tracks) Comments: i mak a song about my mudkip i hop u guys liek it lol sources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAJZq1qDE4c
  10. Remixer: Willrock Game Remixed: Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past Source Remixed: Dark World -Remix Name: Transient Shadows Source: (like you guys don't know this one already ) Comments: This all started off with listening to lots of zircon music, and listening to the awesome sound he gets out of his drums. So I heard that he layers lots of different samples together to create a powerful drum kit, which I do on occasion, but this time I tried layering more stuff down and got a powerful drum sound which was the foundation for this remix. Emunator deserves credit for naming the remix (took him about two seconds, wish I could name things that fast) Hope you guys dig
  11. Arrangement = Amazing. No question there. Samples = Underwhelming and exposed. Also no question. There was pretty obvious care put into the lead trumpet sequencing, and some of the passages really worked pretty well. The higher register is where it got a little dicey. The nylon string guitar was uber fake though, and with it so prominent , that is going to be an issue. The marimba and synth were passable, however, so it's not like every sample is too low-fi. Some of the small details like the claps could easily be altered to sound more realistic and would give this more depth and character. I think hitting up the WIP forum for some assistance with samples would really kick this over the edge. Also, finding a live guitarist for this would be absolutely incredible. THe part is pretty difficult, but it might be something to consider. Overall I love the track and the arrangement, but the samples are a little too high of a hurdle to clear right now. If you'd like, hit me up with a PM and I can assist you further. No, please resubmit
  12. I really enjoyed this one, but it's in some definite need of some editing to give it more direction. It started out really strong, but just lost direction in the second half, and ended up too long by a few minutes. The journey was really pleasant, but the focus you had the first half evaporated. The mix needs to keep that focus. Production was really nice, and the playing was excellent, you just need to trim the fat. No, please resubmit
  13. I generally prefer music live, but there is something to be said about a really well layered cd. it's basically comparing Atmuhs to Oranges.
  14. Dude, this is *SO* not psybient! The psybient genre is defined by it's textures and very subtle beat; I hear a pretty damn prominent snare, instantly disqualifying this from being true psybient, and don't get me started on the organ and string sounds. This sounds to me more like psy-halfdub with some ambient elements. It totally pisses me off when people mis-categorize this stuff! You are doing your listeners a disservice with this blatantly incorrect labeling. Of course I'm joking, nice mix, dude.
  15. this mix could have just been the soloed synth lead with nothing else, and i'd have strongly considered yessing this. The only thing that brings this down in any way is the reuse of sections and the canned beat. The breakdowns are transcendent though, and strongly compelling. Excellent work for a debut!
  16. It sounds like your basses are behind the beat ever so slightly at the beginning. Once the song picks up, it's matched much better. Overall I really like the piano-centric take on the theme, and the percussion really does have a Pirates of the Caribbean feel to it. The trumpet is pushed back pretty far (and I actually didn't even hear it until the 4th listen through), but it's playing a supportive counterpoint part, so it's not as crucial. The arrangement is a nice surprise, as i'd assume that the source would fit best into a rock or other straightforward arrangement, and this re-imagining is very clever. My only real complaint with the arrangement is that i'd have preferred an epic ending, but this still does pretty well for itself. I thought the anvil sounded fine, just like it was being hit on the horn. Clearly Deia hasn't had the amount of anvil-tappin experience I have had, or she would know this. I like it a lot! Yes
  17. We had an awesome time at Otakon trading maps. I think overall we averaged around 70ish people canvassed there, and while most people didn't have maps, and the majority of people had the starter map, it was a lot of fun seeing people come to our inn.
  18. A (mostly ) platonic <3 to you, dude. I hope you start boot camp just after MAGfest, so we can rock out one last time before you turn into a complete badass.
  19. Mitsuda has pretty much moved into the producer's role for a lot of stuff and has a stable of composers that he manages. He'll drop in from time to time to do a track, but he's mostly busy with running a business, it seems.
  20. oh you went there ...well played, Rama... well played..
  21. I really enjoyed this track on the project, and the cool percussive bits and the upbeat nature of the track are really pleasant. Amy sounds great, and the lyrics are really cute. A great track with a lot of character, be sure to check this one out.
  22. A really nice treatment of this one - It takes a pleasant and innocuous melody and serves it up with a lot of cool additions. I really liked the breakdown with the bass synth and the hand percussion; it was a great touch and sounded pretty sweet. Overall a good mix, I enjoyed it a lot.
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