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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Sad, my top 10 was all JM's stuff too. Now the world will never know.
  2. As soon as OCR blogs are enabled i'm doing a top 100 remixes countdown of my personal favorites.
  3. No important characters join. The game is all about you and your friends saving the world, which is something I've really missed in RPGs in the past few generations. I love naming my characters and adventuring with them. My only regret is that you can't give them beards, so Stevo can't be in my party.
  4. Really cool take on the source, it's got a bit of a mazedude vibe to the synths that I really like, and some nice backing elements that give it some additional class. The production and sound choices are all solid, no issues there. Arrangement is pretty close to the source, though. A lot of instruments are changed, and the feel is distinctly different, but the synths, and main melody and structure are kept close really similar. There are some extended passages. It's a tough call, because it's clear that this isn't just a sound upgrade, as the flow and build of the track feels a lot different. The breakdown helps this was well, but still it's cutting it close. Production I dug. The strings didn't sound realistically articulated, but the intent wasn't realism, and they provide a very interesting texture. THe beats are good, and everything balanced well. The only possible issue is those strings, but i feel they are clean enough and used as more of an effect. Overall i've been thinking on this one for the better part of a day, but I feel that it's a well produced arrangement that is unique enough to pass, and the fact that it's a great source track doesn't hurt. Yes
  5. Parts seem pretty conservative at first, but each time I listen to the track I notice nuances that show depth, and further connections to the source in what I first took to be original sections. The playing throughout is really nice, and I love the super subtle drums at the beginning, and the groove is really nice. Production is clear and clean, but has real atmosphere to it. Very well done. Classy and understated. I really enjoy this one. Yes
  6. I've unlocked the Ranger class but that's it. I'm having a lot of fun, and I haven't done any multiplayer yet, but I will soon, hopefully. The story is the typical basic-but-charming DQ fare, and that's cool with me.
  7. I was pretty hard on judging this, because I know what cthonic is capable of on a macro scale, but this is still a pretty awesome track. Great arrangement ideas with a lot of little mini-cameos of the themes, and a wide soundscape make this a pretty enjoyable 4 minutes.
  8. Beautiful and moving. One of my favorite mixes i've heard on the site in awhile, and considering the quality of the last few tracks, is pretty meaningful.
  9. I hope they shamelessly rip off WoW so the game is more playable than 11 was. No word on my beta status yet. ;_;
  10. Some cool moments, and some nice chugs, but I kindof felt this one is half baked. The trashy junk kit sounds very cool and has some nice parts, and the intro in general was great, but once things got moving, the sound was pretty muddy, meaning nothing really punched out. The breakdown helped give it some character, but otherwise, I was left feeling that it needed more polish. Sorry dude. ;_;
  11. Gets a bit off track of the Ice Cap theme for some way extended solos, but I was generally jammin, so i'm not too put out.
  12. The compression is crazy, but damn if this isn't a ridiculously powerful track. Everything works so well, and it makes me want to absolutely destroy my car speakers. Well played, sir.
  13. This is the perfect song for a Friday. Halc, we can be good musical friends.
  14. nice acoustic guitar on the intro track - i didn't know you played, dude.
  15. Switching earlier is better than later, though eventually you can just do whatever. In the grand scheme of things, 20 levels isn't that much, especially if the rest of your party can carry you through easy mode stuff. Fighting level 20 monsters levels up n00bs fast.
  16. Great lead synths all around, and melodically and harmonically one of the most cool and interesting mixes Anosou has done. The modulations are seamless, the arrangement is fresh, and the source is classic. I didn't even mind the SFX. Nice work, Sir Swede.
  17. Easily my favorite track Rozo has done. I love the drum and synth combination, and the feeling this creates is extraordinary. At 6 minutes it feels a little long, but I have no problem endlessly looping this one. Great work!
  18. Nice rocking stuff, it sounds very good. Good pace and and I like the synths chosen, it reminds me of late 90's, early 2000's doujin sounds, and i'd consider that a golden era. Nice work dude, keep improving.
  19. Great rock track, Awesome dual guitar leads and some nice transitions. Nothing but \m/ from me.
  20. The original Final fantasy. It was one of the first games I played that had a very lyrical approach to a lot of the melodies, with memorable melodies. There are a lot of games that had very recognizable music I had played beforehand, like Mario and Zelda, but FF1 was the first game that really made me pay attention, and the first game where I just let the game sit and I'd read or draw while listening to the music.
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