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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Great vocals and though some of the mixing levels weren't optimal, I was definitely rocked by this one. Really cool ending, and the track flows really well. Pretty nice stuff overall.
  2. Holy shit this is incredible. I never thought the source was anything special, but this is exceptionally dramatic and emotional. The super drawn out build was very well done, and everything really clicked. I'd love to hear this performed live, as the dynamics would be even more pronounced then. Very awesome stuff.
  3. Pretty classy stuff, with a nice soundscape and the snare at the end was a nice touch. I definitely hear the Dale North and Matt Pollard connection, though the drums were a bit more bombastic than what they would do. The arrangement is short but sweet, and it's a good original song to cover, easily the best track in SMB64. No reason to not check this one out, It's good.
  4. I just got to the end of chapter 11 and I am having a lot of fun. I did a bunch of missions and got some cool items, and have started to figure out how to upgrade my gear. I unlocked an area with some chocobos so I can ride them around now too in the big overworld area, which is sweet, and they can dig up presents. Overall, things are really cool. I can see why some of you don't like the story, but for me it's pretty good.
  5. I know DJP has made a lot of mixes, so I've definitely missed a lot of them, but I can really feel that this one is something special. This was just what I needed today, thanks.
  6. Pretty good stuff- I think the original music is a really difficult to do right because of how repetitive it is, but there are some great additions to this. I actually think that the treatment to this melody would be better served on a more interesting source, but it's still a great listen, with some solid transitions, and some well-deserved breakdowns of the source. If you love that star power theme you won't find anything better than this one.
  7. I think there is a slight disconnect between the bass and kick and the orchestra, but I really like the feel of this, and both elements sound good on their own; they just need a little more glue. I personally would have rocked out a gated synth, but that's pretty much my solution to everything... The piano break was excellent, and I liked how it picked up at the end. Overall not perfect, but it's really, really good. Nice work.
  8. I was feeling it until the lead guitar came in. Sorry dude, but i think Dhsu's comments are pretty spot on.
  9. Nice stuff, it is really good background music, and manages to maintain interest for the duration of the track. I think the more laid back but still engaging take on this is the way to go, as anything more intense would get to be a drain after 8+ minutes. Changes and additions are subtle but focused, and the source song itself is one of the few songs that could hold up to this sort of extended riffing. Good stuff.
  10. For a resub, you'll need to do a lot of EQ cleanup. I can help you out a little bit with some production pointers, but you'll need to focus on the crits that the other judges have with the track.

  11. FF13, WoW, and Duels of the Planeswalkers. Once I finish up FF13 I want to play Cave Story. I hear it's good.
  12. I hope whoever gets my request this year actually mixes it. XD I'm excited about this.
  13. Alucard? Heh, I'd rather have Grant Dynasty. :3 Not that you need me to say that this is super awesome again, but this is super awesome.
  14. Yeha, that distortion is no good. The beats added are pretty cool, but they are so reverbed, it really distracts, and then after the transition, it's a totally different kit. I don't quite get the reasoning behind it. It sounds like you are still getting used to your setup, and show some promise, but need a little more work. One thing that you have going for you is a great ear for excellent melodies, because your source track selections were sick, and for adding a new paint job to existing parts, but you'll need to go a few steps further. The transitions were pretty weak, and didn't tie the songs together very well, and the ending seemed to be a little bit random as well. I suggest sticking with the original drum sound throughout the mix, and just tone the reverb down. Adding that to the tightening of the arrangement and making specific choices on sounds and notes to use to help move the track along, and you'll be in good shape. I strongly suggest spending some time hanging out in our WIP forum to get some additional pointers from other remixers to help get things moving. No
  15. One of my favorite Stevosongs, I'd totally have given into the temptation of adding castanets and a bunch of hand percussion that the track wouldn't need, but he's kept it pristine with just guitars and interesting rhythmic and harmonic choices. This song is like a level up! Only 95 levels to go!
  16. An excellent rock track, with some great harmonies, and I love that solo. I hope you do a lot more mixing, Luhny!
  17. Cool arrangement. The source is skirting really close to 50% though, but overall the song has enough connection to the original for me. Some parts felt really liberal, but things flowed overall, and the second half was utilizing small motifs and the chords. Some J's might be cool with it, some might not; just a heads up. Production was decent, but slightly overcompressed and could use eq cuts around 250hz and have 50hz and below rolled off. The beats were decent but not mindblowing, except for the glitches at the end, which were excellent and really picked my interest back up when it was starting to wane. Unfortunately, after they came in, I was expecting it to go out with a really big finale, and the ending was interesting, but somewhat anticlimactic. I think a big, powerful ending is the way to go here. Some of the synths and sounds used were really good, but some seemed very plain and thin, and the mid-range pads that were panned in the breakdown section were pretty lifeless. I think upgrading these samples, or adding some extra modulation would keep the song feeling alive. It's all little things, but over time it adds up. I suggest trying to add some more melodic source in the second half, to make it completely obvious, clean up some of the EQ so it's not being as compressed, and fixing those synths, and we are in business. No, please resubmit
  18. There's a great source selection here, of a song i'd never had heard otherwise; thank you for introducing me to this track. The arrangement itself is strong, interesting, and varied. I really like the direction taken on the source; The flow was great, and the ideas were well-executed, but the production was a bit problematic. Right out of the gate, the flute sample had some realism issues, with hard, static attacks. It needs to sound more natural, with different velocities that don't all say "127". Later on the same velocity issue was compounded with the pizzicato strings, and also the piano leads. The timing was also pretty mechanical on them, and could use a bit of humanization to feel a little smoother. Otherwise, the sounds chosen are good, and they mesh well, though the lead synth midway could use some more depth and some eq to make it less brittle. I'd tone down the frequencies at 2kish and slightly above to make it sit a little nicer in the mix. Nothing drastic, but it'd help. The separation of elements was well done, with a lot of good panning choices, and varied switches on the melodic instruments. Finally, the compression overall is a bit overpowering, as the song is being pressed super hard. Definitely ease up on the levels. One way to keep your current volume without crushing eardrums would be to cut several elements very tightly at 250hz, and rolled off on 50hz and lower. Bass for sure, and possibly pads and melodic instruments as well. This has a ton of promise but needs polish in some of the production execution, and some minor EQ smoothing. The arrangement is great, and the vision for the track is really good, it just needs to be cleaned up and sound more human. I really like the track and hope that you take the time to fix it up so we can post it! No, please resubmit
  19. Production and arrangement-wise this is easily some of your best work, but damn is that source song bad. It works really well with your style though, and I think you've really improved upon the source. Something like this is really hard to judge, however, since the source is more like a single motif repeat with a lot of droning, and a brief B section. The progression builds up, but it retains the menacing overtones, even when it shifts to a busier it's foreboding. The ending is subtle too, but seems to be a bit more than just getting bored with working on things. Production is pretty clean, though the snare sounds overcompressed, and the samples you've used gel well together, and the sfx used help complete the mood. The arrangement ambles all over the place, but it's a pretty natural extension of the source in that regard. Nothing strikes me as being glaringly out-of-place. I don't especially care for the remix, but that's probably mostly due to the source. I think the remix itself is pretty well done, but this may be an uphill battle on the panel. Good luck! Yes (borderline)
  20. The samples aren't blowing me away by any means, and some of the mixing is a little off (the low end seems a bit lacking), but the arrangement in itself is pretty hot. The added spacing in the chord rhythms is excellent, and really drives the track. I wish the kick was a lot more punchy though- it's is exceptionally weak right now, and the track could easily go from good to great just with that change alone. Really I think the arrangement is completely amazing, but the execution could be a little stronger. It's a pretty even race, and I would really love for it to be revisited with a much stronger kick, but even with a few weaknesses, the arrangement carries this. Yes (borderline)
  21. Cool concept, but the production is exceptionally thin. The drums sound like they are about 2 inches tall, and there are a lot of frequencies being ignored completely. Otherwise, there is just a lot of overly basic sounds being used, that are a bit too one-dimensional. This lofi style can definitely work, but you'll need to put some additional care into how you present your sounds. Check out some of the work by AeroZ or halc for a ton of great ideas of making lofi samples really sound awesome. No
  22. I think Larry did a pretty good job of describing this one; there are some pretty distinct ways to improve this track in both the production and arrangement side, but it clears the bar. I think cleaning up some of the mud would help, and a few of the melodic alterations were a little weird, though some of them were very effective. Transitions were solid, and the beats and backing instruments were all instruments. The original writing in the segues was pretty nice as well, and the instruments chosen fit together well. I wish the lead synth that played during the breakdown section had a little bit of modulated vibrato, but overall I am comfortable passing this track. The title seems like a throwback to 2000-01 to me, which I find pretty charming. Yes
  23. the question isn't whether or not this thread is a good idea, the question is if it's the best idea. So far it seems like it. SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!
  24. Pretty charming intro, and it works for a bit, but Vinnie is dead-on when he says that it's killed be repetition. It stays really sparse for the complete duration, when it should be more filled out. The arrangement also could use some additional personalization beyond just simplifying the source. No
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