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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I love the arrangement on this, and the progression, as well as all the ornamentation, but until it got layered sith some claps I thought that snare was pretty weaksauce. ;_; Synths are rocking as always, nice filtering and general sound selection, and once layered, the snare sounds good. The transitions were always exciting, and though the ending just sort of happened, I was definitely feeling this track overall. It's seeming like 2010 will hopefully have a strong chiptune presence as long as the three amigos of AeroZ, halc, and Willrock continue to fight for justice! yes
  2. I love this remix- congrats to both you guys, and thanks for taking the time to let this one really shine!
  3. ReMixer name: Cristian 8-bit Real name: Cristian M. Goulart website: http://fit.faccat.br/~agressor/batman? user id #: 30667 Submission Info: Name of game arranged: Batman: Return of the Joker Name of songs arranged: Level 1, Title, Intro Composers: Naoki Kodaka/Nobuyuki Hara/Shinichi Seya System: Nintendo Entertainment System Year: 1991 Own comments: No comments Source: http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/batman-return-of-the-joker-.html 1, 2, and 4 of the .nsf
  4. Some fun and bouncy synth-pop work here, with a nicely developing beat, and some uber filtered leads. Cool bassline, and for being an older track, it clicks pretty well. The breakdown with the panning synth that stutters all over pretty much makes this mix. Very cool stuff.
  5. Though some of the synths used are pretty generic, there is some totally awesome syncopated and panned percussion that really gives this a cool hook. When you consider that the original is pretty much just some cool diminished chords, it really personalizes it. Really chill stuff, and even though I am a big fan of the source to begin with, and this is basically just some stuff on top of the original, I can dig it.
  6. pretty standard stuff, but it's energetic and has some cool touches. The hard panned percussive swishes at the beginning were especially cool. The variation throughout with different styles of beats was pretty cool as well.
  7. The orchestral touches are a nice addition, but some of those main melody brass attacks are super slow- not really feeling that aspect. The harp was really nice, and the strings and percussion as well. The supporting brass worked well too, it's just that lead stuff. Dynamics were good, and everything was clear and balanced. Overall a really nice mood though, and though there are a lot of similarities to the source in structure and mood, this one does take a decidedly different approach. I'd say the arrangement is expansive enough to pass, and though the main brass bothers me, I don't think it's bad enough to go with a no or conditional vote. So while this one tends to walk on the conservative side, there is enough personalization and expansion for me to pass this. yes
  8. Catchy stuff. I think the real strength of the arrangement is that it would be a good track even without all the PW material, and the transitions are solid. I really enjoyed this one. Nice work guys!
  9. in before the vikings win the super bowl.
  10. Some sections very mechanical, especially those staccato pan flutes, which stand out even worse than the strings Larry mentioned. Things are saved by the great percussion and the synth work, but it really is something you should take a look at. Basically, it's the only real weakness in the mix, but it gets more glaring with each listen. The arrangement ideas themselves were cool, and a very fresh take on the theme. Props for that, and the instrumentation itself was cool and inspired. I gotta agree with Larry here. This is still passable, but I think you've gotten a good enough grasp on your game at it's current state that you can kick it up to the next level, and humanizing your organic elements is a great place to start. yes
  11. definitely an interesting listen, with some cool ideas, but yeah, it is harshely underdeveloped, and lacks cohesion. The first step to improve this would be to add some additional instruments; maybe some pads to give a legato backing field for all of the textures to inhabit. Keeping some dedicated percussion throughout would also help this gel, and a proper ending is never a bad idea. no
  12. Besides a few points where the bass felt a little too cheesy GM, this was nice stuff. A good flow and a cool take on the source. Production was solid, though I will echo the too much reverb sentiment. Nothing that kills this, by any means, but I think it'd be a little stronger with some elements dried up just a little. Also, that ending was pretty weaksauce. The rest of the track was jammin, so the abrupt ending was a bit of a buzzkill. Still good by my estimate. yes
  13. I love this source. Just sayin. The midi guitar sounded super gross overall, and though the rhythms it was playing made things more interesting, it really grated on me. Texturally, everything else I was feeling. Things were going along well, but as time went on, it just got more and more samey- and when the acoustic guitar came in on the right side, it sounded like it was playing in a different key. Arrangement was really similar to the original, but a little less guitar centric, and a little more dancey. I'm not sure it'd be different enough from the original, especially since the original had a lot of interesting cuts and breaks to keep it from getting too plodding, and this arrangement is more straight up. Production was slightly crowded in some parts, but still above the bar, but the combination of the repetition overdose, the rhythm guitar sample, and that acoustic part being in the seemingly wrong key, I gotta no this one. Having a more defined breakdown section, and the 2 guitar changes would make me revisit this vote. It's a good track for sure, but it's not quite there. no, please resub
  14. melodic alterations are in the () Your fingertips (mov)ing (gent)ly to my (heart) (The force of) life goes on and on (The song re)mains like a (haunt)ing melody (Of an)gel music held in chains. And (so) I ask you *[so is not in the original source] Can we ease the pain of those (who) lost Can we know the cause of (all this sorrow) Can we catch the tears of a broken world Falling down u(pon the) earth, (falling) down. *[the actual entire line is up higher than the original, but the direction of the melody is the same) The waves of time take me deeper into you (A haze) as blue as summer skies (And turn to) find the key (won't) unlock the door *[changed from will not] (This brok)en bird away it flies. And (so) I ask you Can we ease the pain of those (who) lost Can we know the cause of (all this sorrow) Can we catch the tears of a broken world Falling down u(pon the) earth, (falling) down. *[see above]
  15. Arrangement works for me, I like how things were cohesively combined to make it sound like a natural single song. It's cool how it flows from the different sources, and it had a great feel throughout while still working as individual sections.The ending could have been slightly stronger, but it's clear that some care was put into the last part. Production was clean and deep, and my synth bias very appreciative of your lead sound choice. No real issues here. Overall, I dig. yes
  16. Beautiful source song, and one of my favorites. <3 This one really walks the border for me, as the arrangement is really cool and creative, and there is the distinct source sandwich, with a more liberal middle. Production is clean and balances through out, and so the only really sticking point is the arrangement aspect of the middle. A lot of the chord style remains through, and the talkie synth is sortof KK slider-esque, but other than that, it's a bit of a stretch. Stopwatch-wise, you are in the clear, and the source sections themselves are sufficiently arranged. I do wish there was more source in the middle section, but I am comfortable letting it pass as-is. yes (borderline)
  17. I was generally feeling the arrangement here, though Vinnie was correct when he said it was mostly a sound upgrade/medley. There were a few moments of personalization, with some solos and some chord changes, as well as the metal shift. Beyond that though, it's pretty much at cover medley status. You've got a good start, as there are a lot of backing chord rhythm changes with the gallops and such, but a few more minor melodic alterations would do this well. It's walking a fine line right now, and just tips a bit too much into the conservative side. I also agree that the transition into Iris's theme was a bit sloppy and could definitely be smoothed out. Guitar playing was solid, and the drum patterns were interesting and varied. Props there, I'd love to see this live. \m/ Production is in need of a little tune up, as the Compression is smothering, and the mids are a little overhyped. Depending on what you are doing with your master channel (i'm guessing a limiter), something as simple as reducing each track's individual volume by 3db or so would help it not be so smooshed. I'm of the opinion that EQ should be a last resort, and oftentimes overcompression colors the sound a lot on it's own. I wouldn't do anything to the mids or anything until you fix the compression problem, in order to not throw things off balance too much. Overall I think you've got a good start, and the Atma Weapon project sounds pretty sweet. The main issue right now is production, OCR or not, and just a little bit of arrangement tweaking if you wanted this to get on OCR. As is, it's a rockin sendup of some of my favorite Lufia tracks, and I hope you revisit this to give it the polish it deserves. no, please resub
  18. Production was pretty solid on this one, nice clear acoustic passages, and well-thought-out rock. Good panning, and some punch. Over the bar in this aspect. Arrangement is also interesting and cool, starts out nice, and then hits a solid groove , with some great panning and effect-laden guitars. Breakdowns and transitions were all great, and the solo section was sufficiently rocking. Everything felt cohesive and cool, and the sounds and production style all complimented each other. No surprise this track placed so well in DoD. A great collab, with your natural styles complimenting each other very well, and a lovely mix. yes
  19. yeah i didn't recognize any except for starcraft, which is a totally great idea, Terran and Zerg have some great motifs that are sprinkled throughout some really long arrangements. They'd be perfect for remixing.
  20. i think the production is fine as well, I'm not sure if Larry's listening setup was messed up or something. Production was over the bar in my estimation. However, the arrangement is exactly the same as the original, and basically it's a very nice sounding audio upgrade. I definitely enjoyed the track, but there was almost no recognizable arrangement to the source. no
  21. An awesome source, and a pretty reasonable way to arrange it, but Larry does bring up some good points. Treble is definitely over hyped, with that gated synth specifically- either filter it or EQ it down. Claps are a little too piercing as well in the higher freqs, and the snare when it comes in too. The opening piano treatment was good, and the sound choices overall I was feeling. It could use a little more variation and personalization in the melody, and what would really help accomplish that *and* make it sound better in later sections is to make some of the notes more legato. Some of the later repetitions of the melody with a synth doubling it an octave down so plinky, it's distracting in a not-so- complimentary way. Also, the beat tends to get a little too boring, so perhaps mixing it up a bit and adding some fills would be an interesting avenue to explore. This would also help by making the textures more exciting and syncopated. That's a lot of text above, but overall this is a really strong start, and with a little polish, this will be a killer track! no, please resub
  22. Exceptionally excellent. I love the guitar and drums, and the keys lay a great backing. Super smooth work, I love it.
  23. Great stuff, A very good arrangement, by Kennith, though near the end, I don't think the repeated phrasing of the "my child" line was as elegant as it could have been. Otherwise, great work turning a shorter source into a cohesive track. Justin does his thing here, and everything sounds nice. The only thing holding this guy back from some hugely epic emotive sequencing are his samples. They get the job done nicely, but I think that's what's holding him back now- his chops are certainly up to the task. Deia is really the star of this track, and no offense to some or her earlier work, but it's like 2 different singers. I honestly didn't know she had it in her, and this is easily her best vocal performance yet, though it definitely won't be her best ever. Keep on pwning, shawty.
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